Impulse buy

Originally Posted by jobu28
I have no idea what it is going to be stocked with. i am going to have to do allot of reseearch and see where it takes me. i have never had anything other than fish. Opinions welcome. i guess i will start with the easy stuff, if there is such a thing. Probably get some live rock over the weekend and then give the list some thought. Any links, threads, etc. you guys recommend for a total reef newbie?
Frogspawn was the first coral I bought and it has been very easy to take care of. Mushrooms are always good to start out with. We cant give any links out but you can always google things or ask us questions on here
those tanks r freakin awesome very expensive, but they let alot of water evap. but great freakin tank i wanted one with a hanging metal halide.


Didnt think it was too bad. $500 for everything incuding a small box of salt and a koralia 1 powerhead


Thanks Spanko. I think its going to be a slow go. I am really not that prepared for it. Going to get some live rock soon and see where it takes me. Should be a fun ride though.


Just finished the first leg of my rock work. Hard to tell from the pics but it actually makes a horse shoe and almost touches the front. I will try to build up in the middle in a couple of weeks. Let me know what you guys think.



Thanks. I went with the advice of my LFS guy where i did my impulse buy,lol. I asked about the halides and was willing to pay more for them but he talked me out of them. Said i could do about 90% of everything and they might be more trouble then it was worth. He hasnt steered me wrong yet. I figure if needed i could always swap it out later.


Thanks for the kind words guys. I hear you about ther addiction. My other addiction is reptiles. I breed snakes as a second job.


Well-Known Member
You said your rock almost touched the front?
It looks really great, what a nice choice for an impulse buy.
Just be sure to leave enough room to be able to clean your glass.


Thanks flower. There is 2-3" before the glass. Just trying to give you guys an idea of the depth. From the pic it kinda looks like just one back wall. It is a horseshoe shape right now.