ID this worm


Active Member
I found this nasty on my toadstool. Found 2 actually (i am sure there are more). I tried researching online to figure out what it is, cant find anything. They are spiky looking and about an inch long. Much appreciated :D
sorry for the blurry picture

p.s. - i hate this new setup of =(


Well-Known Member
Hi, is a bristle worm and it's a good guy. I think this is one of those, somebody will answer but nobody did sort of things. What is it exactly that you don't like about the new set up of SWF?


Active Member
Oh, well, I took them out lol. They look mean. lol.
as far as the new setup goes, it is harder for me to upload pictures. It used to be so easy, now I can't just paste a link I have to do another step. And appearantly I am lazy cause that bothers me, lol. The friend's option is gone, and you have to have your friends follow you on twitter. i HATE twitter with a passion. I liked being able to go to my friends list to send someone a message. now i have to go back and look them up through old threads. I don't know, it's just confusing to me.


Well-Known Member
LOL...I accepted so many friends but that was all. I said I would be their friend then that was it, they were added to the list and I saw their little was collecting them or something.

I'm sure you have enough bristle worms. If you don't get an answer fast when you are concerned about a critter it is best to err on the side of caution and get it out.

I really like the new picture upload. I go to my computer and find the pic..double click and it loads right up, nice and big enough to see too. I suppose it’s impossible to please us all. Searching for a link prevented me from allot of uploads of pictures because if I can’t see the picture I don’t know which one I want.


Active Member
yeah, I took it out and had it in a glass bowl. But since I didn't get an answer quickly, i just dumped it down the drain.

I didn't have many friends, lol. But the ones I had I talked to. I will get used to it, I am just crabby this week.


I don't think those are bristle worms. I've never seen any that look like that. Google bristle worms.

bang guy

There is no doubt that it's a Bristleworm. I do have a doubt that it's a beneficial worm. It has the charastics of on of the very few coral predators. Unfortunately the Genus name is escaping me at the moment. I'll get back when I remember...