If You Where Commander in Chief What Would You Do.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Ive been reading in all the different political threads here all of the different opinions and complaints.Its a debate old as American History.So I'm just curious on what you would do if you where the President of the United States of America.Spicificly in these areas.
1. What is your stance on Global Politics and Terrorism?
2.What would you do about our economy to improve it?
3.How would you change our Health care system?
4.And would you be willing to change the Constitution by adding or removing parts of it?If so what would you add/remove?
Feel free to add anything else you feel is an issue.
Please don't feel it necessary to criticize present or past Presidents.Just state what you would do.

clown boy

Active Member
I would actually get more troops over there and start screamin' "FORWARD MARCH!" We need action! We need to go over those countries with a fine toothed CANNON! LOL!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Ive been reading in all the different political threads here all of the different opinions and complaints.Its a debate old as American History.So I'm just curious on what you would do if you where the President of the United States of America.Spicificly in these areas.
1. What is your stance on Global Politics and Terrorism?
2.What would you do about our economy to improve it?
3.How would you change our Health care system?
4.And would you be willing to change the Constitution by adding or removing parts of it?If so what would you add/remove?
Feel free to add anything else you feel is an issue.
Please don't feel it necessary to criticize present or past Presidents.Just state what you would do.
Interesting question...
1. Continue to hunt down terrorists. I would also give the CIA and NSA looser reins to do what needed to be done.
2. As little as possible. Capitalism flourishes when not micro-managed by the government. I would address National Debt, option to privatize SS, look into abolishing IRS for a nationwide sales tax, lock down our stinking borders and make it a felony to hire illegal immigrants, and get a line item veto in place to eliminate pet projects in budget proposals.
3. Wouldn't. Socialized medicine does not work. There is currently a 12 week wait to see a specialist in Canada and England.... again, it doesn't work.
4. I wouldn't touch the Constitution. I would, however, work very hard at appointing strict Constitutionalist judges.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Interesting question...
1. Continue to hunt down terrorists. I would also give the CIA and NSA looser reins to do what needed to be done.
2. As little as possible. Capitalism flourishes when not micro-managed by the government. I would address National Debt, option to privatize SS, look into abolishing IRS for a nationwide sales tax, lock down our stinking borders and make it a felony to hire illegal immigrants, and get a line item veto in place to eliminate pet projects in budget proposals.
3. Wouldn't. Socialized medicine does not work. There is currently a 12 week wait to see a specialist in Canada and England.... again, it doesn't work.
4. I wouldn't touch the Constitution. I would, however, work very hard at appointing strict Constitutionalist judges.
Wow, I wish you were running for president. You'd get my vote!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
Wow, I wish you were running for president. You'd get my vote!

yes i agree journey has a good solid plan if he would run, but we would lose him here, and he is real good here...tobin


1. I would start by making border security a priority and enforcing the laws that already exist. This has direct impact on national security and the economy. Im concerned about the infleune China currently has on our economy.
2. I believe most people benifit from smaller government and are smart enough to make their own financial and economic decisions without big brother having to step in and legislate every aspect of our lives. Smaller government, fewer taxes.
3. Don't have an answer for the health care issue, am still studying the options. I dont understand why it must be so prohibitively expensive, I suppose this some how ties into capitalism.
4. Concur with Journeyman on this.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Interesting question...
1. Continue to hunt down terrorists. I would also give the CIA and NSA looser reins to do what needed to be done.
2. As little as possible. Capitalism flourishes when not micro-managed by the government. I would address National Debt, option to privatize SS, look into abolishing IRS for a nationwide sales tax, lock down our stinking borders and make it a felony to hire illegal immigrants, and get a line item veto in place to eliminate pet projects in budget proposals.
3. Wouldn't. Socialized medicine does not work. There is currently a 12 week wait to see a specialist in Canada and England.... again, it doesn't work.
4. I wouldn't touch the Constitution. I would, however, work very hard at appointing strict Constitutionalist judges.
Interesting answers.....
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Interesting question...
1. Continue to hunt down terrorists. I would also give the CIA and NSA looser reins to do what needed to be done.
1 shot 1 kill.You cant bring a knife to a gun fight. Also i would point blank ask the world community once more face to face on a individual basis "Are you going to part of the solution or part of the problem?"Their answers and actions are going to determine what happens next.
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
2. As little as possible. Capitalism flourishes when not micro-managed by the government. I would address National Debt, option to privatize SS, look into abolishing IRS for a nationwide sales tax, lock down our stinking borders and make it a felony to hire illegal immigrants, and get a line item veto in place to eliminate pet projects in budget proposals.
Agreed 100%
Originally Posted by 1journeyman

3. Wouldn't. Socialized medicine does not work. There is currently a 12 week wait to see a specialist in Canada and England.... again, it doesn't work.
In addition to that ,i would make sure that out Senior Citizens and Veterans are taken care of much,much better than currently.I think is disgraceful.
Originally Posted by 1journeyman

4. I wouldn't touch the Constitution. I would, however, work very hard at appointing strict Constitutionalist judges.
It wouldn't hurt to rid this country of some of the many,many useless and ridiculous Laws on the books now.Way to much.I would like to get back towards more barebones Constitution.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
...It wouldn't hurt to rid this country of some of the many,many useless and ridiculous Laws on the books now.Way to much.I would like to get back towards more barebones Constitution.
Well, there really aren't too many "useless" laws in the Constitution. I recently had to study the Constitution for a test I was taking and it was interesting to see how the Amendments flowed through our Nation's history. To remove them would in some part be removing a part of our history.
I agree there are a lot of useless laws in the land, but those come from lawmakers themselves, not the founding fathers.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
Wow, I wish you were running for president. You'd get my vote!

I'll get a PO box set up and let yall start contributing to my political ambitions
Of course, since I'm from Texas and support the current President I'm sure I would receive my share of hate mail as well.
Imho, the greatest issue our country faces is the 2 party system. The founding fathers never envisioned this occuring (which is why the Constitution originally called for the Vice President to be the candidate that came in second place in the Presidential election. Can you imagine Kerry as President Bush's Vice President?) I believe it was the 12th amendment that called for the Vice President to run on the President's ticket.
As a nation, myself included, we're too polarized. Granted, my side is correct
but still we are too polarized; and it's getting worse with each election.
While it's fairly easy to write a list of things I would do as Commander in Chief, the much greater question would be "how would you get those things done in the current political climate?"

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Well, there really aren't too many "useless" laws in the Constitution. I recently had to study the Constitution for a test I was taking and it was interesting to see how the Amendments flowed through our Nation's history. To remove them would in some part be removing a part of our history.
I agree there are a lot of useless laws in the land, but those come from lawmakers themselves, not the founding fathers.
Im referring to laws post Constitution by our lawmakers and not the actual Constitution itself.I happen to like it just the way it is without trying to improve on it or enhance it in any way shape or form.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Imho, the greatest issue our country faces is the 2 party system.
Ain't that the truth. We've all been reduced to voting for the one we feel would do the least damage. Voting other than Rep or Dem only takes votes that could be used for one of the two major parties. Until a candidate from one of the other parties wins they are seen as a joke. Anyone who voted for H Ross Perot knows what I mean.


Active Member
Good questions and some good answers.
As far a global terrorism is concerned, I’d continue our work in Afghanistan. I’d put more pressure on foreign governments that are known to fund and support terrorists by putting very large tariffs on any product that they might export to our country and allies, if you are gonna cripple them do it financially. Dramatically beef up our foreign intelligence and give them more liberties. Would also look at the possibility of sending Iraqi children to the US and other Western nation for education. This would do a couple of good things. It’d westernize them and when they went back to Iraq they’d have real skills and knowledge. Finally, I’d involve our western allies in all of the above and make it joint effort—it should be much more efficient to use all resources together.
To help our economy, I’d offer many incentives for our manufacturing base to stay and try to pull some of it back. I think it is essential that we retain what jobs are left and make an effort to grow that segment. I’d look at credit card companies and put a cap on what their interest rates can max out at, something like 10-12% as opposed to the mid 30’s for some people. I would not make it a felony to hire illegals and for some industries (agriculture) they’d be set a max number of illegals allowed and for every illegal worker that was over that number there would be a fine and it’d be fairly significant. Or they’d be forced to buy permits that would allow them to bring illegals in. Either way, at least the government would be making some money to compensate for the taxes they do not pay. I’d also love to work with the rest of the world to force China to stop devaluing its currency and have them set it an appropriate value. This would take away some of their competitive edge in exports and attracting foreign manufacturers and it'd slow down their inflation.
Changing the medical system is tough. What do we all really want? Well, more for less and truth be told, that is not really feasible. I’d look to change Medicare; I think the more wealthy recipients should foot more of their own bill. I’d crack down on mal-practice suits and make it a felony to file a false one. Encourage smaller medical offices to form with other smaller offices to become larger ones to cut out some of the redundancies and save money. I like the idea of medical care for everyone but I don’t feel it is practical. However, I think everyone under 18 should be provided with health-care and it should be bumped to needing college students who maintain a B average (after all, these kids are the future of our country). Would also like to see companies like McDonalds, Wal-Mart, Target, etc offer health-care at reasonable rates to all employees who work at least 30 hours a week.
Would never touch the constitution—it was written by people a lot smarter then me.