I'm it! Ask me anything!

coral keeper

Active Member
* If I told you someone in this room is gay, who do you think it would be?
* Have you ever been fired?
* What is something you regret?
* How often do you go over the speed limit?
* Were you considered popular in high school? Why or why not?
* When, if ever, do you think it is okay to tell a lie?
* How old are you in your dreams?
* How would you describe Dad/Mom the first time you saw him/her?
* Do you dance like crazy, when no one is looking?
* Do you like to sing in the shower?
* What do sing in the shower, if you do sing?
* Do you like baths or showers?
* What do you do when (you think) no one is looking?
* If you were going to be stuck on a deserted island, which 5 books, movies, people and foods would you take along?
* When you were younger, did you ever drink too much and get sick?
* Did you ever run away from home? Why/ why not?
* If you could be any male/female sports star, who would you be?
* Why do women shave their armpits and men don't?
* What did you get in trouble for, when you were a kid?
* Did you ever have a teacher who picked on you?
* What was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?
* What really gives you the creeps?
* What were the three happiest moments in your life so far?
* Did you have a nickname in middle school or high school?
* What did you think of me when you first saw me?
* Which was the moment when I impressed you most?
* Which is your wish that is not yet fulfilled?
* Why is it that your greatest hobby is to fight with me or scold me?
* What was your favorite toy when you were a kid?
* If you have to choose a movie title for your life story, what would that be?

coral keeper

Active Member
whats your fav horror movie?
do you do dance crazy when no one is looking?
do you like to sing in the shower?
what do sing in the shower if you do sing?
whats your fav colour?
do you like baths or showers?
do you blow dry your hair? or just let it dry on its own, or towel dry?
at the beach would you rather play in the sand, or play in the water?
do you think people should eat the fish they catch, or just let them go?
what do you like better hands or feet?
do you like cruly hair or stright hair?
whats your fav kind of drink?
Cats or dogs?
Fave. celebrity (female)?
Fave. celebrity (male)?
Fave. singer (group)?
Fave. singer (individual)?
Are you Vegetarian or vegan? If one of those, which one are you and for how long?
do you untie your shose when you take them off?
whats your fav book?
whats your fav movie?
what was your fav toy as a kid?
whats your fav food?
do you like school?
what do you think is the most usless class in highschool?
whats your fav day of the year?
do you like soda/pop?
whats your fav season?
do you like music?
if sho what kind?
whats your fav thing to do?
what's ya fav color?
palying card or palying board games?
animals or tec?
guy fliks or girl fliks?
big city or little town?
red or balck??
cooking or tack out?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
190.How come lemon washing up liquid contains real lemons, but lemon juice contains artificial flavorings.
This makes no sense...if you are actually readin this, comment right now!!!!
191.Do you wake up or open your eyes first?
I wake up first
192.Did Noah have woodpeckers on the ark? If he did, where did he keep them?
Do I look like I was alive then?
193.Why are builders afraid to have a 13th floor but book publishers aren't afraid to have a Chapter 11?
Because book publishers are smarter
194.How do you handcuff a one-armed man?
You handcuff his one hand to something else
195.If the FBI breaks your door down do they have to pay for it?
if it was a mistake, sure
196.In some books, why do they have blank pages at the very end?
So that you can keep notes...at least that's what I use them for. You can keep track of the characters and what not
197.Why can't donuts be square?
Because they get round upon baking
198.Why put a towel in the dirty clothes basket if when you get out of the shower you are clean?
Because I wouldn't want to use some wet dudes towel after he did
199.What happens to an irrisitable force when it hits an immovable object?
nothing and everything at the same time
200.If there's a speed of sound and a speed of light is there a speed of smell?
no, because that is an odor and the others are rays
201.Why do overalls have belT loops, since they are held up at the top by the straps?
So you can show off your fancy smanshy belt buckle...and so you can attach a tool belt
202.Do people in prison celebrate halloween.... if so how?
Bubba scares people in the shower
203.Do the security guards at airports have to go through airport security when they get to work?
They should and after 9/11 probably do
204.Why are all of the Harry Potter spells in Latin if they're English?
Latin is older. If they were in English, that would make no sense as it wasn't invented when witchcraft was discovered
205.What do Greeks say when they don't understand something?
It looks like Latin to me
206.What happens if a queen gives birth to a pair of siamese twins? Who gets to be king?
They would probably kill the thing as it is a bad sign
207.Do all-boys schools have girls bathrooms? Conversely, do all-girls schools have boys bathrooms?
Yes, there can be male teachers
208.Are children who act in rated 'R' movies allowed to see them?
Not legally, but they do anyway
209.How come cats butts go up when you pet them?
This I know the answer to...and it is kinda gross. They get wewhoo and want to display their heehaw as a reaction to the endorphans going to their brains
210.What would happen to the sea's water level if every boat in the World was taken out of the water at the same time?
It would not decrease noticeably
211.How come you never see a billboard being put up by the highway?
Because people would pass them too fast to read it. To read it, it would have to be huge
212.Do the English people eat English muffins, or are they just called muffins?
They call them english muffins just like we call it American Cheese
213.How much deeper would the ocean be if sponges didn't grow in it?
1.23283875748483839988577848373738858574774747470990 micrometers
214.Why do they call it the Department of ******** when they are in charge of everything outdoors?
Again...people are stupid
215.Why does Jello have a smell when you add the powder in the water, but when it "gels" the smell is gone?
Because what you are smelling is the powder in the air
216.Why are dogs noses always wet?
they are sweating from them
217.If a bee is allergic to pollen would it get the hives?
funny, you're a funny guy. Bees can't be allergic
218.Why do people say "heads up" when you should duck?
They are saying duck for the people who's heads are up
219.Why is it OK for dudes to slap other dudes' ***** in football, but not in any other situation?
Hey! Don't use that kind of language! Because that's the way it is.


Active Member
Originally Posted by CK
220.Why does triangularly cut bread taste better than square bread?
Who thinks that? I think they are the same.
221.If one man says, "it was an uphill battle," and another says, "it went downhill from there," how could they both be having troubles?
you my friend have problems
222.Why does a round pizza come in a square box?
already answered it
223.At what point in man's evolution did he start wiping his a$$?
Hey I'm $oo cool I u$e dollar $igns for everything and $ometimes I u$e thi$ $ymbol-@ to mean at! Toilet Paper was invented in 1857
224.Do bald people get Dandruff?
of course, it's just flakes of scalp skin
225.Why is it that no matter what color bubble bath you use the bubbles are always white?
I don't use bubble bath, so if you want an answer, rephrase the question
226.Why do superheros wear their underwear on the outside of their clothes?
I do that too, it's gangsta
227.If you get cheated by the Better Business Bureau, who do you complain to?
Your mother
228.When sign makers go on strike, is anything written on their signs?
No, they just shout their demands
229.Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?
because you can't check how many stars their are, that's not possible
230.Why Does Pluto Live in a dog house, eat dog food, etc. but Goofy, who is also a dog, lives in a condo and drives a car?
Can't you see? Pluto is mickey's retarded slave
231.If you blew a bubble in space would it pop?
How do you plan on blowing a bubble in space? you would die tyring
232.Are children who use sign language allowed to talk with their mouth full?
Already answered.
233.How come all of the planets are spherical?
god likes spheres
234.How did the first women ever to shave their legs know that the skin wouldn't just peel right off?
They took a risk and I am very thankful to them
235.Why doesn't Winnie the Pooh ever get stung by the bees he messes with?
Because he isn't real
236.Why do they put holes in crackers?
so they don't end up like bricks when they are baked
237.What do people in China call their good plates?
I don't speak Chinese sorry.
238.How come toy hippos are always blue, or purple, when real hippos are brown?
Not all hippos are brown. Purple and blue are visually stimulating
239.Why don't woodpeckers get headaches when they slam their head on a tree all day?
Who says they don't?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
240.If someone owns a piece of land, do they own it all the way to the center of the earth?
241.If an escalotor breaks down, does it become stairs?
what's an escaloter?
242.Why do they call him Donkey Kong if he is not a donkey?
Who is they? I call him big harry monkey
243.Why do they say a football team is the 'world champion' when they don't play anybody outside the US?
Again, people are stupid
244.If you put a chameleon in a room full of mirrors, what color would it turn?
245.What are the handles for corn on the cob called?
As an Indiana man, I can say with 100% confidence that they are called corn cob handles
246.Why do British people never sound British when they sing?
Because they are controlling their voices
247.Why do we press the start button to turn off the computer?
I don't...mine has autoshutoff
248.Do your eyes change color when you die?
they glaze over
249.If a bunch of cats jump on top of each other, is it still called a dog pile?
depends who calls it
250.Do sheep get static cling when they rub against one another?
251.In libraries, do they put the bible in the fiction or non-fiction section?
nonfiction...benefit of the doubt situation
252.How old are you before it can be said you died of old age?
It isn't about the age, it's about what you died from. If it is organ failure from nothing else besides age, then you died of old age
253.If K.F.C Stands for Kentucky Fried Chicken, Why do they play sweet home Alabama on the comercials?
It stands for Kitchen fresh chicken man
254.If people with one arm go to get their nails done, do they pay half price?
Depends who is doing their nails
255.What type of animal is Snuffaluffagus?
a monster, just like most of the other characters
256.If you had a three story house and were in the second floor, isn't it possible that you can be upstairs and downstairs at the same time?
257.Can a hearse carrying a corpse drive in the carpool lane?
it can, but it could get into trouble for that
258.If a king is gay and marries another guy what is that guy to the royal family?
They can't marry, but there once was a gay king (can't remember his name) his lover was called the Duke of the bedchambers or something

259.Why do they call it "getting your dog fixed" if afterwards it doesn't work anymore?
Because before it is a problem and afterward you fix the problem


Active Member
Originally Posted by CK
260.Does a 'Marks-A-Lot' marker, mark any more than a regular marker?
it's just a brand name
261.If you really could dig a hole to China, and you did, and you fell in, would you stop in the middle because of gravity?
You would die because it would be far too hot
262.If the funeral procession is at night, do folks drive with their headlights off?
it is considered disrespectful to do it at night
263.What happens when you put a lightsaber in water?
The beam acts the same as it does in air.
264.On Gilligan's Island, how did Ginger have so many different outfits when they were only going on a 3 hour tour?
Because ginger is rich
265.If I had my legs amputated, would I have to change my height and weight on my driver's license?
You can lie about those nbd
266.If nobody buys a ticket to a movie do they still show it?
yeah, actually I know from experience, that they sometimes do. However they don't adjust it very well lol
267.How do you tell when you run out of invisible ink?
If I don't answer this, will anybody truely notice?
268.Do movie producers still say lights, camera, and action when it is a dark scene?
Because they can
269.What do you call male ballerinas?
270.How does Freddy Kruger wipe his butt?
he doesn't have to
271.Why people are so scared of mice,which are much smaller than us, when no one seems to be scared of MickEy Mouse, who is bigger than us?
Because mickey mouse is not real and won't bite
272.Why are the numbers on a calculator and a phone reversed?
it's more egonomic
273.Why are plastic bears the only animal you can get honey from? Why can't you get honey from a plastic bee?
because bees don't eat as much honey as bees
274.Can bald men get lice?
yes...if they have hair elsewhere
275.When your photo is taken for your driver's license, why do they tell you to smile? If you are stopped by the police and asked for your license, are you going to be smiling?
They don't. They changed that law here for that reason
276.Do butterflies remember life as a caterpillar?
no their memory capacity isn't great enough
277.If you undergo chemotherapy do you lose your pubic hairs?
yep...so you don't get lice yay!
278.Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that something new to eat will have materialized?
Again...people are stupid
279.Does the postman deliver his own mail?
no, he pockets it


Active Member

Originally Posted by CK
280.Why does toilet bowl cleaner only come in the color blue?
because it has to do with the chemicals in it
281.What happens when you put hand sanitizer on a place other then your hand?
you aren't supposed to, but it just sanitizes the are of your body
282.Why are women and men's shoe sizes different?
because women and men's feet are different
283.Can you "stare off into space" when you're in space?
284.Where do people in Hell tell other people to go?
To this message board to answer all of your questions
285.Is "vice-versa" to a dyslexic just plain redundant?
Depends on the person
286.How come you can kill a deer and put it up on your wall. but it's illegal to keep one as a pet?
it's called population control. Keeping one is inhumane since they aren't domesticated
287.Why do we say we're head over heels when we're happy? Isn't that the way we normally are?
I am
288.If prunes are dehydrated plums, where does prune juice come from?
OMG! I can't believe you asked this! I thought of that earlier today when I was at the store!!! I even asked my mom that!
289.Is it appropriate to say "good mourning" at a funeral?
no, but good morning is fine
290.If there's an exception to every rule, is there an exception to that rule?
no because that rule is false
291.When you're caught "between a rock and a hard place", is the rock not hard?
the rock is hard but not a place per se
292.Why is there a light in the fridge and not in the freezer?
There's a light in my freezer

293.Doesn't a lightning rod on top of church show a lack of faith?
294.Who coined the phrase, 'coined the phrase?'
I did
295.If there were a thousand seaguls in an airplane while its flying, each weighing two pounds a piece, but they were all flying in the airplane, would the airplane weigh 2000 pounds more?
The airplane would weigh the same because the birds aren't a part of it
296.If you soak a raisin in water, does it turn back into a grape?
297.How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?
It depends solely on who is doing the considering
298.Why do they call steam rollers, steam rollers? They don't produce, get rid of, or have anythong to do with steam
people are stupid
299.What is another word for "thesaurus"?
Language reference and lexicon
300.Do you feel my wrath of furry?

Yep, it's fuzzy and I love it


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
* If I told you someone in this room is gay, who do you think it would be?
* Have you ever been fired?
* What is something you regret?
starting this thread
* How often do you go over the speed limit?
every time I drive
* Were you considered popular in high school? Why or why not?
I'm considered average I guess
* When, if ever, do you think it is okay to tell a lie?
when it spares someone's feelings
* How old are you in your dreams?
I have never had a dream
* How would you describe Dad/Mom the first time you saw him/her?
* Do you dance like crazy, when no one is looking?
I like to dance even when people are looking
* Do you like to sing in the shower?
* What do sing in the shower, if you do sing?
I don't
* Do you like baths or showers?
* What do you do when (you think) no one is looking?
nothing I wouldn't do if someone was looking
* If you were going to be stuck on a deserted island, which 5 books, movies, people and foods would you take along?
Bible, dictionary, thesaurus/lexicon, The concientous marine aquarist, and a survival guide. I wouldn't bring movies because there is no player, I wouldn't take people!!!, and I would take 5 million pounds of rice and ice, as well as, taquitos, pizza rolls, and gumballs
* When you were younger, did you ever drink too much and get sick?
* Did you ever run away from home? Why/ why not?
* If you could be any male/female sports star, who would you be?
I would be a beach volleyball player
* Why do women shave their armpits and men don't?
because girly armpit hair is gross
* What did you get in trouble for, when you were a kid?
keyed a neighbors car...but I was 4
* Did you ever have a teacher who picked on you?
one that tried to, but I was better
* What was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?
got pantsed once lol
* What really gives you the creeps?
* What were the three happiest moments in your life so far?
when I hit puberty, when I started SW, and when I answered question 300
* Did you have a nickname in middle school or high school?
* What did you think of me when you first saw me?
This kid is funny, but not nearly as funny as he thinks he is.
* Which was the moment when I impressed you most?
you have not yet impressed me
* Which is your wish that is not yet fulfilled?
I wish to get eagle rank
* Why is it that your greatest hobby is to fight with me or scold me?
Because it's fun
* What was your favorite toy when you were a kid?
* If you have to choose a movie title for your life story, what would that be?
the smartest man alive

Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
whats your fav horror movie?
The shining lol
do you do dance crazy when no one is looking?
do you like to sing in the shower?
already answered this
what do sing in the shower if you do sing?
already answered this
whats your fav colour?
already answered this
do you like baths or showers?
already answered this
do you blow dry your hair? or just let it dry on its own, or towel dry?
dry on it's own
at the beach would you rather play in the sand, or play in the water?
do you think people should eat the fish they catch, or just let them go?
eat if hungry
what do you like better hands or feet?
I love hands and hate feet
do you like cruly hair or stright hair?
whats your fav kind of drink?
already answered this
Cats or dogs?


Active Member
Fave. celebrity (female)?
Yvonne Strahovski

Fave. celebrity (male)?
Zack Braff
Fave. singer (group)?
Fave. singer (individual)?
Are you Vegetarian or vegan? If one of those, which one are you and for how long?
already answered this one
do you untie your shose when you take them off?
whats your fav book?
Brave New World
whats your fav movie?
Already answered this one
what was your fav toy as a kid?
already answered this one
whats your fav food?
Already answered this one
do you like school?
no I tolerate it though
what do you think is the most usless class in highschool?
Film Lit
whats your fav day of the year?
New Years
do you like soda/pop?
whats your fav season?
Summer...I like it hot, like 125 degrees
do you like music?
already answered this one
if sho what kind?
already answered this one
whats your fav thing to do?
hang out with friends
what's ya fav color?
already answered this one
palying card or palying board games?
board games...I love scrabble
animals or tec?
guy fliks or girl fliks?
big city or little town?
big city
red or balck??
cooking or tack out?
never had tack out

Originally Posted by ruaround
do you think that CK now has 2 SWF crushes???
Yes, I believe he does. Even though I'm a guy. I used to feel empathy for Alix, but now I don't have to.

matt b

Active Member
Why does CK have no life?
Why does he know nothing about anything outside of his house?
Why does he stalk alix?
Why does he post a million questions Thinking he will actually get picked when in actually it is like dodgeball at school all over again?
Can you tell I am getting annoyed by his annoyingness?


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaTT B
Why does CK have no life?
Because he's homeschooled
Why does he know nothing about anything outside of his house?
Because he's homeschooled
Why does he stalk alix?
Because he's homeschooled
Why does he post a million questions Thinking he will actually get picked when in actually it is like dodgeball at school all over again?
Because he's homeschooled
Can you tell I am getting annoyed by his annoyingness?
Yes I can!


Active Member
I am implementing a new rule:
Each poster on any AMA thread after this one can only ask 75 questions...any question after this will be optional.
So if you don't like this rule and you get picked, then you can ignore it without it being broken.
Thank you.