I'm getting a BLASTO YAYYYYY


They finally got a blasto into eibi And I bought it YAYYYYY (these are SWF pics...I obviously will not have them till next week)

I also bought another acan...YIPPEEE...It's green

I also bought the gold maxima that is on sale...even though it is small, I figured I'd give it a shot...someone has to buy it, and I'd rather it be someone like me..HAHA
Also a firefish, 2 teddy bear conch, 10 nassarius, 10 astrea, and an umbrella mushroom
It took me all day to decide...LOL


Originally Posted by levinjac http:///forum/thread/381514/i-m-getting-a-blasto-yayyyyy#post_3323809
YAY what tank does what go in

The blasto, acan, clam, and teddy bears...all in the 225g
the snails will be divided between my 4 tanks...LOL...2 each...
The firefish probably in the 10G with the 2 little black clown goby's
The umbrella mushroom I will decide when I see it....hopefully it will be attached to something and then I can glue it anywhere....I have had an issue with these floating off, and decided to try once more

scott t

Active Member
Awesome Meowzer YAY
They look Beautiful. I cant wait to be able to order stuff to put in a tank.. SO EXCITED for you!!!

scott t

Active Member
Lol I know you do and I am so very Excited for you but I will be able to order stuff soon here too, because remember i get a big fat bonus check for Christmas.. *Stick tongue out at Kevin* lol


OK...they are here and in the tank...
LOL....The gold maxima

the green acans..GOT A PROBLEM....the sailfin is trying to eat them,,,,it keeps picking them up

the blasto

In tank pics are gonna have to wait.....they are mad, and the tangs are not making this easy

scott t

Active Member
Very Nice Meowzer they are Beautiful.. They look very good.. I bet you are totally excited about getting them, I know I would be... Make sure we get pics of them when the lights are on in the tank.. Cant wait to see the pics!!


May have to wait till tomorrow...right now it is pick on the new guys....

I keep chasing the tangs away, as much as I love my sailfin...it's a freakin BULLY
the funny thing is, I don't think they saw us put the clam in

the mushroom is starting to open too

scott t

Active Member
AWESOME Meowzer they look just amazing. Like I keep saying cant wait till I can order Coral and such for my tank.


Active Member
So you now have a number of clams in the tank yes? How are you keeping up with the calcium requirements of these creatures?