ID This Micro Please


I bought my tank and refigium but I'm not sure of what kind of Micro (I think this is the right term) this is. Any ideas???
Second part is that I only have a hair algae problem in the micro cluster. I'm buying a phosphate test kit and more cleanup crew for the refigium so I hope to figure that problem out. BTW I have no algea anywhere else in the tank.
Is there a better Micro to buy???


Well it has to be a good Micro sicne the guy I bought the tank from used it in his Refigium for years.
I checked the Threads and I didn't see a good enough picture to confirm that is was Bryopsis.
Anyway my qestion wasn't if it was good or bad but what king of refigium plant it was. The prolem is that I have a small amount of hair algea and only in the micro. Sicne they are similar in form it is hard to trak out the hair algea without ripping out my micro. I rather take a bounch out and buy a new micro.
Anyone have a preforance???


if it was in a refugium the I believe there's a caulerpa (yeah I can't spell it) that looks like that. I think I found it while searching under feather algae...


Thanks Bang Guy. So with my hair algea problem that only is aparent with my caulerpa and no where elsein my tank, is there a better micro to get??? It has been doing well for me so fare but I would assume not so well for Phosphates(actaully I don't think a refigium does anything for phosphates if I'm correct). I already ordered a phosphate test kit so I should know soon what the deal is.
P.S. It was my miss understanding that "Caulerpa" was only one king of micro. Can assume that there is many and they look different?

bang guy

Many look very different. They are "Macro" algae. I say that so you can do better searches.
I'm growing very fond of a Macro called Chaetomorpha aka spaghetti macro algae.


MACRO not Micro. Thanks for the heads up.
So should I get ride of my otehr MACRO (hair algea and all) and start with Chaeto? Like I said this is the only area where Hair Algea grows for me. I will be getting a po3 test kit in the mail very soon as well.


Thanks BangGuy. You answered my question in Fishman77's Thread. I'll try just pulling a lot of the overgrowth out with the hair algea.