Yes yes, many good things here. And many good points. I can honestly see why some people think the things they do about the media. Often times, it is the person delivering the "message" that gets crucified. In the real world, media, anything. However, that is not always an accurate judgement. It is tough to see why organizations do the things they do without really seeing "behind the scenes."
So, before I really get going, I must reply to the only comment I took as snide on here. And draxx already called attention to it. No need to delete the thread, as this is the only rude thing I have seen, but I am capable of responding. Aaron parks says:
"i think that the media is the most corrupt organization that exists. they will tell flat out lies. right to your face and they believe it also. the media only reports on what it is allowed to report on. there is someone up there that says "no way we cant let that go on air". so the media is always one sided. and CNN is definatly agianst my beliefs. but then agian im a christian. not an athiest homosexual."
Wow. Not only is this immature, and vindictive, the statement couldn't be more wrong. My only conclusion is that it was spoken under the influence. If a journalist "flat out lies to your face," he gets fired. Plain and simple. A journalists integrity and credibility is ALL that he has. His entire reputation is based on that. If you are caught in a lie, or misrepresenting a story... you are immediate history. Your public could never trust you again, and neither could your boss, or peers.
Secondly, yes, in a roundabout way, you were right without meaning to be. We do only report on what we are allowed to, because, we can report on anything and everything. If it is newsworthy, and we can back up the facts, and verify the information, we will report it. So, in a backwoods sort of way, you are mildly correct.
Ho hum, thirdly, CNN does not support "beliefs." We are neutral. I am not as you put it an "atheist homosexual." Actually, I am Christian like you. And you should capitalize your religions Aaron. It's ok though, we'll chalk that one up to the moonshine. As a matter of fact, I am an Italian Roman Catholic. And I am by far a heterosexual. There are too many beautiful women running around the CNN Center to be otherwise.

While CNN has a wonderful policy about employing anyone, and giving them full benefits, I am not homosexual. So in turn, you just trashed yourself. We are both Christians, and I work at your enemy. However, I do not think I am on the same intellectual level as you. As for everyone else's post... yall are getting my brain working overtime.
Let me say this to Demosethnes: For 15 years old, you seem to have your head screwed on. That goes to show age isn't a factor on smarts. You made some good points.
Now, Bush is deffinitly an oil man. I personally believe there is a hidden oil agenda to his Iraq conflict. But, I would never take a story like that. However, the reason he is worried about Iraq right now is not because they might PRODUCE weapons of mass destruction, it is because he, and the rest of the permanent UN security council, believe that Saddam HAS weapons of mass destruction and has hidden them. They are worried that he is so mentally unbalanced that he will use them at the drop of a hat. Part of the problem is, Saddam has been connected to Al- Qaeda. That is partially why he was targeted before N. Korea. Bush vowed to fight terrorism first. This is part of his War on Terror. Now, we will probably deal with North Korea. The reason we arent now, is because of terrorism, AND the destruction associated with another Korean War.
The South Korean president told Bush about the reprocussions another "forgotten war" would bring. The joint chiefs of staff have estimated that more than one million americans will die in another Korean war. Part of this is because Seoul, which has a huge american population, is directly in the crosshairs of North Korean artillery. They would begin dessimating as soon as they think we are attacking. Also, we really can only tackle one thing at a time. There is not enough UN backing to chase down North Korea yet. ANd N Korea hasn't posed the threat Saddam has. They admit to maintaining a Nuclear Weapons Program, but they don't threaten and hide behind it. Also, they are not a top UN priotrity because they are "passive." They are a threat though, and we watch them. And will continue to monitor them, covertly, and openly.
So, in turn, we are not biased. We go on what we are given. I can tell you first hand, I don't write my stories by saying "hmmm, hahahaha, how can I take this from the GOP standpoint?" I write it by saying "hmmm, how can I tell both sides, in a concise, easy to understand manner." When dealing with these type of issues, that's not always easy. Sometimes things seem like the US is biased, but, the US is a controlling superpower.
Now, for Arkman and the rest of the ratings folks: Ark said "if it bleeds it leads."
Essentially, that is kind of correct I suppose. But, that's only because y'all, the viewers, want that. Well, not necissarily want it, but you eat it up. And when we see something that yall eat up, we air it because that seems like what you want. Now, unfortunately, violence might also be pertinent. I mean, war is no fun, but, it is necessary to air. Keep in mind, it is our sons and daughters, brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers, over there fighting, getting shot, and blown up for our future. Personally, I want to know about that. Gruesome or not, it is our job as citizens to care about what they are doing 12,000 miles away.
AND KEEP IN MIND: There are hundreds of journalists risking their a$$ overthere to bring you this news. If yall knew how many journalists get killed, or taken hostage, during wars... it would astound you. But we keep going back, so you, the viewer, can get that information.

Biased, no, crazy, yes.