Interesting read of an interview with an Arab


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Originally Posted by seasalt101
don't forget that clinton could have got bin laden before 9/11, and he was also responsible for the attack on the u.s.s. cole the attack on the embassies, but because of political image he didn't want to risk it and how many kids died when the twin towers fell on the daycares inside? war is not for the thin skinned it is not pretty it is a harsh bloody reality in the quote that started this thread the muslim told the reporter how the kids are trained to hate us and are willing to die for there cause so i say let them die for there cause...tobin
So because of him we should kill them all? You'd like to do this rather then going after those who funded him?


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Originally Posted by seasalt101
don't forget that clinton could have got bin laden before 9/11, and he was also responsible for the attack on the u.s.s. cole the attack on the embassies, but because of political image he didn't want to risk it and how many kids died when the twin towers fell on the daycares inside? war is not for the thin skinned it is not pretty it is a harsh bloody reality in the quote that started this thread the muslim told the reporter how the kids are trained to hate us and are willing to die for there cause so i say let them die for there cause...tobin
I say we give everybody who agrees with you a gun and a bomb. We load you all onto planes and drop you off there. If you are so gung hoe on war. Do it yourself. I am sick of watching out troops die for wars we shouldnt be involved in. You are so hard core and "thick skinned" go die for what you believe in. I think you will feel differently when it is your life you are risking to get your way.


Active Member
alot of his funding came from the u.s when russia and afghanistan were at war...and the saudi nation is an ally, and iran has always funded terrorism, do you even remember when iran was an ally to the u.s? till the radical cleric ayahtollah khomeini and his students over ran the u.s embassy in tehran and held american prisoners till the day of president reagans inaugeration, this isn't some new wind blowing here...tobin


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Originally Posted by team2jndd
I say we give everybody who agrees with you a gun and a bomb. We load you all onto planes and drop you off there. If you are so gung hoe on war. Do it yourself. I am sick of watching out troops die for wars we shouldnt be involved in. You are so hard core and "thick skinned" go die for what you believe in. I think you will feel differently when it is your life you are risking to get your way.
i am a veteran of the army in a combat field, and everyone who seves takes an oath to defend this country,if like i said this war could of been over in 1 day by just pushing a button no americans killed at all but that don't work for you either do you want you want your brother to lay his rifle down put his hands in the air and hope for the best these guys chop off their heads they are so peaceful and only want us to leave why do they want us to leave they are starting to get scared of losing jihad, and if we leave now a year or so from now it's the sears tower or the superbowl do you remember the 72 olympics...tobin


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Originally Posted by team2jndd
Im not for leaving Iraq. But im also deffinately not ready for starting another war.
it is just such a mess over there i don't see away around it...tobin


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i have a strong feeling that iran , russia, and seria are next. iran and seria are spending billions on nuks and jets from russia right now and they use it against use some day. iran calls use the big devil and isreal the little devil and want to wipe us out . why in the world are we letting them build there army


U are starting to tiy the whole East into this. First off the whole world sends them money for them to spend on insurgents and nukes.( if there was a way to boy cot there oil they would go broke)
And yes i know a muslim who converted to a crishtin. He says he was thought at the age of 3-4 that the west ( US, Isreal, Europe, and there allies) were majer devils and hated them at age 5 that he would go to war with the grown ups against them. Anyways after converting over to a christan he came back to his house and his dad and mom didnt exept him they force em out and his dad threating to kill him if he showed up again, that pretened like they never made him.
There ALL tought to hate the west so bad that they would become insergents if needed. Accourding to this man ( this guys is very nice and friendly and if we bombed them some ppl like him would die) but there is not diplamatic way in my veiw it will always be a fight


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Going back to the orignal post...
The media constantly tells us that Islam is a religion of peace.
It's curious to me, however, how Christians and other non Muslims are treated in Muslim countries if this is a religion of peace.
Don't get me wrong; The autrocities comitted in the Crusades, the Inquisition, Conquistador mentality, etc. are all horrible things done in the name of the "church". That's in the past, though.
Today my religious brothers and sisters are being slaughtered in muslim countries.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Going back to the orignal post...
The media constantly tells us that Islam is a religion of peace.
It's curious to me, however, how Christians and other non Muslims are treated in Muslim countries if this is a religion of peace.
Don't get me wrong; The autrocities comitted in the Crusades, the Inquisition, Conquistador mentality, etc. are all horrible things done in the name of the "church". That's in the past, though.
Today my religious brothers and sisters are being slaughtered in muslim countries.
It is sad to see this happen and it can not be excused. I do not think you can blame the masses for what the minority do (I just can't believe that a group of people could murder and hate so easily). You will never see it happen in a Christain nation because there is no 3rd world Christain nation that I can think of...when people have a degree of privledge and a good life it makes it a lot harder to hate your fellow man.


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The Vatican would be the only "Christian" governed country I can think of.
I don't blame the masses, but still there is a certain violence in muslim countries that can't be denied. Look at how women are treated for instance. I think the "minority" is sizeable.


Since the majority of terroist acts are commited in the name of Islam why dont we see more Islamic leaders condeming it?
At this point it seems like we have gotten into a situation very similar to Viet Nam.


and some of the public 70% like the insergent ( accourding to the guy i met with) maybe not in Iraq but i mean other middle east countries. I beleve that Isreal did beat the ++++ out of Hazboul, But from the muslim view it was different so if some ingurgents "succsed" they get a "lata love, support"
My opinion take em out now before they get smarter and come together and have their own nukes why risk it by leting them have nukes


Active Member
The problem is the "Holy Land" all three religions hold the same place sacred and the muslims want there own seperate state in Jerulsalem (Israel). If this was created (and I'm not sure if I am for, or against it) I think there probably be less problems in that region.
But muslims are against the ways of the west because of the way we live our lives here and the culture. I say we are the devil because of the idols,sexual freedoms, and basically just the sin that we promote or allow. They feel that this needs to be exterminated. Then when it comes to our gov't they feel we are corrupt. If you are not muslim than you either need to convert or die.
Personally I am not against people of that faith, I have had friends and associates that are muslim and we get along great. One of my best friends family is muslim and I remember walking in to their house on occasion and they would be praying. I have a lot of respect of the disipline of those that are truly muslims.
However, when it comes to God or Allah and Jesus. I feel like how could there be any higher prophet than Jesus because none of the others are God and Jesus is the only one who was uniquely born, lived a sinless life, and was resurected from the dead, he is God. No other prophet can claim this and there are many. I here about Mohammad who apparently had multiple wives, killed people and etc... I just don't understand how th


Active Member
The problem is the "Holy Land" all three religions hold the same place sacred and the muslims want there own seperate state in Jerulsalem (Israel). If this was created (and I'm not sure if I am for, or against it) I think there probably be less problems in that region.
But muslims are against the ways of the west because of the way we live our lives here and the culture. I say we are the devil because of the idols,sexual freedoms, and basically just the sin that we promote or allow. They feel that this needs to be exterminated. Then when it comes to our gov't they feel we are corrupt. If you are not muslim than you either need to convert or die.
Personally I am not against people of that faith, I have had friends and associates that are muslim and we get along great. One of my best friends family is muslim and I remember walking in to their house on occasion and they would be praying. I have a lot of respect of the disipline of those that are truly muslims.
However, when it comes to God or Allah and Jesus. I feel like how could there be any higher prophet than Jesus because none of the others are God and Jesus is the only one who was uniquely born, lived a sinless life, and was resurected from the dead, he is God. No other prophet can claim this and there are many. I here about Mohammad who apparently had multiple wives, killed people and etc... I just don't understand how Islam is supposed to be God's/Allah's fix to Judaism and/or Christianity.
Lastly, if we are saying lets just go over and "Nuke" them or kill them all, what makes that any different from what they are doing. That is their goal! If they had nukes we'd be dead.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
The problem is the "Holy Land" all three religions hold the same place sacred and the muslims want there own seperate state in Jerulsalem (Israel). If this was created (and I'm not sure if I am for, or against it) ....
I completely disagree. Israel has made countless concessions... never leads to peace.


God GAVE that LAND to abraham and his kids(Israeli) so its theirs what the heck its already the size of Vermont... maybe smaller take a look at the map and muslims want more and more of it. First a half of Jurusalem then it will be the whole city, then theyll want Tel Viv....... i dont care if it holy to them GOD DIDNT GIVE IT TO THEM DID HE. Even if some land was giving to them they would still want to destroy Isreali. common scence thats been there goal for the last ...... years. God pertects that land IMO. If he didnt all the arab forces(IRAN,IRAQ,SYRIA,ect.) out number the Isreali forces by how much.


Active Member
just nukem and the rest of the world will think twice about terrorizing anyone
so we re known as the biggest terrorist on the planet they obviously do not love us for our generosity so who cares nukem...tobin