Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Bionic- For training and practice to stay sharp it is nothing to go through 500 rounds per week. Some go through 1000 without issue. Buying in huge case lots is only relative to your interest and level of practice.
Like when at a gunshop if you were to mention a 200 gallon tank at home. They think it is the size of a bedroom. Beyond comprehension that it is really only to be considered moderate in the saltwater hobby.
Same thing with firearms. What some may consider a stockpile is just supplies for the next few outings to someone else. Very scray to have limits placed on buying ammo in bulk.
I've shot guns since I was 8 (which was 45 years ago). I hadn't been dove hunting for almost 10 years until I went last season. My first day out, I got my limit in an hour and a half. The only time I take my 9mm out is to make sure it is properly oiled and the mechanism works correctly. I can still hit a target anywhere I like (head, torso) on a standard indoor shooting range. I can do that with one box of shells. So if you need 500 - 1000 rounds a week to accomplish the same feat, you have no business owning a gun.
Why do they want to put limits on buying bulk ammo? Probably because they want to try and avert anymore mass shootings. Harder for some maniac who walks into a building with four semi-auto, 15 round clip handguns and an AK-47 to shoot all those guns, if he can only have a couple of boxes of ammo per month. Give him time to stock up, and maybe the guy will cool his jets and change his mind.
Bionic- For training and practice to stay sharp it is nothing to go through 500 rounds per week. Some go through 1000 without issue. Buying in huge case lots is only relative to your interest and level of practice.
Like when at a gunshop if you were to mention a 200 gallon tank at home. They think it is the size of a bedroom. Beyond comprehension that it is really only to be considered moderate in the saltwater hobby.
Same thing with firearms. What some may consider a stockpile is just supplies for the next few outings to someone else. Very scray to have limits placed on buying ammo in bulk.
I've shot guns since I was 8 (which was 45 years ago). I hadn't been dove hunting for almost 10 years until I went last season. My first day out, I got my limit in an hour and a half. The only time I take my 9mm out is to make sure it is properly oiled and the mechanism works correctly. I can still hit a target anywhere I like (head, torso) on a standard indoor shooting range. I can do that with one box of shells. So if you need 500 - 1000 rounds a week to accomplish the same feat, you have no business owning a gun.
Why do they want to put limits on buying bulk ammo? Probably because they want to try and avert anymore mass shootings. Harder for some maniac who walks into a building with four semi-auto, 15 round clip handguns and an AK-47 to shoot all those guns, if he can only have a couple of boxes of ammo per month. Give him time to stock up, and maybe the guy will cool his jets and change his mind.