inhabitants for new tank


New Member
am currently cycling a new 85g tank, and am trying to plan which
fish to add, im thinking to add a pair of clowns, probably percula pair or tomato, 3 purple firefish, a strawberry dottyback and maybey few yellow tailed damsels (im not sure how many would be good for this tank, many ppl say none:)... i would like to later introduce either a coral beauty or flame angel, though i dont know if this may be harrassed by some of the more territorial fish :confused: would this be too many fish for my system/size tank and in which order should this fish be added.. thanks :D


I would put the firefish in first then maybe the clowns then the damsels. I am not sure about the dottyback but i would think to add it before the damsels.

bang guy

I would add a pair of tank bred True Perculas. Once established get a feel for what else you want in there before deciding on your next fish.


New Member
thanks.. what could be some other small to medium sized fish which could go with some of the fish i have in mind, or by adding more fish later would this be over stocking my tank ?


You didn't even mention a tang - which have many varietys that are (in my opinion) some of the most beautiful fish - yellow tangs, blue hippo tang; achilees tang; purple tang; nasau tang; etc.
If you are doing a fish ONLY tank - you can stock it a bit heavier than if you want to add corals. The primary reason that the larger the biological load - the quicker your NITRATES will accumulate. Corals need to have levels maintained UNDER 30 - where fish can take them up to 80ppm (keep in mind these are considered upper limits - and would then require water changes to reduce the nitrate levels).
HOWEVER there are other methods of helping to reduce nitrate levels including (live sand beds and algae-refugiums).
I've heard a general rule of thumb before regarding fish load in a tank of 1inch of fish (head to tail) PER 5 gal of tank. (keep in mind, ur fish GROW, so use not purchased size, but adult sizing of fish).
Thus, if you have a 85gal tank that's 17" of fish. This is just a general rule, and again the amount of filtration you use (LR & overstock of bio balls) and if you decide to make it fish only can increase that a tad. Remember also - the more fish - the quicker your nitrates will grow - and the sooner you will have to do regular water changes. You may want to research algae-refugiums if this becomes too much)
Good luck to you.