if i got anyone upset over my feelins i am sorry



if its about the saddam post dont worry about it, its your right as an american. but i think with the way everything is going right now your not gonna get a good response. just remeber you can only have this in america.


Active Member
Apology, accepted with much skeptisism. I don't know your age, but if you are a minor, it explains why you might havespoken without thinking ahead. I also posted this where you made your uneducated comments. I don't mind your comments about Saddam, because yes, that is your right as an american. But, Davidsmith, I do take offense to you saying:
You can't judge a man from what the media says because it is a bunch of lies anyway. They can't even tell you the weather for the day.
First, I'd recommend watching what you say. I AM the media. I am a broadcast journalist at a national network. I take big time offense to that comment. The media is based on credibility, facts, and truth. The weather is predictions, not facts, or a deffinite. It is a combonation of extrapolation, radar tracking, and constant updates which could change at any second. But, understandably, people who make unresearched comments like that think weather is certain. Also, if you like a man who has factually killed innocent women, children, and men... it seems possible that you might need a mental evaluation. I refuse to "give a chance" to someone who admits to killing his family members for speaking out against him. And I don't think our commander in chief would willingly send 50,000 Americans to oust a "dictator" who is kind and respectful of society's norms. Before making comments about someone else's living, or politics... let me kindly suggest that you research your thoughts, and phrase them in a manner that, hopefully, wouldn't offend anyone at all. Now, if you just aren't educated or bright, forgive me for snapping. I feel badly for people who didn't take advantage of the free education system in AMERICA... better known as public schooling. Fortunately, everyone can.


HT - I dont mean to get off topic here, b/c I generally agree with your comments but you're drinking a bit of the corporate "cool-ade" here...
The media is based on credibility, facts, and truth
"the media", just by deciding what stories to air, and which stories NOT to air, distort (or define) "truth".
As for credibility, well, I was wide awake in election 2000 on the west coast, at about 1:30AM when CNN called MR. Bush. NOw, ultimately you were correct, but history will agree that the election was too early to call - and other netowrks followed along as the morning wore on - and then reversed, and the...well, you know - for me it showed that human error and excitement and emotion often had dramitic influence on "impartial" reporting.
Pls. dont get me wrong, I need CNNHN before my morning coffee...and I think you have a cool job ;)
You said you were b'cast --- would we know you??? :eek:
Oh, and David - free speech is one of the freedoms you enjoy and many of the other people of the world dont. Use it wisely. It is a privlege given to you by your elected govenment...but it is a 2 way street - you opened the door here - you should be able to take the heat.


Active Member
Yeah mon, it's a good time here. I love it. And trust me, before I do a report, I MAKE SURE my facts are straight. I do my best not to lie to the American public like some people mistakenly think the media does. Sorry, still a little peeved. But, am calming slowly.


Active Member
let us notall forget that tehy believe and are brought up differently than us.
Just as are sharks. Just because all they do is kill and eat, is that bad? Just pointing out that their lives influence their beliefs and feelings, whihc will differ from ours. This is truue of many topics, liek religion, entertainment and so on. AND THIS SI THE SAME. NOt a comparison of apples and oranges, although different topics, they are a like comparison.
Arguing politics here (in America) is one thng, but arguing them with foreign bodies is not even possible. They are brought up completely differnt and have completely different views. Communism is not neccissarily a bad thing, just another belief and one that we do NOT agree with here, but they do and even the lesser classes, bc tehy are brought up to believe in it. Plus let us also note that they do take care of them selves, here it is everyman for himself, in the MID EAST they also have similar practices with differnt views as well.
Lastly this is not the place for politics, race or religious discussions and any topic or thread that goes that way will be watched closely and removed if it even looks to be going bad. This si not a place for it, so we will keep it friendly and real, RIGHT?


Active Member
Ark, corporate cool aid nothing. That is my living. I started as a crime reporter in small town NC, making less than dirt for pay. Despite working for a small time station at the time, every newshound there held the basic journalistic values to heart. If that was just "corporate kool aid" reporters are shallow, and are acting like company people.
You cannot expect a news organization to never make a mistake as you, very accurately, called in the Bush case. But, that is not the norm. It is always the mistakes people dwell on. The amount of news that we air each day is stunning. Mistakes cannot be solely attibuted to us. Sometimes the wire service gets inaccurate information, and it airs. But, as a field reporter, I can assure you... when we say "facts, pertinent, honest, and journalistic integrity," we mean it. I would never have a reporter working for me if he just pretended to buy into that flavor of "corportate Kool Aid." He'd better believe it, or find another career. Because if you are a journalist, and don't honestly believe that stuff, you cannot do your job at the network level competently. And as I write this, I am sitting in the newsroom now listening to all the Trent Lott, Iraq, and the rest of the political and mid east news coming in. Which means I need to get back to work for a little bit. I undertsand many folks like to think they know about the media... but until you work in it, you don't. That is like me thinking I know about police work, or carpentry, plumbing, or business. I don't, so I don't comment about the job they do unless I research it. Journalism isn't as easy as most think. I love it, and I take it seriously. Which is why I go out of my way to report the news accurately, even to people who I know are busy saying "look at that guy up there... he is full of it." Everyone deserves their chance to get informed about pertinent stories that could affect them.
I dont want to start an argument about politics, or journalism. I just wanted to defend the media briefly. We're not as bad as people think. And if that's what some people think... go live in a cave and don't watch the news. :cool:
No worries. Everyone is entitled to his opinion.


Active Member
Oh yeah... fish is right. I like coming here to escape news and learn about my tank. But, I don't mind a little OT here and there. ITS ALL GOOD YALL. :D :D
Don't hate... celebrate.
A little heated debate is good for the mental stimulation. :cool:
Part of my animosity is just based on Saddam. I see all the horrendous things this lunatic has done and it drives me nuts. Sure, their lifestyle is different there. But, none of their cultures support the widespread fear, murders, and dictation that he forces on those poor people. Ugh. I hate the guy. He killed his own brother for talking out against him. Ewwwww. Psycho.
I'll be back... let me get back to work for a little while. Hahaha, love the overnights cause we get ALL the mideast stuff. Lata yall. :cool:


Fish - we're cool :cool:
HT - no offense intended - I have a lot of respect for the media, its not an easy job and I believe most journlaists take their responsibilities seriously.
My main point is that the "truth" is somewhat subjective. Politics isn't like math - right and wrong answers get blurry. Stories change with the discovery of new facts -- I'm sure your experience as a crime reporter would have hundreds of examples.
I've been fortunate to have the chace to travel all around the world and hear lots of different opinions --- and HT hit the nail on the head:
Don't hate... celebrate.


Active Member
Ark... you are sooooo right about truth being subjective, and that is one of the struggles we have when reporting live, breaking news. In a mad... feeding frenzy, if you will, we have to sort through all the mumbo jumbo...and pull out the right info. It's tough, sometimes downright frustrating. I believe that was what happened with Bush. The network latched on to the first fact without waiting... everyone wanted to be first. What happened was technically inaccurate, but our behinds were saved because it was truthful.
It's a tough one man. That was deffinitly a reporter error. SHould've known not to follow the herd... and check facts.
Oh yeah, ark... no offense taken at all. I like a little debate. No worries man. Geez.
I just didn't like the media being outrightly called liars by D. That wasn't nice, because I bust my chops so everyone can get informed. We're bound to slip a little here and there. afterall, we are humans.
I love everyone on this board... no worries. It's like a family, they argue and debate, blah blah... but in the end... everyone is back to being friends. :cool:
it's never gonna end. everyone has different views on the world, nomatter what the subject is. but i thought this is a message board for the aquqrium hobby. that is what it's for right? so let's all just try and get back to the fish here alright. i could go into what i think about media, wars, terrorists, and all that stuff, but i choose not to. i'm here to inform and learn about my hobby, and i think all this thread is doing is taking peoples minds away from whats important to this board.........the fish and corals. so why don't we all try to get back to the norm here, and put all this behind us. i'm not trying to sound like a d@#k, but everybody has their opinion on this, and it's not going anywhere. thatnks.


Active Member
We can keep the OT going in a sec yall, promise, but... we are BUSY at CNN right now, US soldier killed in a firefight in afghanistan, and a plane crash. Hopefully, as I sit here busting my a$$ to get a report on, this will demonstrate how much we want to inform YOU, the public. Right now, I only care about getting good info about our troops out to yall. We try hard, and that is the bottom line. Watch that shrimp man, vicious little buggers. :D


Active Member
Ok, sorry Draxx, we can get this OT going again like you want. BUT KEEP IN MIND PEOPLE... this is a friendly debate about the media now. We arent trashing them, one because I am them, two, because we don't want to start a raging argument here.
So... round 2.
Now draxx, I don't think Lott is gone because of us, the media. I think that Lott is gone because of his big mouth. He is a public figure, more than that... one of our country's leaders. He made a stupid, racist comment that he shouldn't have. If that's what he believes as a leader, he should have kept his opinion behind closed doors. I only say that because he is a public figure. It is a pertinent news story because the guy made racist comments about voters who helped put him in office. They need to know what he said, so they can make a decision on whether to remove him from his public position. Regardless that he said those things at Storm Thurmond's b-day party, it was in a publicy covered ceremnony. He should have known better. If it wasn't for us, the american public wouldn't know about his racist ideals. He is only sorry that he was exposed, not that he said those things. I did a story about the people in his hometown in Mississippi. Some, not many, of the white people supported him. Now, same town, NOT ONE african american supported him after they heard what he said. They all wanted him out. They are voters, they deserve that right. If it wasn't for us, they wouldn't have known their Senator was a segregationist, reformed or not.
Now I know many people THINK, mistakenly, that the media collaboratively skews stories, so that is all the people see. But, in reality, we report everything we can get our hands on. If you guys could see our wire services, you would see that most of the things on there are violence, war, and despising subjects. None the less, they are still newsworthy, worldly, current events. Keep in mind, we fulfill YOUR desires to get informed. If you hate what we PROVIDE you, simple... dont watch. Live in a cave and don't understand what's happening in the world around you.
Now aaron parks, you said "I think the media, or television networks definatly try there hardest to make things that are taboo, be the norm."
First, I feel that you could really benefit from the media, specifically a newspaper. I believe you were trying to spell definitely when you spelled "definatly." Also, "there" is not the correct form THERE. The posessive you were looking for is "their." As in trying THEIR hardest.
Now, the reason you see so much taboo material on the network news is not because we are trying to make it the norm... it is because it is astounding. That is exactly what news is. So, in a roundabout way, you were right without meaning to be. Taboo material is something that makes people's jaw drop. And that is where we come in as media. When people are going "oh my gosh" that means they will be talking about it around the dinner table. That is NEWS. We pick up on that, we report it. So, we arent trying to make the taboo the norm.... the taboo is quite often the news.
Now draxx, come on now man. Stone, who I know personally, is not trying to get you to agree or disagree. I am on air myself, so I can tell you not to read into the personalities too much. His head movements are simply him reading off the teleprompter and dictating when he inflects or stresses words with his voice. He is not trying to get you to think something. He is quite the un-biased person, like ALL journalists SHOULD be.
As far as watching stories over and over again... you aren't the only person we are serving. Keep in mind America is made up of millions of people. They might not all be informed at the same time, but it is still our job to make sure everyone has their piece of the pie. Also, some stories may require continuing coverage.
As far as us deciding what to air so we can monoploze what people are informed on is totally inaccurate. What you see is what you get. We aren't leaked secret military secrets or world events that we dont air. Often times, we arent given that stuff because officials don't want us exposing those things. Just like the weapons declaration. Its content has been hush hush because they dont want us divulging too much too soon. What you see, is the most pertinent information around. There is no hidden agenda. A 24 hour news network has plenty of time to report anything and everything. We just give you what affects the most people. Sure, little polly's cat in a tree might affect a small neighborhood, but we can't run that when there are millions of others who want to know why Saddam exectuted his mother and brother. Don't overanalyze the media... because often you are wrong in your assumptions. Which in turn causes very confused opinions and rumors.
Oh, and your statement about how the media should report about civil rights and all that, but doesn't... it contradicts your statement about Lott being ousted becuase of us. The core of that whole story is a civil rights issue. We report it. In turn, we are reporting about people's civil rights. Maybe you didnt hear strom's quote from his presidential platform in 19-48. He said" All the government, all the army's bayonets, them combined cannot force the negro into our home." That is sick. That is what Lott supported. That is the opitomy of civil rights. So, that nullifies both of those statements you made. When a cop beats someone, when there are pertinent trials... civil rights. And we're right there. Ability to feed and educate children. Maybe you didn't see the many stories being done about how there are double the numbers of parents on unemplyment lines this Christmas. See, folks shouldnt criticise the media if they don't really know what's going on around them. Maybe you should watch it more before you say we don't cover things we do.
See, you all know the saying... "walk a mile in someone else's shoes." Until someone on here works in news, and produces news, covers news, whatever... they really shouldn't criticise the effort, or hard work someone puts into it. That is like me telling someone, oh you don't serve those fries correctly. In my opinion, you need to do this, this, and this. That would be horrible of me. I have no idea why that person does it the way they do, or what efforts go into doing it that way. It is not my place to criticise something I, in reality, know jack squat about. Sure, everyone is entitled to their opinions, like nightshift says, although he doesnt like this posting, so dont read it, but people shouldn't form those opinions without knowing what the heck they're talking about. Because honestly... you're just speculating, unless you have experience. People think they know so much about us on air journalists, when in reality, they dont know jack. They like to think they know what's going on without really being involved in it.
I'll tell you what, tell me how you would organize the latest middle east stories... what would your focus be? How would you cover it? What would your lead be, why would you take it that way? When do you inflect, stress, or say certain words? What is news to you? What do you want to see covered that we dont? How would you stack your 30 minute show? What soundbites are fact, which are conjecture? What gets you sued, what doesnt? I want some people to tell me how they can form these opinions about the news business by merely being a viewer on their couch at home. Ever been in a newsroom? Ever worked out in the field as a reporter?
I've never been a plumber... so I don't tell one he's using the wrong tool just cause it looks a certain way. For all I know, I am just talking out of my a$$ to sound like I have two cents worth of knowledge in my hollow little noggin. Research. Backup your facts before you attack. Because if you don't... just like the person who says they know everything in this hobby... youre only fooling yourself.


Active Member
There is such thing as overplaying a story though. I quit watching CNN a while back after 9-11. I have nohting agiainst journalists, I think we do need them to keep us informed. The problem, People get tired of hearing the same thing over and over. I know I do.
The whole Lott thing is getting a bit overplayed. He has apologized numerous times and yet it is still on peoples minds. The reason, News organizations are in such a ratings war to get there station to the top they keep harping on a dead dog. He made the comments, apologized and they were not accepted. Move On. Just like the Bill and Monica. Man that was ridiculous. It was like a circius was in town and all were fighting for laughs. I know he cheated and lied, all politicains do, it's part of the job. So why do I need the details of a cigar for my neighbors kid to hear about.
The "media" Had somehting on the air the other night about violient games being bad for kids. But, 10 minutes later, I saw video of tanks being blown up and people laying dead in the street. Do I blame the media for violence, Nope. So "they" are quick to point ot a lot of other problems, yet have no problmes hiding their own.
Alot of what we as Americans hear is Propaganda. I mean, thats really what all news is. You get your info from a source, they get it from theirs. Somwhere there must be someone with a whole lot of info just spouting it all out. The Govt lets us know what they want us to. Nothing more nothing less. The whole Sadam thing is another one. I think he is an evil man but there are a million other people who think he is great. Yet, the media, in general, is biased against him because we have our own way of life that is not like his. If you don't think your biased, guess again. Right now your biased for the media and I am playing the against side.
The "source" you get your info from is only going to tell you what he wants to know.
But you know, without the media, we could not have this debate at all. We would know nothing to debate on! Thats what makes this country great. But than again, thats my opinion!
I like watching he news. Only I do it in moderation now.
There are always 2 sides to every story, sometimes they are both right. It all depends on who you ask.
P.S. I am not bashing you, as most of my friends know, I can argue both sides of a coin and never agree with either side:)


I have to laugh when people criticize or put down the media in the U.S. I've traveled a bit and seen what they consider "news" in other countries. Sometimes ranging from 2-3 channels with the owners of the stations being the state. As far as the media replaying the same thing, it's the same as a hit record being played over and over on your favorite radio station. If it sells then why not take advantage and if you don't want to see it change the channel. It's your choice. I am for one happy about the Lott coverage. It gave me information about who he is and what he stands for.


Active Member
Oh no worries wamp, I know you arent bashing me. A lot of people have misconstrued opinions about the media. I dont mind being on the defending end of a debate. it makes it more interesting being the only "authority' on the subject around. I only mean authority subjectively since no one else on the board is in the media... that I know of anyway.
I fully agree with you about overplaying some stories. As a matter of fact, some of us sit in the newsroom and say... why this again? But, that is the producers tough call. While the layperson might not want to see the same story... it might be relevant for someone else. We have to cater to them also, because it very well could affect their business, life, persona, etc.
As far as Lott, him apologizing is NOT the end of the story. The whole point to that is whether he is an effective, unbiased leader supporting those comments. It might not affect you... but his constituents are directly affected by it. They vote for him, they put him in office, they decide if he leads well. As you see, he resigned as the Senates GOP leader. That is a perfect example of why we shouldnt have stopped after his apologoes. That was a very much ongoing story. You will see it fade this week though, since the new DEVELOPMENTS. Developments being the key word as to why we cover certain stories so much.
On the cigar thing... goes hand in hand with details. Your neighbors, or any kid for that matter, usually doesnt watch CNN. The typical viewer for Headline News is 18-43, Midwestern Male with a college degree. As a responsible adult, parents should know what is on the news. It is up to them to shield their children if they dont believe it is good for them to watch. So, the video games might be bad, but we never said the news was for children. Children usually dont decide the worlds fate, adults do. And they need to see that stuff. As an adult, you know war is happening, you know what we're going to show.
And as far as Saddam, I really doubt millions of people think he is great. I have been to Iraq. Most Iraqis live in fear of him. They say they like him out of fear. He is known to abduct families in the middle of the night, never to be seen again. Sure, people can think he is great if they want to. But it is a fact that he has murdered innocent women and children, even his own family members. He killed the former iraqi leader in a coup to take power. If there are millions who like him, sure, that is there perogative. But, if you like a man like that, you're no friend of mine. I know you said he is evil though, so no worries.
And the media is NOT biased against him. It probably didnt occur to you that we havent mentioned him in years until Bush started declaring weapons violations against him. We report the horrible things he does... maybe that makes us look biased. But, in reality, it is his own actions reflecting upon themselves. And acutally, the media wouldnt be biased against him because it is not their way of life. Quite the opposite. He often only lets approved journalists in. Many of the ones we use are Iraqis. Most are from the bureau in that region. It is the only life theyve known... and thats why they report the attrocities. To tell the rest of the world about them.
And no, your summary of why the news is in a ratings war is also inaccurate. News is in a ratings war because the Nielsen standard of ratings has revamped its policies with the advent of several new 24/7, abstract news networks, such as Headlines. They are in a ratings war to secure their audiences before they commit to a certain network. News is going in another direction as far as writing style, shooting style, presentation style etc. It is a competitive time in news. The three major networks have lost ratings on their "nightly news shows" to other entities. Thats why the ratings war has happened.
Anyway, I cant type more now. My wrist hurts. :D But I could lecture all day long on this. Thanks for the comments and thoughts yall. Lets keep it going. I dont take this as bashing at all. I take it as an opportunity to show people how the media REALLY is, and not just what they BELIEVE it is. It is like Lotts racist attitude... it was learned, not necissarliy truth. Rock on yall. :D


Active Member
Good point striker. The media in foreign countries is ACTUAL propaganda. Many governments own the news stations. In turn, they tell them what to air, lies or not. Americas media is the best in the world. That is why is plays everywhere in the world. Many foreign places, people refuse to watch their own news because they know it is BS. CNN is played in the Czech Republic for goodness sake.
Good point on Lott too. Shows a concerned citizen being grateful that the media exposed a truly BIASED PUBLIC LEADER for what he is. Bad man. Bad. :D And that is a personal opinion.


Active Member
I am not in the media, but have studied it extensively as my degrees are in politcal and international communication. Our media (news, movies, TV shows etc) are propaganda machines just as other societies are. They are set up to tell us what the norms and the taboos of our society are. This is why are able to continue to be a "society". We believe that our freedoms and rights are the absolute best way to live, that our society has it right and when we have those who cross into the taboo's of this society we will strip them of their power (supposedly). When the newscaster delivers the news on CNN, or any other American news station, yes they are reporting from their sources and those sources information must be filtered through our propaganda machine. Usually those sources are western sources that have experience living as a westerner in another culture.
The term "walk a mile in my shoes" is accurate. As humans we only have the ability to communicate based on our field of experience. If we have not experienced being born and living our life as a muslim in Iraq then we can not understand or report accurately the beliefs of a muslim in Iraq. So we send our reporters over to the malls of the middle east to ask their students if they like Saddam or Osama and they say yes they are great men. Then we air this to show our nation how brainwashed, naive and ignorant they are. For goodness sake, how can a muslim in the middle east say Saddam is great while standing outside the local KFC? We show their female students talking about how cute Osama is and we are amazed they can think this way. Well their students are raised on "their" propaganda and this we can not understand. If we would really ask that we research before we speak, then my local cable station would offer the middle eastern news stations as an option for my viewing and my decision making. Heck, I'm lucky if I can get a BBC newscast on PBS. Of course, if I had the opportunity to see it, I would still filter it through my "societies" belief systems and not theirs. Now, here's where it gets tricky. Are they naive or are we? Who had the ability to inflitrate another society, to the point that they were able to board our airplanes and bring down the WTC? Who continues to use even our court systems and our liberties against us? Who continues to allow this to happen? Are we really hearing from our media what we need to know? How far behind these "ignorant, misled people" are we in the ability to understand other cultures? How many of our 2nd, 3rd or 4th generation "middle eastern-americans" are infiltrating their societies and actually learning what is going on? When do we as Americans get the chance, through our access to information, to begin to change the filters that we look at the rest of the world with? It's a new, different, complex and dangerous game we play now and I have grave concern that we are not given enough of the right kind of information to make the proper decisions. In the meantime, the democrats have rallies at funerals and the republicans have leaders making racists remarks at birthday parties and the news coverage is EXTENSIVE. Why? Because in our society that we can understand. Kind of makes me long for the days of the "red menace" At least we knew who the bad guys were then. Now it could be our next door neighbor.
Enough of a rant for me, I'm going to clean the tank now.