if you could have any aggressive fish whitch one would you pick out of theses



awesome lionfish
and im not sure clown triggers are as aggressive as people say but im not sure i never kept one but i will soon


Active Member
Originally Posted by surfinusa
awesome lionfish
and im not sure clown triggers are as aggressive as people say but im not sure i never kept one but i will soon

Go to the Photo Section and under "All Lions Welcome" take a look, this will help you with your choice. Some pretty awesome lions there.......



Active Member
I love lions but for me, anything BUT the lion. (allergic to bee stings) and wanted to see if I could get a fuzzy lion but since I'm allergic to bee stings we wanted to check. The doctor said if I was stung by one I'm SOL. Unless I got treatment within 15min. Closest hospital 10min, I don't wanna deal with it. If you aren't allergic definately lion. So for me I would say puffer. Does anyone know if they make thick gloves for your arm so if he stings you you don't have to worry? I really want a fuzzy but I kinda wanna live


New Member
I had a clown trigger-he was my favorite-lots of personality and was very active all the time-he ruled the tank-they should call them King Triggers-I also had a dog face with the clown-they got along fine.The clown would get a little nasty at feeding time,and bit him if he took any food from him,but they became friends after that.


how big is the tank? If the tank is large enough a clown trigger. Volitans are awesome but when they get really large they don't move around too much.