If I was rich.......(look at this tank!)


he has to be an engineer.
only an engineer would be soo... uhm...
well... you know....
but wow!
I'll say it again....
I want to be him, after I'm Heffners Son (my lifes aspiring dream).


If you check the credits he has a bio. He's actually a retired screen writer/photographer. Worked on Married with Children, so he's definitely got the bling bling.


that is just insane.
I cant wait to finish my basement, i would like to put a 100gal long in the wall like that.


man if i had a digital my casino has this aquarium hallway that you walkthrough and its semi-circled so the only thing thats not filled with water is the floor.
Freakin cool must of cost a little under a million(canadian) black tipped shark and 2 hge green morays and a whole buch of other fish


He was on the Married with Children special on E! They were interviewing him in front of the tank during the special. That is cool to see it come around.


I like what he says here about a Cyno outbreak. I noticed that when I added my refugium, that was about the time my cyno outbreak began.....hmmmmm.
"And finally, I’ve come to the conclusion that it was the refugium that introduced the first real outbreak of cyanobacteria the main tank has ever had. This was a real battle to eliminate through constant water changes, siphoning, and carbon, but we’ve finally got it under control without resorting to chemicals. To help reduce the chances of reoccurrence, we have stepped up the water movement in the refugium considerably."
I would like to know if he had a cyno outbreak in the refugium also. I do not have cyno in my refugium, only in the main tank.
Think I will email him on this.
If any of you guys ever go to minnesota......check out underwaterworld at mall of america.........it has some of the coolest saltwater displays I have ever seen
THey have a gulf of mexico tank.......it has tons of sharks in it........turpan and stingrays.
Its cool cause one of the sting rays and turpan have a relationship.......they do everything together
but the coolest thing is there rainbow reef............I cant even estimate how big it is but it has the nicest Tangs I have ever seen...........HUGE yellow tangs
Gotta see it


Active Member
man what a lucky guy. I wonder how much he spent for the set up! man thats crazy! that site is great, but it needs a video:D


I cant imagine the price on that thing. His chillers look like they are a couple of g's each. its a real nice tank, but the professional webpage makes it look even nicer.