i dont know if anybody live in the new york area but the reason for this great post were cause of my views that the people of this board didnt like. well anyway i see that i am not the only person that feels that way and i read this whole post and it is great . now the thing that bothers me is that this weekend i went to ground zero better know as 9 11. i work there that day and lost a a few freinds and it was sad u can see the bottom of the building were i used to get off the path train at . i was sitting there and there were people telling kids stories to i guess there little ones that have passed away. also a guy drawing the place. i was very quite there and i never heard it like that . it felt very weird like tehre were people every were but couldnt see them like ghosts. when u stand in front of the wtc building 1 if you look to your left there is another building there with black sheer sheets covering it and if you look good half the building is still torn apart. and as i stood there i thought about that day and how scary it was. and a freind of mine work for a security company there and was eating at the windows of the world and thats were the first plane hit he called his dad and was talking to him he said he couldnt see anything butit was very windy the dad told us that when he was talking to him he was telling him to go to the stairs and all of a sudden the phone shut off that when he look at the tv and the building fell. i cant see how people can just all of sudden be so strong because of a thing like this. everyone is all toghter . but it takes a bulding to fall for everyone to notice were all the same no matter what color we are are what god we trust.and know a man who rund our country is fighting for oil and starting a war . but instead he should be trying to prevent this of happening again . i could go very much more into it but i feel the way were are going about our selves as americans is all wrong and we need to change that. i hate hearing about people that are racist and dont like the other person cause of there god and color i am with a black women and she is beatifull and i am half spanish and irish. so i know that it will never change but if we as people could teach our children these things we wouldnt have to live in fear . and for the person who said i was young and iggnornant trust me im not young and not ignorant i work for johnson@johnson as a international account manager and i deal with people around teh world everyday. well as of that everyone have a nice holiday and a safe new year