im sorry to all that were offended by my inconsiderate remarks


this is an apologuy to all tyhat were offended and mistreated by my remarks, in previous threads,, lets just move on and i sincerely apologize..for being a jerk...i know ur all ourt to help and want whats best for the fish...i saw my daughter so happy this morning admiring the fish in the tank and im sure with all ur help we can keep them alive happy and healthy again im sorry to all that helped out and were mistreated.


Active Member
thank you Nathan. You truly DID offend me by your past remarks, and i honestly would never be so rude to a new person asking for help had i not been offended so badly.
Like anyone else who posts a question, you're going to get answers that may or may not coincide with what your LFS and your M.B are telling you. just remember, none of us have our hands in your wallet, so we truly only care about the health and happiness of your tank. Please understand that while we're not professionals, there's a TON of experience between everyone and,while the answers you get may not what you want to hear, they most likely will be the right ones. it just may take a while for that answer to come true.
i'm more than willing to help you out as long as you're treating your fish, corals, and member here with respect, and i'm sure a lot more people will agree with me to this.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
thank you Nathan. You truly DID offend me by your past remarks, and i honestly would never be so rude to a new person asking for help had i not been offended so badly.
Like anyone else who posts a question, you're going to get answers that may or may not coincide with what your LFS and your M.B are telling you. just remember, none of us have our hands in your wallet, so we truly only care about the health and happiness of your tank. Please understand that while we're not professionals, there's a TON of experience between everyone and,while the answers you get may not what you want to hear, they most likely will be the right ones. it just may take a while for that answer to come true.
i'm more than willing to help you out as long as you're treating your fish, corals, and member here with respect, and i'm sure a lot more people will agree with me to this.
totally agree


Active Member
You've taken a great step today. It takes a bigger person to admit any wrong-doing and apologize.


ok first of all i removed the 3 in. bh tang from the 55 gal. tank just to be careful and be a good humanitarian...i took some of ur advises and got a few fish i would like to add to my tank really small ones like maybe 1 in.
just got back with my daughter she had a fun time although she wanted clown trigers which were huge!! as much as i looooved the tangs i guess its not time for them yet they had some beautiful tangs...chevron tangs,purple tangs,yellow tangs,powder blue controlling myself...even a gorgeous black tang which was expensive....
here they are...please note i have a 55 gal reef tank..on my profile shows my livestock and equipment...i will do the reasearch as far as what to feed them etc...
1- flame fairy wrasse x2
2-yellow coris wrasse
3-purple firefish
a few simple q's....1- are these fish reef safe ?
just making sure even though i briefly saw some post before i put them in im not sure if the ones i got were exactly the ones suggested..sorry if its redundant....
2- is it safe to add these 4 fish at once i added 3- 4 weeks ago 2 clowns and a gobby a week ago i added a hammer torch coral i think...and i have a bunch of snails bl hermit crabs scarlet hermit crabs all very very tiny...and some crabs small...and 2 cleaner clams they are burried in the sand and some tiny tiny nasaarius snails...thats my reef setup so with these 4 fish i will have a total of about 11 inches of fish in a 55 gal tank with 90-100lb of lr. oh and ialso have a fire shrimp and a coral banded shrip which was added a week ago...and the one anemonie yellow carpet which one of the clowns host and the other tries to get in but mostly guards it even attacks me when i go near it...but mostly is on the near outside of it.
3- heres the big question will the 1.5 in. royal gramma bother any of these fish i plan on adding...????
thank you all so much for your help...btw the guy at the lfs was a reg. cashier the guys i usually deal with weren't in..which might have bean a good thing...they are beginning to sound like they are very questionable help..but do a good job with tank cleaning it etc.. i ususally do all paramater test weekly myself and water changes when necessary..amoung cleaning the skimmer , and monotoring the wet dry..they do the all the filter changes monthly....i also clean most of the algae on the walal with a magnet so they basically do nothing now lol i really got into this...because of you guys...thanks!!
3-coral-plate coral fungai.. about diameter the cashier said put it on the sandbed i will research this coral tonight but any input on it would be greatly gonna go with ur advises so dont think ur wasting ur time...ur just helping me ensure the quality of their lives and so that they will be happy in thier new home and flourish...
i also have a 10 gal tank which is running as well....its not a qt..and i have no i dea how to set one up im still working on that too...but its a reg 10 gal tank running for 1 month...with 5-8 lb of lr and some crabs snails and clams...
thanks guys


Active Member
i wouldnt add all the fish at once if i were you, and thats a great job of giving up a fish u liked so much and felt it was best
Wow, that's awesome of you to do that. I can't answer all of your questions but I have a fairy wrasse too and you will really love those fish. They add so much color and are so much fun to watch swim. As far as the royal gramma, you might put him in the 10 gal tank and then re-add him after you get the other fish established. I think I have read before that adding him last could help curb some of his aggression since he will not be the dominant established fish anymore, he would be coming into the other fishes territory instead.


ill try but it will be a challange to catch him with all the LR i have he usually hide in there all day and just comes out for food sometimes and usually darts out and then back to his cave or home or comfert spot...i will try and catch him... and put him in the 10 gal i read he can be a bit bold so it might be better to put him in the 55 after a few weeeks to get the new fish established and comfertable.


Active Member
Nathan, Im sorry for "yelling" at you. Glad that we can put this behind our backs. I was just trying to help the life of the fish... and what not.
Proud of you to stand up man.
If you can't get him out, try adding the new fish gradually and with the lights off each time. Then re-arrange your rockwork some. That way it is kind of like a new area to him and he will have to re-establish his "new" territory.


im almost donr acclimating long should i acclimate for is 2 hours enough ? and when i put them in slowly how long should i leave the lights off...
ps: i introduced the plate coral grren fungai...does he need immidiate light ?
Just another heads up I thought about. I don't have any very good LFS stores near me at all so I have learned about most of my fish through reading and advice on here. One book I highly recommend is "A PocketExpert Guide to Marine Fishes" by Scott W. Michael. It lists over 500 of the marine fish you readily see for sale. It will tell you if they are reef safe, how big they get, what they typically will eat, how suitable they are for aquariums, what is the minimum tank size they should go in, and info about special care they may need. i swear by this book and it could come in handy if your regular guys at the LFS aren't there to help you. had some good acclimation procedures. Not sure about a time length. Are you drip acclimating them? I would leave the lights off for several hours so the new fish can get comfortable and find their new "homes". While they're off swap around some of the rockwork and the gramma will most likely think it's a new tank to him anyways. I doubt you will be able to catch him, I didn't think about the amount of rock and those little boogers can hide anywhere. I think the plate coral would be ok without immediate light but I am very new to corals myself so someone more experienced might be better at answering that one. So far I only have mushrooms, zoas, and palys.


i just ordered this book... The Conscientious Marine Aquarist: A Commonsense Handbook for Successful Saltwater Hobbyists by: robbert m fenner
I actually just ordered that one too. I'm only a few pages in but I have heard many people say it is a great book. The other book I told you about is mainly for identifying fish. I actually take it with me to the lfs when i go.


nathanrudy9 said:
ok first of all i removed the 3 in. bh tang from the 55 gal. tank just to be careful and be a good humanitarian...i took some of ur advises and got a few fish i would like to add to my tank really small ones like maybe 1 in.
just got back with my daughter she had a fun time although she wanted clown trigers which were huge!! as much as i looooved the tangs i guess its not time for them yet they had some beautiful tangs...chevron tangs,purple tangs,yellow tangs,powder blue controlling myself...even a gorgeous black tang which was expensive....
Sorry you made the decision Nathan. Yet another person influenced by members on this board. I imagine they'll also talk you into buying a 500 gallon tank so you can have anything you want. It's the humanitarian thing to do...


Active Member
rudedog40 said:
Originally Posted by nathanrudy9
ok first of all i removed the 3 in. bh tang from the 55 gal. tank just to be careful and be a good humanitarian...i took some of ur advises and got a few fish i would like to add to my tank really small ones like maybe 1 in.
just got back with my daughter she had a fun time although she wanted clown trigers which were huge!! as much as i looooved the tangs i guess its not time for them yet they had some beautiful tangs...chevron tangs,purple tangs,yellow tangs,powder blue controlling myself...even a gorgeous black tang which was expensive....
Sorry you made the decision Nathan. Yet another person influenced by members on this board. I imagine they'll also talk you into buying a 500 gallon tank so you can have anything you want. It's the humanitarian thing to do...
if you dont like the forums just leave there IS an open door with no one in the way. There are many fish you can have in a 55 gallon that are beautiful too. MANY people have tanks smaller than 55 and have some REALLY nice looking tanks. I cant even believe it how pretty they look. So its just preference and most people that are truly in the hobby and truly care would LOVE to get a bigger tank, its just the money or space etc etc, on the other hand other LOVE nanos just personal preference and caring for your pets and not being selfish(which i admit is REALLY hard to me when it comes to fish because there is just SO many that i want! too bad i cant afford a 10,000 gallon tank and fish etc that would be AWESOME!, but yeah im starting to dream about that but in reality ik im never gonna have a tank like that and i want my fish to be as happy as possible, which in my opinion brings out more of their natural behavior and color, and probably live longer the better the environment.


I have no idea what you apologized for but I am very impressed. I work with people that have no conscienious and would never, ever, ever say they're sorry.


little problem i just read that the flame fairy wrasse and the purple firefish might jump...and i dont have a cover on my tank..i run mh's and even the actinic lights are 260w so i think if i put a glass cover on it i read it might melt or be bad for the tank so i have it open as u can see in my another thread..dont know how to link to it sorry but its called my 55 gal tank in this same forum....any ideas what to do ??