I'm Headin' To Missouri and buying me a Truck!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Maybe it would take Socialism to turn this country around. American businesses and people in general have become spoiled, materialistic brats. Most Americans can't even control their finances - buying overpriced cars and homes they can't afford, living off of credit cards, and living way beyond thier means. American businesses build inferior products, and don't know the basics of Economics. Banks and

companies hand out inferior loans like they were candy. Someone or somebody has to put this country into a 'timeout' and say, "Finish pitching your little temper tantrum and grow up." Should the Federal Govt. be that parent? I personally don't trust them as far as I could throw them. Here's my proposal:
1) Put every single person in Congress up for re-election next year. Each candidate cannot spend more than $5,000 on their campaign in their district. This allows ANY American citizen the opportunity to run.
2) Term limits on all Federal positions, especially Congress. No more 'lifers' that have their own agenda and benefit no one but themselves.
3) Limit any and all political coontributions to $500. Period. Get rid of lobbyists and PAC's.
4) Mandate all Congressmen and Senators work a FULL YEAR. Why do they get 2 or 3 months off? They don't do anything half the time they're in Washington as it is. Make them spend at least 3 months at home going door-to-door or having Townhall Meetings to speak to as many of their constituents as they can. Make them punch time clocks, and write daily journals so We The People can keep track of what they do on a daily basis.
5) Eliminate all credit cards and credit for purchases under $1000. Make people use cash to buy the things they want. Can't afford that new IPhone, laptop, or plasma TV? It's called a Savings Account. Limit large loans to autos, homes, and home improvement. Force banks to validate income and make no exceptions to the rules. If an individual has more than 20% in loan debt, NO LOAN FOR YOU!
Do you purposely try to not make any sense? In one sentence, you point out some valid problems, and some helpful solutions, on the other, you say stuff like maybe we need socialism to fix america. Seriously it is like listening to Obama. Everything you seem to say contradicts itself.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Do you purposely try to not make any sense? In one sentence, you point out some valid problems, and some helpful solutions, on the other, you say stuff like maybe we need socialism to fix america. Seriously it is like listening to Obama. Everything you seem to say contradicts itself.
At least I LISTEN to what Obama says. All you do is wait for Hannity and Limbaugh to disect every speech he makes, then put their spin on it. I actually make perfect sense. People in this country are no longer capable of making decisions for themselves. They live beyond their means, then blame the government for their problems. "It's Obama's fault I have $60,000 in credit card debt, have to pay $600/month for my Escalade payment, and $3,000/month for my

. I only make $30,000 a year, but Obama wants to spend trillions of dollars bailing out banks and on healthcare. That's gonna put my kids in the poorhouse!"
Please, please lead me in the right direction. Pass on your wisdom of how to fix all this mess. Do what Obama says the Republicans want to do and continue with status quo? That's the problem with the last administration. Just 'stay the course' and keep doing the same old same old. Obama said in his speech that most of the current debt and deficit WAS from the previous administration. If we continued with Bush's policies, the debt would be 9.3 trillion in 10 years. He said with his current policies, that debt will be 7.1 trillion. He admitted that still isn't good, but it's 2.1 trillion less than what it would've been if he just continued "business as usual". The economy can't be fixed in 6 months, or even a couple of years. No administration, how frugal they may be, could do much more than what Obama is trying to do. Show me one program he's implemeted that has raised your taxes. If we didn't bail out the banks, the bleeding would've just continued. Tell me what you ultra-conservatives would do that would've made it different. Shut the doors of all the failed banks and tell the customers "Sorry, you're money is gone. Live with it." Isn't that what happened during the Great Depression?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
At least I LISTEN to what Obama says. All you do is wait for Hannity and Limbaugh to disect every speech he makes, then put their spin on it. I actually make perfect sense. People in this country are no longer capable of making decisions for themselves. They live beyond their means, then blame the government for their problems. "It's Obama's fault I have $60,000 in credit card debt, have to pay $600/month for my Escalade payment, and $3,000/month for my

. I only make $30,000 a year, but Obama wants to spend trillions of dollars bailing out banks and on healthcare. That's gonna put my kids in the poorhouse!"
Case and point, you say people aren't able to take care of themselves. But you clearly support someone and a party who is attempting to take consequences out of the equation. Joe that couldn't control his spending habits needs to go hungry. Not declare bankruptcy, hop onto welfare, and live off of government, get free government funded healthcare or repeat the same mistakes with no serious consequences.
Guess what if Joe knows that when he runs up that 60k debt, gets foreclosed on and actually kicked out of his house (instead of those liberal kooks doing sit ins because it is racism to make someone pay their moregage) and not have any guaranteed recourse (provided by the government) and he'll be under i-10. Joe might not be dumb to begin with...


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
At least I LISTEN to what Obama says. All you do is wait for Hannity and Limbaugh to disect every speech he makes, then put their spin on it. I actually make perfect sense. People in this country are no longer capable of making decisions for themselves. They live beyond their means, then blame the government for their problems. "It's Obama's fault I have $60,000 in credit card debt, have to pay $600/month for my Escalade payment, and $3,000/month for my

. I only make $30,000 a year, but Obama wants to spend trillions of dollars bailing out banks and on healthcare. That's gonna put my kids in the poorhouse!"
Please, please lead me in the right direction. Pass on your wisdom of how to fix all this mess. Do what Obama says the Republicans want to do and continue with status quo? That's the problem with the last administration. Just 'stay the course' and keep doing the same old same old. Obama said in his speech that most of the current debt and deficit WAS from the previous administration. If we continued with Bush's policies, the debt would be 9.3 trillion in 10 years. He said with his current policies, that debt will be 7.1 trillion. He admitted that still isn't good, but it's 2.1 trillion less than what it would've been if he just continued "business as usual". The economy can't be fixed in 6 months, or even a couple of years. No administration, how frugal they may be, could do much more than what Obama is trying to do. Show me one program he's implemeted that has raised your taxes. If we didn't bail out the banks, the bleeding would've just continued. Tell me what you ultra-conservatives would do that would've made it different. Shut the doors of all the failed banks and tell the customers "Sorry, you're money is gone. Live with it." Isn't that what happened during the Great Depression?
The problem I have is this, Obama and his dummycrat cronies in the senate ran around saying we HAD to get this pass or that passed or else the boat will sink, our country will collapse and bla bla bla.
Then he turns around and says, this is a long term plan that will take years to see results.
Come on, which is it?
(And please be straddling a barbed wire fence...)


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
The problem I have is this, Obama and his dummycrat cronies in the senate ran around saying we HAD to get this pass or that passed or else the boat will sink, our country will collapse and bla bla bla.
Then he turns around and says, this is a long term plan that will take years to see results.
Come on, which is it?
(And please be straddling a barbed wire fence...)
How many proposals have you made that at first looked real good on paper, but when implemented, they didn't go as planned? Try doing that with a budget and every other issue a President has to face day-to-day. It's not a perfect science. You blame Obama and the 'dummycrats', but there's just as many Good Ole' Boy Republicans making the same decisions and voting for the same bills you seem to think Obama contrived to purposely bring this country to its knees. Oh that's right, they aren't 'True Republicans' anymore. Just Democrats in sheep's clothing. As I keep asking, what exactly should he be doing differently? If he implemented those proposals, could you guarantee 100% the turnout would be any different?


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Case and point, you say people aren't able to take care of themselves. But you clearly support someone and a party who is attempting to take consequences out of the equation. Joe that couldn't control his spending habits needs to go hungry. Not declare bankruptcy, hop onto welfare, and live off of government, get free government funded healthcare or repeat the same mistakes with no serious consequences.
Guess what if Joe knows that when he runs up that 60k debt, gets foreclosed on and actually kicked out of his house (instead of those liberal kooks doing sit ins because it is racism to make someone pay their moregage) and not have any guaranteed recourse (provided by the government) and he'll be under i-10. Joe might not be dumb to begin with...
Here's a good example as to why the Federal Govt. needs to 'hold the hands' of Corporate America. We bail out these banking institutions, and as soon as they start making a profit, they want to go right back to paying excessive bonuses to their execs:
Sounds like private institutions like to take a chapter from the book on how the federal government runs their programs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
How many proposals have you made that at first looked real good on paper, but when implemented, they didn't go as planned? Try doing that with a budget and every other issue a President has to face day-to-day. It's not a perfect science. You blame Obama and the 'dummycrats', but there's just as many Good Ole' Boy Republicans making the same decisions and voting for the same bills you seem to think Obama contrived to purposely bring this country to its knees. Oh that's right, they aren't 'True Republicans' anymore. Just Democrats in sheep's clothing. As I keep asking, what exactly should he be doing differently? If he implemented those proposals, could you guarantee 100% the turnout would be any different?
lol, oh so it isn't the results but the intentions? How many times, are we going to keep on trying government based solutions and watching them fail before we realise that is it INSANE!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Sounds like private institutions like to take a chapter from the book on how the federal government runs their programs.

so they should run their business where they lose money every month.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
so they should run their business where they lose money every month.
Apparently that's what they did before. Otherwise, why did they need a bailout in the first place? %%


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
lol, oh so it isn't the results but the intentions? How many times, are we going to keep on trying government based solutions and watching them fail before we realise that is it INSANE!
The private sector solutions don't work, so what are our options? Maybe the government solutions have never worked because we've never had an administration with the balls to actually try and change the status quo. Obama talks like he wants to change things, but unless he gets full backing from both parties, that'll never happen.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
The private sector solutions don't work, so what are our options? Maybe the government solutions have never worked because we've never had an administration with the balls to actually try and change the status quo. Obama talks like he wants to change things, but unless he gets full backing from both parties, that'll never happen.
I'm still trying to figure out why people say the private sector doesn't work?
Today, I got a call saying I needed to come in for a consultation for some blood work. Scheduled an appointment went to the appointment and got back within 3 hours. I don't think that would actually happen in any socialized healthcare system...
And I'm REALLY trying to figure out this completely RIDICULOUS thought that liberal concepts have never really been tried?
I'm just befuddled.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Pretty much. I know a lot of people shoot guns like it's a hobby, and that's fine. I don't see the logic in spending $300/week shooting at a flat target, or plinking beer cans myself. Especially when you're doing it with a semi-auto, and 500 shells are gone in less than an hour. I have A LOT better things to do with my money. But don't rationalize wasting money like that by stating you're doing it to get practice.
Its none of your damn business to know how much other people spend on ammo!! Look at this hobby for example, its a money pit!! People think we are nuts for paying $5+ a lb for "rock".

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
The argument isn't whether I or joe blow needs a 20 guns and a closet of ammo. Most likely they'll never go through their ammo in a life and death situation. The question is what business is it of yours or the federal government to be telling people what they can and can't do with their own money.
Raw power is why I want a 427 corvette does that mean you're against people buying fast cars. They're dangerous and and cars have kill a lot more people in the last 10 years than gun enthusiasts.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Isn't that kind of the point, people get to do what they want to do with what they earn? If they get their jollies off of shooting, what is your problem that? Instead of Obama getting to do what he wants with someone elses money?

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
So what exactly do you do about the healthcare in this country? Just say "too bad, so sad" to all these people who can't afford outrageous insurance premiums? "Hope you don't get sick there buddy. Your health isn't my problem". Emergency room patients have increase almost 32% in some areas of the country. Why? Because people without insurance know if they walk in saying they have a medical emergency, a doctor has to see them. If they can't afford the bill, they walk out without paying a dime. I don't have that luxury because of my income. Regardless if I had insurance or not, if I'm capable of paying, they give me a bill.
Pretty much. Uhhh, your health isn't my problem. If you cant afford going to the hospital, wouldn't you be trying REALLY hard to stay fit and healthy so you wouldn't have to go to the hospital??? I'm pretty sure you would... On the other hand, if you give out free health care, no one is going to give a damn about their health because everyone is helping pay for them. Lets socialize saltwater fish keeping? Then I can get that 50,000 gallon fish tank I've always wanted.
Or lets socialize buying houses? Then I can get that huge mansion I've always wanted.
Don't you see? If you socialize things, people will be spending out of control because they don't give a damn because everyone is helping pay for them.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Nothing in the last 2 years. Remember the house generates appropriation bills... And that has been dummycrat controlled for the past few years. (hey I'm not letting bush off the hook for his 300 billion dollar deficit's) But to get to obama you have to multiply by 4, and that doesn't touch what he is trying to get passed now.
This we've tried tax cuts argument is a horrible argument. We've tried high taxes look at the end of Jimmy Carter's term. Double digit inflation, and unemployment... You really think Tax cuts caused the recession?
I don't think all dems are socialists. JFK wasn't. (then again he got shot) Clinton tried to socialize medicine. But then again when a guy says he sought out to befriend the socialists at his school. That is kind of a BIG RED LIGHT going bing bing bing... When a guy says he want's to spread the wealth around... When a guy nationalizes major private corporations.
That is kind of a hint...
you really think by socializing it. (and make no mistake that is what is going to happen as a result of this bill) that they are going to get health care in a timely fashion. Or are they going to be prioritized by important and contribution to society... Like has happened everywhere else they've socialized their healthcare...