Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Ok I know I need to upgrade filtration so I was wondering if there was a problem getting a used skimmer? I want to get a UV and a canister going with the skimmer for filtration. I will upgrade around Christmas because that's when I will most likely get some money, LOL.
Also what would the order need to be for my stocklist?
-Foxface(already in there)
-Blue Hippo Tang
-Sailfin Tang(already in tank but wouldn't mind getting rid of if I need more room)
-Dog Face or Porcupine Puffer
-Niger Trigger
-Eel (zebra or snowflake or fire coral)
Mike - it seems like your stock list changes frequently? I think what you will want to do is figure out what the tank size will eventually be that you will house these fish or future fish.
I like the stock list, but you should be careful with the eel. As you have probably read, these are very tempermental and could potentially eat everything in your tank.
I love my Hippo as well as my niger. My porcupine was one of my all time favorite (like a puppy dog). Eels are cool, but not for my tank and fish (maybe an eel only tank).
as for your filtration, I think that the canister filter and a UV would be great. They are not required as you can do the same thing with regular water changes and sponge changes.