Originally Posted by
Coral Keeper
102.Why doesn't McDonald's sell hotdogs?
Because they wouldn't sell well.
103.At a movie theater which arm rest is yours?
104.What is Satan's last name?
105.Why do doctors leave the room when you change? They're going to see you
Because watching somebody undress isn't something they get off on
106.Where does the toetag go on a dead person if they don't have toes?
On their other phalanges
107.If your driving a federal owned car, and you run a stop sign, is it considered a felony?
Not if you don't get caught
108.Why is there a disclaimer on the Allstate Auto Insurance commericals that says "Not available in all states"?
Because it is not available in all states...but that's funny I've never noticed that
109.If you dug a hole through the center of the earth,and jumped in, would you stay at the center because of gravity?
you can't dig a hole to the center of the earth! You would die from the heat
110.If a person dies and then springs back to life, do they get their money back for the coffin?
Nah, but I'm sure if that happens, they will let you use the coffin when you need it
111.If you are asked to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and your the main witness, what if you say "no"?
no, that would be stupid
112.Do they bury people with their braces on?
They sure do
113.How far east can you go before you're heading west?
pretty far
114.How does a Real Estate company sell its office without causing confusion?
It's impossible, it will be very confusing. I guess they buy a new one and then sell the actualy office
115.Do dentists go to other dentists or do they just do it themselves?
They go to the dentist for certain things...it is hard to work on your own mouth
116.If, in a baseball game, the batter hits a ball splitting it right down the center with half the ball flying out of the park and the other half being caught, what is the final ruling?
The final ruling is that they're safe and will forever be in the record books...of course if one half of the ball is larger, then the larger part would rule the decision
117.If you were to get drunk in a country where the drinking limit is under 21, and went to the states and were still over the limit, could they arrest you for underage drinking even though you did not do the drinking in the states.
yes, going elsewhere doesn't change the verdict...you still broke the law. It's where you did it, not where you're caught...of course if they didn't know you did it illegally and you were caught, nbd.
118.Why do people think that swaying their arm back and forth would change the direction of a bowling ball?
Again, people are stupid
119.If girls with large breasts work at Hooters, then do girls with one leg work at IHOP?
Funny, no. There are guys that work at hooters too
120.Why is it that everyone driving faster than you is considered an idiot and everyone driving slower than you is a moron?
Because I'm always right.
121.If pro and con are opposites, wouldn't the opposite of progress be congress?
no, the english language is odd
122.Why does grape flavor smell the way it is when actual grapes don't taste or smell anything like it.
Most drinks are like that. It is more appealing I guess
123.If a kid refuses to sleep during nap time, are they guilty of resisting a rest?
yes they are.
124.Is it rude for a deaf person to talk (sign) with their mouth full of food?
Probably not, so long as their mouths are closed
125.If its 11:30 PM Dec 31 in Texas and 12:30 AM Jan 1st in New York and you have a New York driver's license that expires Jan 2007, does that mean your license has expired?
Yes, it's 2009 lol
126.What's the difference between normal ketchup and fancy ketchup?
The distribution company
127.If a transvesite goes missing, would you put their face on a carton of Half and Half?
I wouldn't
128.Why is the Lone Ranger called 'Lone' if he always has his Indian friend Tonto with him?
Because Indians aren't people...lol jk I have a bunch of indian and Native American friends
129.When does it stop being partly cloudy and start being partly sunny?
I've never heard of partly sunny
130.Are eyebrows considered facial hair?
Yes, afterall, they are on your face.