If you had your choice/ gramma or 6 line?


I love that pic Ohio! Thanks. I wish I could have both but I'm really excited about the posts for the 6 line. I went to the LFS today and placed my order. should come in on Tuesday! Yea! :jumping: Ant.
I have a question for you. Do you have any worries of him jumping? I'm in the process of buying new lights and am not sure if my current lid will fit with the new set up. I read the 6 lines like to jump.


I really like my 6 line and i have the glass tops off my tank and i have never had a prob with him trying to jump out


The Claw,
Thanks! I said before, I wish I could have both but just no room without doing more water changes and worring more about the water readings. Some day I'll have a bigger tank. That'll take care of it...well, then i'll probably still want more fish! :joy:


Active Member
Mine may eat a bristleworm if it is falling through the water in front of him....and I've got loads of pods and asterina stars at least. Not so many mini brittlestars, but I don't think they would take a whole one out. I don't think, except in small tanks, that they would do much damage to stuff like that. But I guess there is always an exception.


Ophiura, I noticed you live in Houston. I've heard you mention working with SW stores and such. Do you own a store there? My husband and son are planning a trip there to visit friends this summer. Might be wierd so understand if you're uncomfortable. If you had a store I'd love to see it and your SWF. Ant.


Active Member
No, I don't :) Selling these animals got to me, and I don't think I could ever successfully own such a store. No one would pass the test to buy anything :D However, I did work for quite awhile at Aquarium World, which is worth the visit, IMO. Quite an unusual LFS. Also I worked at the Downtown Aquarium in Houston. I'll feed you more pointers as the trip gets closer :)


Great! THanks. We love aquariums so that is a valuable tip for us. Sorry to hear about your bad experience with the LFS and selling. I can imagine though. I sometimes wonder about the people selling the stuff and the extreme lack of knowledge they have. I'm always surprised when I go in an LFS and I know more than they do, especially since I've really just started. Amazing what a little reading will do. :)
Johnny, Can you find an LFS that will order one for you? That's what I'm doing.

jonny bolt

There is 4 local LFS's near my house (there is more but I dont go to all of them), all within 15 miles or less, and I have called them, visited them, told them I want a Six Line, told them when one comes in hold it for me, etc. etc. etc.. Everytime I try to order one, they tell me the "warehouse" they get their fish from hasnt had any for awhile and still doesnt have any 6 lines. I have been trying to get one for about 2 months now, and cant get one locally. I have had Pet City tell me they would be "getting them in on Weds. or Thurs/", and then I go the next week and they tell me none came in.
It's become a project to get one!! I want one mainly because it's really the only fish remotely resembles a Striped Bass. The colors are ofcourse different, but I think the stripes are somewhat similar and I like them. I dont have the room right now for a huge 200g tank to put 7 or 8 Striper fingerlings in lol, so I'm doing my best with what I have. Maybe someday I'll have some pet Stripers that I can release into the wild once they grow :)


I got my 6 line from this sight actually i have gotten most of my stuff from this sight and have never had any problems


Wow, sorry it's such a problem for you. The lfs I go to here will order anything I ask them to. I hope it works out for you. Good luck.
Problem with ordering from this site is that you have to spend a minimum of $79 before they'll ship anything. For a small tank that can be way too much. That's why I didn't order from here. Ant.


HI! sorry it took me so long to answer! My 6 line is awesome and has never ever tried to jump from the tank. My tank is completely open on top.....no problems and we have had him for quite a while, as a matter of fact, he does not really like getting to close up..even when I feed, he likes to have the food drop a bit first....here is my newest pic of him...he is a real cutie!!


all my fishies get along....here they are....6 line is fast, so he is a little blurry here from his "cruisin"



Thanks for the pics and the advice. I WAS really excited about getting my 6 line. He's suppose to be in tomorrow but now I'm having a pH problem, I think. I checked it tonight because my macro algae looked pale and it was 7.4. I'm a little bummed and posted another link to try and get some advice. I'm going to check it again tomorrow morning, at my usual time, to see what is going on. I don't want to add a fish when I'm not sure what's going on or how to fix it. Love the pics though, thanks, Ant.


well good luck to you, I had a small crisis situation about 2 weeks ago when I thought my tank was crashing....was scary so I know how you feel...my ph was slight low so added buffer to my topoff water and it increased it like crazy and dropped the alkalinity....was strange, we increased flow of water....you need to make sure you increase your O2 flow,,within about 2 hours, made the world of difference...also did not know at the time that if you overfeed, it drops the pH, I was probably doing that a little also....but the water thing was huge for me ....I now keep one of my powerheads breaking surface even though I have plenty of other surface breaks..with filter and skimmer....try it!


Active Member
Six lines are best for reef tanks because they do eat any flat worms and red bugs ect. that can hurt corals and I dont have a problem keeping more than one. I have two and they ignor each other.


Thanks for the advice. I do have lots of water movement. I try and keep my feedings to one, maybe two a day but feed by hand and only what they eat. I'm going to check readings in the a.m. and see what's up. Will do a water change tomorrow too. Thanks for the good luck wishes. Ant.
Dogstar, nice pics too! thanks.


Active Member
That's cool! Did you add them at the same time or separately? How big is the tank? Mine is constantly watching his reflection in the tank glass and posturing...I would be real worried with another. But I've seen grammas together too and they are also supposed to beat the snot out of one another. Maybe it is havin them in a large enough tank?