I need help real bad. Here goes.....................I have a 72 gal bow with a wet/dry with a 700gph pump. A prisim protien skimmer with activated carbon(just recently added, will explain) a Posphate reactor, tank temp +-80 degrees. I have a 4ft actinic/daylight lighting system. I also have a UV and I NOW have 45 Lbs. of live rock, 2 feather dusters, 1 snail, 3 Percula clowns, 1 Algae blenny and a sand substrate. My Ph is 8.4, salt is 1.025, nitrate is 0, Nitrite is <10, ammonia 0 and calcium is 165 and rising( with Purple-Up additive) I had it running about 1 1/2 years ago, initially was fine, cycled normally, added fish, inverts then............everything started to die. didn't run longer then 8 months or so till the crash. We thought my Ehiem 6650 was too much filtration so we went and changed to the Wet/dry in november (new tank and filter) Started it up, added the OLD live rock. Cycled in a few weeks added fish..ok....added inverts...Instant death! cleaner shrimp lasted less than 1 hour. Snails, less than 4 hours. Only things that survived are the clowns and the blenny. By chance the feather dusters survived and a small snail. I decided to change the rock, thinking that the old rock was contaminating the tank. Have now 45 lbs of New Figi rock. ran it for 2 weeks, added 1 cleaner shrimp, 5 snails and a star. As usual, everything was dead in less than 4 hours. the snails take a while to die. Star, dead in 1.5 hours, cleaner less than 1 hour. I have tested for copper and have found nothing. I put the carbon in the protien skimmer with hopes that is any contaminants were in the tank, they would be taken out with the carbon, but no luck. I really hope someone can figure out and give me some suggestions. You folks have some beautiful stuff and I hope you can help me get there. I rreally need help! Badly! Please.......