Just got a rock with christmas tree worms. I noticed this morning one of the "holes" was empty and this thing was at the bottom of the tank. Little "hairs" on it and moves very slow. Couls this be the worm?
Pic 1 looks like some type of cucumber. 2 looks like sun coral? Not quite sure. 3 is a type of sponge. All are harmless...I think and shouldnt cause any problems.
! - ???? could be some type of Cucumber
2 - ? I would guess some type of ahermatypic Coral that's not feeling very well. Take a pic of it at night after it opens up.
3 - This is a skirted Keyhole Limpet.
1 - Reef safe (if it's a cuke) I'm really just guessing
2 - If it doesn't send out feeding tentacles in the middle of the night then either it's dead or I haven't a clue what it is.
3 - I'm definite on this one. Keyholes mostly eat Algae but they sometimes scrape the top layer of skin off of leather corals. This can damage the coral if done too often.