If YOU Could Make Any Changes to Your Big Tank...


New Member
I am in the process of setting up a 225 gallon tank (60x36x24H) and a 40 g (30x12 1/2x24H) seahorse tank. It will also have a 90G. sump, a 40 g. refugium and a 55G frag tank. The lighting will be two 250W 10K XM Halides and one 400W 10K XM Halide using Diamond Lumenarc III reflectors. Along with six 60W URI actinic blues and two PFO moonlights on the main tank. The waterflow will be provided by two 6200 Tunze Turbelle with a 7095 controller and three 1" Seaswirls on the main tank. The skimmer will be the CR12-2 recirculating from Euro-reef, a Pacific Coast 1/2HP Inline chiller, and a MyReefCreations CR-6 Dual Calcium Reactor. The main pump will be a Sequence Hammerhead for the return to the main tank and two PanWorld 200's pumps for the seahorse/frag tanks and the second for the chiller.
With all that said, I would like to learn from all of you that have the big tanks, what would you do differently or what has been successful for you now that you have your system up and running. I would like to learn from you to help set up the most efficient and best home for my fish and corals. This might include things related to your stand, lighting, heating issues from lights, plumbing ideas, aquascaping ideas, etc. Thanks so much for sharing, so all of us can benefit.


Active Member
How much head pressure are you going to have from the sump to the Main tank? You could use the Hammerhead pump to feed your other tanks as well.....Is the skimmer an already done deal? I would opt for an ASM or GEO skimmer cash wise and with the ASM you could save mega cash and do the recirc mods yourself or have it done before they ship it to you and you'll still save yourself tons of cash..... Lumenarcs are sweet!!!!!!!!!!!
IMHO I would look at the OM over the Sea Swirls....I don't see any mention of a closed loop system for this setup????


New Member
Thanks for your feedback. I have heard good things about the ASM and GEO skimmer but I have heard great things about the Euro-reef skimmers. My husband gave me his "blessing" to get the ---500 Euro-reef skimmer and I think I am going to go for it. You're right, it is expensive but I figure that is one of the most important pieces of equipment and I have friends that have good history and success with these. But thank you for thinking about our wallet. ;-)
Your right, there is no closed loop system on this tank. I did not get that added to the tank in enough time and they already made the tank. But I figure with three seaswirls and the Tunzes I should be good to go on water flow. I am trying think of what other advantage the closed loop adds?
I have a 4-way OM now on my 120 gallon reef tank. To be honest, I was only marginally impressed with it. I am going to use it on my 65 gallon frag tank for the new system.
I appreciate your thoughts. Please keep them coming, folks.


Active Member
I'm not a lighting expert by any means, but your lighting seems a bit underpowered. My 210 gallon (84 inches long) will have 4 HQI's on it and still have a dark spot in the middle. (got 2 of them set up on the right side as it is...)


Active Member
I think your lighting should be fine on the tank.......Still have to say your not gaining anything by spending the extra cash on the EuroReef other than being able to impress friends in the hobby by saying you have a Euro........If your going to spend money like that why not get a winner like Deltec.........With Euro your paying for material that looks good and name and with ASM your paying for the same quality skimmer and with GEO your getting the best of both worlds and service that's good....You won't find that with EuroReef......What till you need a part or such for it.
What drum do you have for your OM? Never heard to many complaints with the units and the owner is excellent as far as help and such, and takes the time.....Maybe a different drum setup might be the ticket to give you what your displeased with?????
The deal with the CL is to get away from having PH and such inside the tank......The cost alone on the Tunzes' are enough to drive you to poor house......You could run a simple CL with PVC and loc line nozzles if setup properly and get you good flow for less then the Tunzes'; again they are sweet.......Plus you want a majority of your turnover from your CL not through your sump.


Active Member
I'll second what acrylic51 is saying about the ER skimmer..The ASM and Geo skimmers are pretty much the same and wont cost you near as much. I used an ER for years, I'll never use another or recommend them. Their customer service is second to all.
I don't know what pump ASM uses on thier recircs. I know Geo uses the same exact pump and needle wheel as ER. MY new Geo is built much better then any ER I have used or seen. I also chose not to use the Gen X pumps that ER and Geo use on thier Recirc skimmers for an Ocean runner pump. These pumps have a much better air intake then the Gen X pumps.
Everything else seems up to par..again I agree with acrylic51 on the closed loop but its too late so forget it. Did you get euro bracing and have them drilled for the Sea Swirls?


New Member
Thanks for your feedback on the skimmer but is a done deal. I ordered the ER skimmer earlier this week. I am hearing really good thinks about them and they are recommended by Anthony Calfo as well. Soooo :thinking:
Acrylic, not sure what you mean by the drum for the OM. Do you mean the sequence of the flow? BTW, why the name Acrylic? Do you make acrylic tanks? I am planning on ordering an acyrlic tank as soon as I finalize my design. Do you have any suggestions on custom tank builders besides Glasscages? I am already familiar with them. I also noticed that you live in Harrisburg, PA. I grew up in Camp Hill and get home to my parents quite often. Small world, huh.
The only way I could do a closed loop is if I run pipes down the back corners of the tank, since I did not have the holes drilled. The main tank is going to have euro-bracing because it is so deep/wide. It is 36" front to back, which I am pretty excited about.
Golfish, I did not have them drill for the seaswirls. It did not occur to me.
Alway learning!!!!
1journeyman, my tank is only 60"long and 24" high so I think the 2-240w and 1-400w MH should be enough. I also have six actinics on the tank and moonlights as well.
Thanks again, everyone for your feedback and learning experiences. Keep them coming.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bemmer
Golfish, I did not have them drill for the seaswirls. It did not occur to me.
Alway learning!!!!
I'd get on it...if you have Euro bracing your going to want holes drilles for em. That glass shouldn't be tempered...You can do it right now or pay big time later.


Active Member
...seahorse tank...
Might want to rethink the whole "high flow" setup for these guys...:thinking:


Active Member
Hey Bemmer yeah in Harrisburg Pa....said I would never move back here, but strange things happen.....Really a sucky area for the hobby. Camp Hill is about 10 minutes from me......I live just off of 81...Not any good stores in the area so makes the hobby hard at times.......
I've done a couple acrylic tanks the biggest being 6' long and really turned out well.....Do alot of reptile enclosures as well....Not big into reptiles, but seems to be popular around here
That's why I use the name......I just love to bend and flame polish acrylic all the time.......always learning new and neat tricks all the time.....Some really good people out there doing acrylic work........Check out melevsreef dot com and he'll show you a thing or 2......
The OM does have different drum models......I don't have all the stuff in front of me, but I had spoken with Paul and he gave me several different options, and I do know that you can or should use a certain drum when you first fire it when using sand to prevent wear on the drum......??? Again would have to go back and look at notes in my book in reference to that.....I take tons of notes and Golfish (Mark) gives alot of good info that has really helped me out


New Member
Originally Posted by golfish
I'd get on it...if you have Euro bracing your going to want holes drilles for em. That glass shouldn't be tempered...You can do it right now or pay big time later.

I hate to ask this but what do you mean pay for it later??? I bought the seaswirl brackets that are meant for acrylic tanks i.e. euro-bracing. I saw a few people with those brackets and they say they work well.
The glass is probably 1/8" thick so it would not be easy to get someone out to drill holes for seaswirls.


Active Member
Drilling glass is super easy if you have patience......A simple dremel and some cheap bits you can get at Harbor Freight will do the job.....I've drilled quite a few holes in 1/2" glass and it was really easy just keep the area cool with water and let the bits do the work.....



Active Member
Originally Posted by Bemmer
The glass is probably 1/8" thick so it would not be easy to get someone out to drill holes for seaswirls.

The Euro bracing on your tank is only 1/8" thick? That's not for the 225 is it? I've NEVER seen ER bracing made with glass that thin on a tank larger then 75 gals.