
Active Member
I figured I would give this a shot before I just move to another forum. After so many arguments in people's threads where they just want help I thought this would help.
If you disagree with someone else's technique I suggest you ridicule them here in this thread. That way you can clear your ego while allowing someone to get the help they want on this forum.
I hope to see this grow over the next few weeks and Ill tell you what.
I'm right. My way is the only way and your stupid. Ya like that?


Staff member
If members are being ridiculed, please give details. I sent you a PM.

bang guy

There's no reason to argue on this board. Either you agree with me, which is boring, or you don't agree and are just plain wrong.


Active Member
Beth just getting out some frustrations abou people hijacking threads with ethical arguments and why I'm right and your wrong. Blah blah. Typical forum trolling stuff.
BTW I don't use crystal reef salt in my aquarium so Im right and your stupid. LOL.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if I am guilty of this? Apparently some of the things that I have been doing lately are not working out very well for me at the moment. I'm pretty much the first person to admit I am wrong... if I am wrong. Then again, this IS a discussion board, and people WILL disagree, especially if there is information being put out there that is wrong, inaccurate, or a myth.
I, for the most part, have always stated my opinions and I have always said to go get more information and to read, research and talk to other people other then me... above all, you should find techniques that work for you...


Staff member
Its probably good policy not to scare new members to the forum off with loads of criticisms. On the other hand, I have seen some hobbyists sign on with such a complete disaster on their hands that its hard not to just get down to telling them what they did wrong and how they need to fix it. And some people just have those abrupt personalities that has the potential to rub the wrong way.
I have found it best to go through life with a tough skin and not to take too much personally. But, I think that's just in my makeup.
Bottom line, its a forum with a lot of different personalities and levels of experiences. Delivery on both sides is everything.


Active Member
I appreciate the responses but I think we are missing the point. I would imagine saltwaterfish.com setup this forum to give their customers a place to share information and to promote their site. It seems like there are some on this site that feel it is their right and responsibility to not only push their views but also to push their agenda. And yes with some attitude that plain suck.
Back to the point of this thread. I'm right your not. LOL.
Point vent it here and not on a persons thread who is trying to get answers that help.


Staff member
LOL, you're kinda pushing your own agenda with this topic, aren't you?