New Member
I am in the process of setting up a 225 gallon tank (60x36x24H) and a 40 g (30x12 1/2x24H) seahorse tank. It will also have a 90G. sump, a 40 g. refugium and a 55G frag tank. The lighting will be two 250W 10K XM Halides and one 400W 10K XM Halide using Diamond Lumenarc III reflectors. Along with six 60W URI actinic blues and two PFO moonlights on the main tank. The waterflow will be provided by two 6200 Tunze Turbelle with a 7095 controller and three 1" Seaswirls on the main tank. The skimmer will be the CR12-2 recirculating from Euro-reef, a Pacific Coast 1/2HP Inline chiller, and a MyReefCreations CR-6 Dual Calcium Reactor. The main pump will be a Sequence Hammerhead for the return to the main tank and two PanWorld 200's pumps for the seahorse/frag tanks and the second for the chiller.
With all that said, I would like to learn from all of you that have the big tanks, what would you do differently or what has been successful for you now that you have your system up and running. I would like to learn from you to help set up the most efficient and best home for my fish and corals. This might include things related to your stand, lighting, heating issues from lights, plumbing ideas, aquascaping ideas, etc. Thanks so much for sharing, so all of us can benefit.
With all that said, I would like to learn from all of you that have the big tanks, what would you do differently or what has been successful for you now that you have your system up and running. I would like to learn from you to help set up the most efficient and best home for my fish and corals. This might include things related to your stand, lighting, heating issues from lights, plumbing ideas, aquascaping ideas, etc. Thanks so much for sharing, so all of us can benefit.