info on gbta????


later today i am planning to but a gbta for only 49.99!!
anyways ive had a rose before when my tank was onle 3 months and i had cp lights he did not make it he went from the prittiest pink to white and they told me it would be fine?? now that my tank is over 9 months old and has t-5 lights im gunna give it another shot so if you guys could give me any care instructions or tips that would be awesome!


Active Member
Low to nonexistent nitrate.
Feed once per weel a meaty food smaller than the size of it's mouth.
Once you acclimate it and put it in the tank DO NOT TOUCH IT! It will move around or not, it will go where you don't want it or not, it will sting your coral when moving around. BUT do not mess with it. Let it find it's own space and it will settle in where it wants to on it's own. It may move around again after a time. DO NOT TOUCH IT. You cannot make it go where you want it to so don't even try.
Cover all powerheads and overflows with some kind of netting or other material like a ladies nylon or such. More anemones are lost to being shredded up in this type of equipment than you care to know about.
Enjoy the critter. They are beautiful creatures, live long lives in the wilds and will bring both joy and awe to those who see it. Know that they will get large, they may split and you could have multiples in the tank.


Originally Posted by spanko
Low to nonexistent nitrate.
Feed once per weel a meaty food smaller than the size of it's mouth.
Once you acclimate it and put it in the tank DO NOT TOUCH IT! It will move around or not, it will go where you don't want it or not, it will sting your coral when moving around. BUT do not mess with it. Let it find it's own space and it will settle in where it wants to on it's own. It may move around again after a time. DO NOT TOUCH IT. You cannot make it go where you want it to so don't even try.
Cover all powerheads and overflows with some kind of netting or other material like a ladies nylon or such. More anemones are lost to being shredded up in this type of equipment than you care to know about.
Enjoy the critter. They are beautiful creatures, live long lives in the wilds and will bring both joy and awe to those who see it. Know that they will get large, they may split and you could have multiples in the tank.
wow thankyou do i just set him on the bottom and just let him do his thing?
will mysis work for food??????
will this work to acclimate him...?
put him in a container with the bag water and ever half an hour add 1 cup of aquarium water for 2 hours?
thankyou for all the info!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by sharkbait09
wow thankyou do i just set him on the bottom and just let him do his thing? After he is added Yup. Just et it in and let it do its thing.
will mysis work for food?????? Yes, small pcs. of shrimp, small pcs. of silversides etc. Just set the food in the tentacles close to its mouth.
will this work to acclimate him...?
put him in a container with the bag water and ever half an hour add 1 cup of aquarium water for 2 hours? You will get a bunch of different ways from people on how to properly acclimate critters. I like to float the bag in the tank. This helps to stabilize the temperature of the bag water to the tank water. I have a turkey baster that I purchased new and use for the tank only. Every 10 minutes I add a turkey baster full of water to the bag. When the water in the bag has doubled in volume I empty 1/2 of the water and continue. I do this for about an hour. Then release it to the tank.
thankyou for all the info!!
You are welcome. Hope it works well for you this time and don't forget the pictures.


they don't really sting very much. I've used my bare hands and just placed it where I want. They will move where they want. It's so much easier if you buy one that's already attached to a small rock.
Mine moved around a lot before they found their home, but my RBTA has barely moved, I guess I just got luck with that one.
My suggestion would be to try and place it in the general area that you want it to be. You might get lucky, or it might decide to move to the completely opposite side of the tank. The hardest part is leaving it alone and letting it do it's thing.
As for feeding, you may find that your clown fish feeds the anemone. Mine don't, they're selfish. I feed my anemones once a week with very small mysis or live baby brine shrimp.
Good luck


Originally Posted by sharkbait09
of course!! lol
ill get lots of pics! :)

You better!!!!
Originally Posted by sharkbait09

how to i put the anemone in the tank without using the bag water ar can i use the bag water?
Do not use the water from the bag.....remove some...add some etc...
then dump the water out, with anemone in bag...if you have aglove wear it...carefully place the anemone where you want may may not

be prepared for not try to place it again. this will only cause stress


Originally Posted by meowzer
You better!!!!
Do not use the water from the bag.....remove some...add some etc...
then dump the water out, with anemone in bag...if you have aglove wear it...carefully place the anemone where you want may may not

be prepared for not try to place it again. this will only cause stress
it can be out of water??
it wont sting me if i use a glove?


Originally Posted by sharkbait09
it can be out of water??
it wont sting me if i use a glove?
It will only be out for a few seconds, so it will be ok...
I have never been stung through a glove

you should be fine


Originally Posted by meowzer
It will only be out for a few seconds, so it will be ok...
I have never been stung through a glove

you should be fine


They sell "reef gloves" at most LFS's, you definitely will not get stung through them. I've watched the guy at the LFS clean the Lionfish tank with those gloves and not get stung.
Don't worry about the anemone being out of water. Keep in mind that if you were to order one online, it would be shipped to you with little to no water. You'll be fine. Good luck with it.