Interesting read of an interview with an Arab


Active Member
Originally Posted by eugenez_21
God GAVE that LAND to abraham and his kids(Israeli) so its theirs what the heck its already the size of Vermont... maybe smaller take a look at the map and muslims want more and more of it. First a half of Jurusalem then it will be the whole city, then theyll want Tel Viv....... i dont care if it holy to them GOD DIDNT GIVE IT TO THEM DID HE. Even if some land was giving to them they would still want to destroy Isreali. common scence thats been there goal for the last ...... years. God pertects that land IMO. If he didnt all the arab forces(IRAN,IRAQ,SYRIA,ect.) out number the Isreali forces by how much.
I agree, however Abraham is the father of all 3 religions. Basically, if you are of one of the 3 major religions, you worship the same God. The basic thing that seperates us is this question... Who is Jesus? There are other things, but this is what it comes down to. Muslims believe God gave it to them... The thing they pray towards Mecca to (sorry if I offend, but can't remember the name of it, but the black shrine) has to do with Abraham... I having a brain malfunction probably because its the end of the day for me.
Secondly, a nuclear war (bombing) is not the answer, if we do this we will for sure be bombed here in the US. If we do this this will create more enemies and will probably result in armegeddan (or however you spell it)


Active Member
"Nuking" is not the answer because it is wrong.
Having said that, we'll be bombed here (again) as soon as radical muslims get a chance to bomb us. They bombed the WTC in the 90s and 2001. It doesn't matter what we do.


They will hate us no matter what, most people prefer peace, but peace is not the nature of mankind. Anyone read the Art of War? It's better to prepare for war than hope for peace and be mistaken.

masta man

Malcom X in his autobiography wrote about how no one will kill you faster than an Islamic man thinking Allah wanted him to. (not the exact words) The middle east is very religious and will give their lives up for Allah. My only question is why doesn't Osama Binladin (Right spelling??) blow himself up instead of young middle eastern men.

masta man

Originally Posted by team2jndd
I say we give everybody who agrees with you a gun and a bomb. We load you all onto planes and drop you off there. If you are so gung hoe on war. Do it yourself. I am sick of watching out troops die for wars we shouldnt be involved in. You are so hard core and "thick skinned" go die for what you believe in. I think you will feel differently when it is your life you are risking to get your way.
I completely agree, and notice how all the people who got us into this war didn't send their kids they sent our kids. Also why are people so dis sensitized toward death. 3,000 troops dead is a lot, what if it was 3,000 of all the people you knew or your whole family. Besides there is no point to this war, and don't say we are killing terrorists in Iraq. Iraq didn't do anything to us. And also all the wmds in Iraq the chemical bombs and such were given to Saddam by the US gov.
I'm not trying to spark an argument.

masta man

Originally Posted by seasalt101
i am a veteran of the army in a combat field, and everyone who seves takes an oath to defend this country,if like i said this war could of been over in 1 day by just pushing a button no americans killed at all but that don't work for you either do you want you want your brother to lay his rifle down put his hands in the air and hope for the best these guys chop off their heads they are so peaceful and only want us to leave why do they want us to leave they are starting to get scared of losing jihad, and if we leave now a year or so from now it's the sears tower or the superbowl do you remember the 72 olympics...tobin
The people like me and team2jndd are not against the troops we are against this useless war. What could Iraq possibly do to us with our missile defense system which this president's whole campaign is over should be able to protect us. Besides why didn't he send his kids. I as a democrat support the troops to the end because they will always be more brave than me but why waste these kids with such good character in a hel_hole like Iraq. Did you all hear the president say "What do we do when ob-gyns can't practice their love with the women of our nation?"


Active Member
Originally Posted by Masta Man
I completely agree, and notice how all the people who got us into this war didn't send their kids they sent our kids. Also why are people so dis sensitized toward death. 3,000 troops dead is a lot, what if it was 3,000 of all the people you knew or your whole family. Besides there is no point to this war, and don't say we are killing terrorists in Iraq. Iraq didn't do anything to us. And also all the wmds in Iraq the chemical bombs and such were given to Saddam by the US gov.
I'm not trying to spark an argument.
If you're not trying to spark an argument state more facts and less opinions...
You realize the military of today is a 100% volunteer force, correct? Do you think these men and women signed up under a pretense they wouldn't be going to war? Do you realize EVERY branch of the armed services is currently meeting recruiting capacity for the year?
3,000 people is a lot. Surprisingly that's how many we lost in ONE DAY in New York City.
We are killing terrorists in Iraq.... By Al Qeada's own admission they are in Iraq and losing leaders there.
Iraq didn't do anything to us??? You remember Kuwait? You remember the peace agreement they signed? You remember the THOUSANDS of times they violated that agreement by tracking and firing at our pilots? You remember the 17 UN Resolutions they rejected? Iraq didn't do anything to us you say?
What chemical weapons? According to the Left he didn't have any...

darthtang aw

Active Member
Has there ever been a President in the last 40 years that started a war their own children fought in. You comment on why he doesn't send his kids to war? Ummmm...last I checked you can't force a civilian into armed is volunteer...even if you are the President of the United states....Thgere are many reasons to be there and many reasons not to. regardless we are there. the question is will pulling out make it better or worse.

masta man

Did Bush ever say anything about Kuwait...
Did he ever say any thing about the peace agreement violations...
To most people all he said was about WMDs
To explain about the chemical weapons heres a link
And about the army have you seen how they try to get young men and women by falsifying what is really going on. In the commercial you see the man climbing the mountain. Not in Iraq burning up, and shooting people. They glorify war which is wrong there is nothing pretty about war.
by the way who is the enemy in Iraq. And don't use a generic term like terrorists and Al Qeada. What good are we doing in Iraq making a point to the world that we as Americans can bully a tiny country.
And instead of fighting a war on Christmas, why don't we fight a war on cancer. you know old man Bush cut cancer funding by 80% putting us back 20 years.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Masta Man
Did Bush ever say anything about Kuwait...
Did he ever say any thing about the peace agreement violations...
To most people all he said was about WMDs
To explain about the chemical weapons heres a link
And about the army have you seen how they try to get young men and women by falsifying what is really going on. In the commercial you see the man climbing the mountain. Not in Iraq burning up, and shooting people. They glorify war which is wrong there is nothing pretty about war.
by the way who is the enemy in Iraq. And don't use a generic term like terrorists and Al Qeada. What good are we doing in Iraq making a point to the world that we as Americans can bully a tiny country.
And instead of fighting a war on Christmas, why don't we fight a war on cancer. you know old man Bush cut cancer funding by 80% putting us back 20 years.

Bush mentioned all those things in his first speech about Iraq. If you like I can pull it up for you and highlight those comments so you will see clearly they were stated.
As for the Cancer cut backs I will have to look into that.....but My first thought is how did this put us back 20years...did we suddennly lose a bunch medicinal practices we use to fight combat Cancer? And to boot he has increased funding for Aids education and aid to Africa 100% minimum...

darthtang aw

Active Member
Oh, and any moron that believes joining the Army is all about climbing mountains and not fighting, Isn't fit for the work environment in the civilian they are a moron....Nice try on the commercial though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Masta Man
Did Bush ever say anything about Kuwait...
Did he ever say any thing about the peace agreement violations...
To most people all he said was about WMDs
To explain about the chemical weapons heres a link
And about the army have you seen how they try to get young men and women by falsifying what is really going on. In the commercial you see the man climbing the mountain. Not in Iraq burning up, and shooting people. They glorify war which is wrong there is nothing pretty about war.
by the way who is the enemy in Iraq. And don't use a generic term like terrorists and Al Qeada. What good are we doing in Iraq making a point to the world that we as Americans can bully a tiny country.
And instead of fighting a war on Christmas, why don't we fight a war on cancer. you know old man Bush cut cancer funding by 80% putting us back 20 years.
To further expound upon what Darth said...
Are you suggesting the men and women VOLUNTEERING to join the armed forces today are totally ignorant of the war in Iraq? How about all of those RE-ENLISTING to go BACK to Iraq?
"Al Qeada" is not a generic term... Bully a tiny country? Look up what Iraq's military was ranked before Desert Storm. Talk to a Kuwaiti about what it means to be bullied by a more powerful neighbor...
War on Christmas?? How exactly did the government fight that? And as Darth pointed out, how did we lose 20 years? Furthermore, to say we lost 20 years; doesn't that imply we know when we are going to win the "War on Cancer"?

masta man

losing 20 years means that the massive amount of cut backs on research facilities caused them to fail, thus we had the same amount of workforce and scientists, government funded, that we did 20 years before.
P.S. I hope that you guys don't take this personally because I don't mean any offense on you guys when I talk politics.

masta man

Sorry for the misunderstanding. I meant as in generic terrorists and not generic Al Qaeda. Because the 9/11 attack 15 of the 19 men were from Saudi Arabia. Not from Iraq. But we are not in Saudi Arabia because Bush and ---- had friends with oil there.

masta man

Another reason that people go into the army is because they have no other choice. Such as they didn't try in high school and can't get a job over minimum wage. The gov has been publicizing about the money you get when you join. Yet when the soldiers come back they have to pay for their flight from the one or two main military airports. I would also like to say that they have recruiters at my high school telling of the great experiences and traveling. They try to get 16 year olds not even old enough to leave the house. And once a 16 year olds signs on that dotted line there is no turning back. There has been a great drought of volunteers lately.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Masta Man
losing 20 years means that the massive amount of cut backs on research facilities caused them to fail, thus we had the same amount of workforce and scientists, government funded, that we did 20 years before.
P.S. I hope that you guys don't take this personally because I don't mean any offense on you guys when I talk politics.
Who has said this? That's a silly number... It's purely propaganda.
In order to "lose 20 years" you have to know how much research is needed. How did research fail exactly? Not enough scientists to wash the test tubes?
Not taking anything personally.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Masta Man
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I meant as in generic terrorists and not generic Al Qaeda. Because the 9/11 attack 15 of the 19 men were from Saudi Arabia. Not from Iraq. But we are not in Saudi Arabia because Bush and ---- had friends with oil there.
Clinton bombed Iraq. Why didn't he bomb Saudi Arabia? Does he have friends there too?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Masta Man
Another reason that people go into the army is because they have no other choice. Such as they didn't try in high school and can't get a job over minimum wage. The gov has been publicizing about the money you get when you join. Yet when the soldiers come back they have to pay for their flight from the one or two main military airports. I would also like to say that they have recruiters at my high school telling of the great experiences and traveling. They try to get 16 year olds not even old enough to leave the house. And once a 16 year olds signs on that dotted line there is no turning back. There has been a great drought of volunteers lately.
This is full of falsehoods... so our military folks are too stupid to get another job? Don't buy this lie...
There is certainly "turning back". In fact a 16 year old can't sign a legal contract. Even to the military.
There is certainly not a drought of volunteers... That statement is 100% wrong. As I said, ALL BRANCHES are at their target numbers for 2007. Also, looke at the large numbers re-enlisting.
Masta Man, you're listening to the wrong folks for your info...