Id Plllllzzzzzz


The markings on the bigger snake looks like a garter, but ours are a beautiful bluish green. They eat frogs and toads. The smaller one looks like a red rat. They eat mice. Mine son had one he raised from 1 foot to a good 5 feet. It was an escape artist. Fortunetly, we had a cat that usually found it for us. Except, or the last time.


Staff member
Find a nice place away from people and traffic and let him go. I can assure the snake will much prefer that to a life in captivity.
I have 3 large pythons myself. I can't let them go, but if I could I would. Mind you, I love my snakes.


Little snakes like those will actually be best with like crickets and small frogs. Thats wat they eat in the wild, so maybe u outta feed them that. I got plenty of crickets in my house if u need em, lol. They drive me NUTS!Light sources hekp, as well as branches to chill out in, water dishes (like, big plate size ones) and little caves to crawl in. A light is allright, but garter snakes dont need THAT much light cuz theyre in the forest most of the day, and god forbid they venture into a field to get light and get nabbed by a hawk. No, not much light at all. Good find though. Say they were in yer pool? Chlorine didnt mess em up, did it?


New Member
:scared: :scared: :scared:
Oh holy crap!
In your swimming pool!
I would never be able to swim again.
That's cool you like them. I wish they didn't but snakes scare the hell out of me. Actually, that's Hell, with a capital H.
(I actually had to back away from the computer just to get through this thread.
:rolleyes: I'm a freak. I know).


Active Member
ive had a stupid deer in my pool, i dont no wut the hell it was doing in there, but i walked out and chucked a ball at it and it got out



Originally posted by fishking
ive had a stupid deer in my pool, i dont no wut the hell it was doing in there, but i walked out and chucked a ball at it and it got out

I threw an apple at a deer this morning...