Injured Turtle Gets wheels



Injured Turtle Gets Wheels to Walk (Video)
January 15, 2011 04:55 PM EST
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Tzvika, an injured turtle, got a set of wheels to help her walk. The paralyzed turtle was taken to Israel’s Wildlife Hospital after she was hit by a lawnmower.
In the lawnmower incident, Tzvika sustained multiple fractures to her shell. Unfortunately for the turtle, those shell fractures became infected, which compounded her problems. Eventually she was unable to move and she had difficulty eating. What a terrible sight she must have been.
The injured turtle was dragging herself around, which put her back legs and shell at risk of injury and further infection. Finally, the poor thing was give a set of wheels to help her get around safely. The turtle adapted to the wheels quickly, and she enjoyed them so much that the turtle had to be given a stronger set of wheels to help her walk.
What a nice ending. Tzvika must have suffered a lot with the cracks in her shell after being run over by a lawnmower. It is amazing that the hospital was able to help her with these innovative wheels. The video below shows the resilient turtle rolling around the hospital in her new wheels near Tel Aviv.
