
Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG
The one in the strip club? Or the South or North one?
I like both "poles". North and South. LOL. OK. Enough about "poles".


Active Member
Darthtang AW said:
I only have to do 2 things in this world. Be born and die. QUOTE]
You forgot pay taxes!
(from the famous quote: "Only two things are guaranteed in life; death and taxes)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
One thing I will say about Hillary, is that shes tough.
Republicans have been trying to knock her out of the game from the get go....
Now there scared ( for lack of a better word ) that she just might be the next President.
i think there scared they might get shot


I hate to make this my first post. But I just can't help it. If you actually believe Obama/Hillary are going to run this government fairly, You're insane.
If you actually want a canidate that will stand up for the CONSTITUTION and will fight for your individual LIBERTIES, I highly suggest you take a gander at what Ron Paul has to offer. Here are some of his views, Eliminate the IRS, Eliminate Income Taxes (He'd imposed a consumption tax), with draw troops from a country that wants to be plate fed, reduce government size, as well as free up several other key points.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTB9000
I hate to make this my first post. But I just can't help it. If you actually believe Obama/Hillary are going to run this government fairly, You're insane.
If you actually want a canidate that will stand up for the CONSTITUTION and will fight for your individual LIBERTIES, I highly suggest you take a gander at what Ron Paul has to offer. Here are some of his views, Eliminate the IRS, Eliminate Income Taxes (He'd imposed a consumption tax), with draw troops from a country that wants to be plate fed, reduce government size, as well as free up several other key points.
I see some flunkies waving his banners on an overpass as I drive to the airport. They always wave and seem really nice. I guess I'll vote for him.


Active Member
well, I'm a Republican. the funny thing is, I'd rather have Obama than Hillary but if it comes down to Hillary vs McCain, I'll vote for Hillary out of protest against the Republican party.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
If Hillary gets in, Bill will run everything.....

Bill is actually a lot more conservative than Hillary, Obama or even McCain. Bill's biggest fault was military cuts, and he couldn't do that with the current state of world affairs. with the current candidates, I would actually WELCOME Bill Clinton as president.


I would move out of the country before I'd choose either of them!!
But I think Hillary would be the better leader since she has already ran the country once.


Active Member
I am no fan of Hillary but I don't want to see Barbama get elected even by accident. He has the most liberal voting recond in the Senate but talks about bringing people together
Folks don't generally gravitate toward extremes from either side.


Active Member
I honestly dont think the world is ready for the US to have a female president . I think it will only cast the world into further turmoil . Too many nations have issues letting their women vote , to respect a female leader of the world leading super power . Weather or not she has great ideas . They wont win a lot of respect with certin nations .


Active Member
I'm not sure that within a decade of 9/11 I'm ready to vote for Barack Hussein Obama. Well, if it's that or hillbilly clinton, I guess I'm ready.