I'm Band from putting my website


New Member
Phillyfish...I agree it is a nice looking system and you have developed a decent looking website. However your site has a link to a on-line vendor and such links are a violation of this sites policy. Please refrain from providing access to such sites in the future.

I just want to say i think your being unfair it is my personal website i think i can put any info about my system on my website, your the only board that has done this and i post on many, i see other websites that list were there lighting is from they name there skimmer were they got there pumps were they got there live rock, i've seen many website that list were they got there equipment heck it's there personal website and they have not been band from the boards like -- and reefs.org i just think your being unfair, reefers have a choice to visit my site or not to visit you have taking that away, i love this board i just won't post anymore i'll miss this place. phillyfish.

nm reef

Active Member
I am sorry you feel that way...and the intention is not to get you to leave our forums and quit posting. Policy here prohibits providing direct links to on-line vendors of hobby related products. Your website is fine from what I can see except for the link on your first page. That link is not allowed here and could be easily deleted if you choose to do so. I have a website myself and have provided access to it on numerous occassions...it can also be found via the home page icon on each of my posts...but there are no links provided.
New Mexico Reef


Active Member
Does that mean that we are allowed to post links to non-commercial or sponsored websites? I thought no links were allowed at all.

bang guy

Unless it has changed there is a paragraph in the user agreement (in bold) that states links to other sites are not allowed.
I have two things to say about this thread. First, per the swf.com forum posting policy,
Please do not post any links to any websites when using the Saltwaterfish.com Message Boards. Please do not refer to other websites or request product information from other members via email. You may lose your membership if you cannot follow these rules.
Which means yes, phillyfish should not be allowed to post a link to his/her website. However, it also means that NM reef's link to another website is also not allowed, and should be taken off.
Two, per NM reef's post,
Policy here prohibits providing direct links to on-line vendors of hobby related products.
OK, I haven't been able to find that policy, but I may have missed it, so if someone can show me where that is stated, it would be nice. Second in regards to this statement, it seems Phillfish did not provide a "direct link" to an on-line vendor. He/she just provided a link to a website which had other links to on-line vendors. (Not against policy per NM reef's statement)
So, first - technically, phillyfish - your SOL, no links. Second, NM Reef, you should remove your link to your website since it is also against policy. Lastly, it seems per the policy, hundreds of people are breaking the rules by putting links to their pictures on their websites. Granted they are only pictures, but it is a link to "any website" and is against policy. So - it seems this policy needs to be revised, and if it is revised per NM Reef's policy - then phillyfish's hyperlink should be fine since it is not a direct link to an on-line vendor.
Some food for thought.


:happyfish I can totally understand why they have policies. Liability and such. Also if they let everyone send out info about other sites that sold stuff, they would be losing buisness. Everyone should just be gratefull they created this site for us. This IS the BEST site out there PERIOD. Everyone needs to quit whining.:D -ali
Well, first off - I am grateful.
Second, (IMHO) I think it would be more appropriate to say something like, "In my opinion, this IS the BEST site out there PERIOD." I find that denoting that something is your personal opinion and not something that you're jamming down other people's throats usually gets more acceptance.
Third, I was far from whining. I just merely noting that there is a policy. From what I've found NM reef's "policy" is not only not on the same page as the first policy I found, but also contradicts action that was taken, and contradict's the first policy. Also, being a mod on another site - I think it is a little problematic to have a forum's own mod put down information that I could not find, and also have that mod break swf.com's bold typed policy.
Lastly - I need to make it absoloutly painfully clear that I am not attacking NM reef personally. I hold nothing against NM reef and have the upmost respect for him/her. I just am responding to the actions of a mod - and what has apparently occurred to one of our members - and could also happened to any one of us if things are not corrected.


I was talking about philifish really. He's only posted like 30 posts and said he's never comin back because he couldn't post his site. That's a little whiny you gotta admit. I think they let some other major players sites slide, because they are sooooo informative, and it just wouldn't be the same without them. So so what. If they choose to do that it may be a little questionable but hey ya know we all should feel priveledged to be able to have this wonderful site. I just think some squakin might make them close it down. I'm not tryin to cram anything down anyones throat, I just wanna have this site to go to for a long time to come.
:happyfish , ali
OK - I agree 30 posts and all this could be considered whiny. And yes, I have the upmost regard for NM reef, Kip, and bang. I consider them three of the more influential people when I began and grew into this hobby. My only point is that the mods and swf.com should get together and start revising these policies. For instance - yes the big players have great and informative websites. But, let's say I come along and put together a very informative website that I'd like to share. Well, not ALL of my info. is coming from swf.com, and I like to put references into my works. So I have two choices, keep all this info. from everyone here, or not give credit where credit is due. Why can't I have a nice website with all my information and have a references page to all the wesites I've used info. from. Now, I'm not saying I should post where the cheapest light are from, but say I want to make my own rock - the people that have a website that showed me how should get the credit. As long as it's not a direct link to a competitor's website, and that link isn't on my main page - it should be OK. After all swf.com will be there too.
And since we can't tell emotion, I just wanted to add this is not angry, threatening, or ill-mannered. Just concerned and inquisitive.


:happyfish I agree with you hookedonreefs on your last long thread. However it probably won't happen. That would be cool if it did though. It's just that you've gotta think about it from thier angle. That would be so hard to make sure everyone behaved on their own sites. So, I can totally understand why they don't allow it.:happyfish , ali

nm reef

Active Member
I don't consider it a personal attack and I don't mind explaining myself...even thought I really don't feel the "need" to do so.
First ...I have also read the policy as it is written.....and can provide access to it. It does state "do not post links to websites"...that is absolutely true.
However...I don't feel there is a problem with the link I posted which contains info and pictures pertaining to my personal aquarium...and a few select pics I have saved from other locations. It is my personal opinion that admin established the "links" policy as a means of preventing violations(often times repeat violations) of providing direct access to on-line sites that "sell" hobby related merchandise. Admin provides these forums free of charge to us and does not want traffic directed towards other on-line sites ... at least that is how I understand the intent of this sites policys. It is also my understanding that posting pics via the http:// method is perfectly acceptable. In addition I have asked admin directly if there was a problem with this link being posted...
New Mexico Reef
...the response was basically that they had no problem with that particular link. My personal belief...and the basis for my comments about the link posted by phillyfish...is simply that phillyfish has a link on his/her site that when clicked will bring you directly to a on-line hobby related vendor. It is my understanding that those sorts of access to on-line vendors or sources of merchandise that is hobby related is not allowed here. If posting a link to my personal website is a violation then at the request of admin I will not post access to it...but I will continue to edit/delete any links that have access to hobby related on-line vendors. I have sites saved and have posted them here from time to time that contain excellant information and experience on a wide varity of subjects. I have no problem with posting a http:// to access them...but none of them have a connection to any on-line vendor.There are numerous other sites that I would like to post access to...but they have links to on-line hobby related vendors and that is definitely prohibited. So I don't post access to them.
Bottom line is I may be violating policy...but its my personal understanding that using http:// to post remotely saved pics...and http:// which provides access to personal websites with absolutely no links to sites in competion with the host here are acceptable.Links with info/descriptions/experience but absolutely no links to on-line vendors may also be allowed.
Basically tome it comes down to courtisy and common sense. The business side of SWF.com provides these forums for free public access...and it would be very rude to use this forum to direct visitors to other sites that may offer the same products and service as the host here. I may be blind...and I may be old...and like I said ...I may be dead wrong...but to me its just not right to provide links to on-line vendors. There was a time when I first registered here that the bottom line absolutely "was" zero links of any kind. In time admin did lighten that strict position and allowed limited links...but...and this is very critical...members took serious advantage of the change in policy. As a result of numerous problems with members providing links to on-line vendors admin once again felt the need to seriously restrict allowable links. I may be dead wrong in providing access to my site...and I may be wrong in saying http:// links to pics are fine...but I do know this....if my two "allowable" links are acceptable...and members continue to provide access to on-line vendors...then admin "will" absolutely prohibit "any" links of "any" kind.
Now ask yourself...do we really want absolutely zero links? Also ask yourself...is it too much to ask to simply "not" provide links to on-line vendors...and possibly if there are no violations of links and if members respect the position of the owner of this site then maybe...just possibly...we that have no intent to provide direct access to other on-line vendors ...may possibly be allowed to link some sources of photographs and information.
Wow...thats sayin' a lot for me...but since it became a issue I thought I'd stick "MY" neck out and explain "MY" position.
...and yup my position may me wrong...but as mentioned I have discussed linkage of my site with admin and I have been assured that they have never had a problem with my personal website. At the same time I am totally confident that the link provided on phillyfish's personal website are a violation of this sites policy ... and whenever I come across links of that nature I will continue to edit them out and will politely mention that they are not allowed.
Whewwww...now I'm done....:nervous:


Active Member
It's real simple folks.
Don't post links to other commerical sites that sell saltwater hobby related products.
Don't post links to other message boards.
Don't use other peoples photographs and claim them as your own.
Don't post links to other commercial sites that sell anything.
If you follow these guidelines - most of the time there won't be a problem.
If there is - then a moderator may ask you to remove the link, or remove it himself/herself.
I've seen a lot of sweet personal websites of people that enjoy this hobby. Mostly dealing with their tanks, fish, inverts and set ups. As long as their site did not have links to other competing hobby related sites ..... usually no big deal.
phillyfish had a direct link to a competing site ... this is not allowed.
Like it or not .... it's not allowed.
NM reef's site actually promotes and welcomes folks to visit here, at saltwaterfish.com
There's a big difference between the two.
Life already has enough rules and regulations - just use common sense and things will fine :)

nm reef

Active Member
Disclaimer: The opinions and thoughts expressed above are my own...and may indeed "NOT" be entirely accurate.


I just tried putting up a link to a test page from the user cp button, and it worked. If we were not allowed to put up a link to our site, I am sure that they would have disabled the homepage in the edit profile section.
I just would have a little respect for SaltwaterFish.com. They offer this forum for us at no charge, and provide a great community those trying to learn a little about the hobby. Just because we do not like or agree with what they said does not give us free reign to do as we choose. I make my living off of a site on the web, and I rarely put a link to my competition. I feel that I provide a good product, at a reasonable price, and really do not want the competition. I have helped others in the same business at my own loss of income. It is a choice that I made to help someone else get started on the web.
If you wish to publish/promote a website, feel free to do so, but do not expect SaltwaterFish.com help you in this endeavor. I am sure that this was not what they expected when they setup the site. If other forums allow this kind of linking, that is their option and you are free to use them, but try to respect the rules of this site please.
If you feel your site does not link to any of their competition, try putting your page in your user profile. It may stay, they may remove it, either way, you will know. I have seen a fair amount of links lately to other sites, and this is a change from a few months back when none were allowed. Please do not abuse the rules of the site.
Just my opinion.


:happyfish nm reef you are right on. I totally understand. I personally feel priveledged to have this site. Not only do I love the store, but I love the forum as well. Rules are rules and people need to follow them understandably. If everyone could post anything they wanted, then I wouldn't want to be on this site, because it would end up being a free for all, and be VERY changed. ali:happyfish


Active Member
Think about this...
Have you ever walked into an LFS with the intention of asking a bunch of questions, but not buying anything? After you decide what your tank needs, do you ask the LFS the best place to buy it? Of course not. This board provides a ton of info, and they don't force you to buy from them or get pissed when you don't. All they ask is that you don't mention (through links) their (online only)competitors. They do still allow LFS's to be mentioned.
Its fine to disagree with the policy, but you have to respect their reasoning.


I'm usually the last person to say something about grammer or spelling, but when doing some kind of rant or complaint or anything where you want people to actually listen... it's "you're" not "your".



Originally posted by Bang Guy
I'll have to admit - seeing "I'm Band" made me laugh out loud.

yeah i forgot about that one....