Info on Cardinals

I have a 29 gallon FOWLR soon to be reef tank and was wondering if anyone could share info about any cardinalfish. Do there need to be more than one in order for them to thrive? Are they aggressive? Are they prone to any ailment? What do they eat?

bang guy

I can only speak for the Banggai. There are many other Cardinalfishes too. Banggai do fine as a single. I believe a single will actually live longer than a pair.

bang guy

My suggestion would be frozen mysis shrimp or some other type of Zooplankton. They will eat frozen brine but it doesn't have the required nutrition IMO.
Very very few Banggai will eat flake food. They normally just bite it and then spit it out.


We have a pajama cardinal. He's very docile......kind of hangs out around the back of the tank, and swims around every now and then. He eats brine shrimp. He's no problem at all, doesn't mess with anybody else, ect...... Very cool fish.
That's cool,:cool:
After receiving info from both this and from books, I have narrowed it down to two species, Bangaii(Hifin) Cardinal or Pyjama Cardinal.
Since I like both, I think the only way I am going to settle this is by seeing which specie my LFS has in stock. Of course they are going to be in healthy shape or I will just wait.
Well I just got a HiFin and he is doing very well. Although I haven't fed him yet, he is out and my other fish seem to not be bothered by his arrival.
I have had a pair of PJs for almost a year now, returning them soon because they bore the heck out of me. Thinking maybe two less fish will help with nitrate issues since I have tried everything else I can think of.
You could of??
Dam* oh well.
The HiFin has adjusted well and is right out in the open. He is eating the brine a little bit.
But bang guy, you said that the brine wouldn't have enough nutrition. What if I dipped it in garlic?


I have a flame cardinal and it is only seen at night. Hides all day but is harmless to the other inhabitants.


Active Member
I'll just add because of the last post. I've had a flame cardinal for over a year now. A good looking fish that tends to be more active first thing in the morning and in the evening. Mine loves shrimp.:( I found out the hard way when I added some small peppermints. Just sucked them right down. Mine may just be particularly aggressive, but I thought I'd share the experience. I'd add a flame cardinal "after" my ornimental shrimp!

bang guy


Originally posted by SteelChromis
Brine as of now, I think soon I will purchase some mysis like you said. Will that get the Cardinal to eat?

Hard to tell. This is a very common problem with wild caught Banggai. It takes them a long time to recognise frozen stuff as food. If you can find some live adult brine shrimp that might get the feeding started.