***I'm about to kill these snails***



Hey I have had these snails for a long time. I have just started adding corals.
This am I found 4 of these guys on my RPE Zoanthids Coral?? Are these guys are known for eating ZOOs???
I am about to smash them....



Active Member
They're called Bumblebee snails, and they're scavengers and carnivorous, and they shouldn't be eating zoas unless the zoas are dead/dying, or there's something in the zoas that they would find tasty.


Originally Posted by bonita69
Hey I have had these snails for a long time. I have just started adding corals.
This am I found 4 of these guys on my RPE Zoanthids Coral?? Are these guys are known for eating ZOOs???
I am about to smash them....
what did you do to the one that was eating your other snails? feed them to him haha


is there a snail that will eat any kind of coral??? ive never heard of one, i would watch them befor you kill them put them back where you got them and if they are eating them as in you see them eat them i would dispose of them also


This is what they where munching on. My Zoos are very healthy looking to me. I see no sign of dying. But again I am new to keeping corals so what do I know. I do know these guys was munching.


Know that you tell me they are Bumblebee snails, I had forgotten the name of them. This what I found.
Feeding & Nutrition:
Bumble Bee Snail Tiny is Omnivorous in feeding habit and eats meaty bits, zooanthids, phytoplankton, especially hair algae and film algae, and polyps.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bonita69
Know that you tell me they are Bumblebee snails, I had forgotten the name of them. This what I found.
Feeding & Nutrition:
Bumble Bee Snail Tiny is Omnivorous in feeding habit and eats meaty bits, zooanthids, phytoplankton, especially hair algae and film algae, and polyps.
Them bad boys are OUTA THERE!!!!


I love my bumblebees and have never noticed them bothering any of my zoos or other corals. However, here is a place (I hope this isn't bad to do, but Saltwaterfish doesn't carrie these snails or have anything about them) that says they may eat zoos: {EDIT LINK}
I have a hard time finding them in San Antonio. I'm sure someone would take them from you rather than have them die...


Active Member
Originally Posted by bonita69
Know that you tell me they are Bumblebee snails, I had forgotten the name of them. This what I found.
Feeding & Nutrition:
Bumble Bee Snail Tiny is Omnivorous in feeding habit and eats meaty bits, zooanthids, phytoplankton, especially hair algae and film algae, and polyps.
Well, that explains it....heh. Most of what I've read about them doesn't mention eating zoanthids, but it's definitely good to know.


Active Member
wow, i never knew that about bumbles...not that i like their small bodies anyways, but hey, thats a great pic of the zoos


I've got bumblebees in my reef and have never had a problem with them eating my zoas. What I have noticed is them cleaning the algae from in between the individual polyps when they're closed up.
Hope this gives you some help. I'd hate to see you rid them for no reason...


I wouldn't kill them. Give them away to take them to the LFS. Get a couple bucks off your next purchase if nothing else.

bang guy

The reason you are getting differing opinions about Bumblebee Snails is because there's about a dozen DIFFERENT snail species that are commonly called Bumblebee Snail. Some eat coral, some eat algae, one specie preys on other snails, but most are scavengers.
Snail don't change their diets so if you see yours eating Zoanthids then, well, that's what they eat.


Originally Posted by bonita69
Know that you tell me they are Bumblebee snails, I had forgotten the name of them. This what I found.
Feeding & Nutrition:
Bumble Bee Snail Tiny is Omnivorous in feeding habit and eats meaty bits, zooanthids, phytoplankton, especially hair algae and film algae, and polyps.
if thats what you found out take them out! thanks for the heads up on these snails if i seen them at one of my LFS i would have thought them cool and bought a few haha...now i would bash the store for selling them