im so stupid


Active Member
i bought an unhealthy sebae anemone. its tentacles where short and fat when i bought it, i just read that, that is not healthy. but its been about a week now and some of its tentacles are starting to extend. do u think it will get better?
i have PERFECT water condition. i have billions of cope pods and amphipods.


Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish
i bought an unhealthy sebae anemone. its tentacles where short and fat when i bought it, i just read that, that is not healthy. but its been about a week now and some of its tentacles are starting to extend. do u think it will get better?
i have PERFECT water condition. i have billions of cope pods and amphipods.
As long as your water is perfect, and you give it proper surely can recover...I have read that it takes a long time though...and you have to be very diligent about taking care of it
Post a pic
They don't eat copepds


It looks ok to me...what kind of lighting do you have again? And remember it does not eat pods...
I do not understand why so many people get anemones, and their clowns go right to it


Active Member
im using 4x65 lighting.
i know that anemones dont eat copepods

i was just saying that my water is in perfect condition. like seriously i have so many pods, its just amazing.
i got the anemone for my maroon clown. but at first i was sad because he didnt take strait to the anemone it took like 2 days. and i have never had luck with anemones, so i was like what a wast of 20 bucks. but everything turned out ok after.


Active Member
well its still on the bleached side(white) but having its tenticles extending now is a good sign..when hes truly heathy he will become a darker brownish with colored tips..ur lighting may be an issue it really should be under mh lighting.they do best under this lighting.. as for feeding it its a very good idea to feed it regulary until it regains its coloration and full extent ..i spot fed mine from near death 3 times a day with a syringe cyclopeze and plankton.. stay away from larger foods as they take longer for them to digest..aslo do not feed it silverslides as the bones and scales are not digestable and will be purged back into your tank.(its a gross globb of goop)..the best way to know how healthy it is at this moment is to watch closely on if the food is actually sticking to it when you feed it..if most is floating away feed it closer to the mouth this will ensure it gets more of it..

rod buehle

Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish
im using 4x65 lighting.
i know that anemones dont eat copepods

i was just saying that my water is in perfect condition. like seriously i have so many pods, its just amazing.
i got the anemone for my maroon clown. but at first i was sad because he didnt take strait to the anemone it took like 2 days. and i have never had luck with anemones, so i was like what a wast of 20 bucks. but everything turned out ok after.

Yes they do eat copepods. Infact its a biggest part of their diet in the wild. SIlversides are not. Unleashed is spot on with his post.
You say that your water is perfect, but I have seen post from you recommending temps at 75 and lower. I can say that this anemone will be much happier at temps closer to 80 or even a bit higher.


Originally Posted by Rod Buehle
Yes they do eat copepods. Infact its a biggest part of their diet in the wild. SIlversides are not. Unleashed is spot on with his post.
You say that your water is perfect, but I have seen post from you recommending temps at 75 and lower. I can say that this anemone will be much happier at temps closer to 80 or even a bit higher.
That's pretty funny..with all the reading I have done on anemones...I have NEVER seen it said they eat copepods
....Something else learned today.

rod buehle

Originally Posted by meowzer
That's pretty funny..with all the reading I have done on anemones...I have NEVER seen it said they eat copepods
....Something else learned today.
I am guessing that most of your anemone reading is done here, or at Karens site?


Originally Posted by Rod Buehle
I am guessing that most of your anemone reading is done here, or at Karens site?
A lot is here, some Karen's I have also read WWM's site...googled...and many others...Remember I had a hard time with anemone's at first so I read all kinds of stuff....and nothing about pods
(that I can remember anyway, and I usually remember stuff like that)


Active Member
he is starting to get some very light brown bots all over its tentacles but its tentacles sometimes are still short and fat.
but whats funny is that it still is not attached to anything. it starts floating around sometimes in the water flow... i know thats not good.
and im so happy that u told me that u feed urs with a syringe because i started to do that once a day because it wont eat large pieces of food. i tried squid and small krill.
i was afraid i would kill it.


Active Member

its getting brown. but half of it is still white.
and my baby gold strip maroon is loving it like crazy.
and i am loving them like crazy


Active Member
it does but some times it looses its grip i guess and starts floating around. i grab it and put it in its little hole where it can get a good grip again.
i still dont think its healthy cause it's not sticky.