Interesting read of an interview with an Arab


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Originally Posted by Jmick
Further evidence that the war in Iraq is wrecking the U.S. Army: Recruiters, having failed to meet their enlistment targets, are now being authorized to pursue high-school dropouts and (not to mince words) stupid people.....
Not sure how old your article is. Here is one from June 11th, 2007. "The Army fell short of its recruitment goal for active duty forces for the month of May but still remains ahead of its overall recruitment goal for the year so far, military officials reported Monday.
It was the first time the Army missed its goal since September. The other branches closed the month exceeding their figures, with the Marines recruiting 2,225 new Marines, 34 percent higher than its monthly goal.
Monthly figures released by the Pentagon say the Army fell short by 399 new recruits but remains about 2,000 ahead of its overall recruitment goal for 2007. Officials noted that it's not unusual for recruitment to dip during the month of May, and attributed the fall to just-graduated high school students who have not yet decided whether to join the military. Officials say figures usually pick up in July and August.
The Army Reserves exceeded its monthly goal, but the Army National Guard fell short 12 percent.
Retention rates remain above expectations


Active Member
Pontus, well thought out post. While I disagree with some of it you make good points. We've debated the points you made I disagree with so I won't rehash them here. As I said though, well thought out.
Now, to reply to this.
Originally Posted by Pontius
now, I saw someone say that the Old Testament is just as violent as the Quran. if you can point out any part in the Old Testament where the Christian God calls on man to kill in His name, please point it out. I can remember severals parts where God forbids man to kill in His name.
I believe the book of Revelations says that Armageddon will be fought between Iran/Russia vs Israel/"a western power". so given the state of current affairs, things don't look good. I believe Israel will attack Iran if Iran gets nuclear weapons. and if that happens, I think Russia will come to Iran's aid and we'll take Israel's side. I think very dark days are coming.
God did command the Jews to kill. Several times in fact; when they were taking the Promise Land for instance. (Numbers chpt 25 and 31. Much of the book of Joshua, Judges, etc..) God teaches not to murder, but in war or crimes against God the people were commanded to kill. The reason for this is made plain throughout the Bible, but more of a theological discussion probably best left for another thread

Revelation does not mention Russia. Only that the "Kings of the East" would cross the Euphrates and gather up to make war at Armageddon. (Rev. chpt 16) Some people have speculated that the current Pres. of Iran considers himself the future "King of the East".


Anyways i have a feeling iran is going to try to take over some time in the future when they are a little more advanced in military tec. Cuase Isreali is pretty smart when it comes to electrnics and stuff i think they are considered to have an advanced army right now. BTW why let iran get nukes and start WWIII IMO IRAN will go for israeli and the US will back up Isreali and then the russians will back iran up and other countries will take sides and its going to be a nuke war and we ll have nukes being droped all over the planet and That will be the END


Active Member
Originally Posted by eugenez_21
Anyways i have a feeling iran is going to try to take over some time in the future when they are a little more advanced in military tec. Cuase Isreali is pretty smart when it comes to electrnics and stuff i think they are considered to have an advanced army right now. BTW why let iran get nukes and start WWIII IMO IRAN will go for israeli and the US will back up Isreali and then the russians will back iran up and other countries will take sides and its going to be a nuke war and we ll have nukes being droped all over the planet and That will be the END
this is why you nuke them now no alliances formed yet no nukes that we know of that can reach europe anyway, and it is only a matter of time till it could be world war 3 you strike while the iron is hot, and to those people that think that iran is not supporting al-quada or any other terrorist needs to open there eyes if we do nothing now wait 3 years and see where we are at in the middle east...tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Pontus, well thought out post. While I disagree with some of it you make good points. We've debated the points you made I disagree with so I won't rehash them here. As I said though, well thought out.
Now, to reply to this.
God did command the Jews to kill. Several times in fact; when they were taking the Promise Land for instance. (Numbers chpt 25 and 31. Much of the book of Joshua, Judges, etc..) God teaches not to murder, but in war or crimes against God the people were commanded to kill. The reason for this is made plain throughout the Bible, but more of a theological discussion probably best left for another thread

Revelation does not mention Russia. Only that the "Kings of the East" would cross the Euphrates and gather up to make war at Armageddon. (Rev. chpt 16) Some people have speculated that the current Pres. of Iran considers himself the future "King of the East".
I'll have to look into the Bible more to see.
however, the Bible DOES mention Magog (spelling?), which is modern day Russia.

masta man

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
God did command the Jews to kill. Several times in fact; when they were taking the Promise Land for instance. (Numbers chpt 25 and 31. Much of the book of Joshua, Judges, etc..) God teaches not to murder, but in war or crimes against God the people were commanded to kill. The reason for this is made plain throughout the Bible, but more of a theological discussion probably best left for another thread

Revelation does not mention Russia. Only that the "Kings of the East" would cross the Euphrates and gather up to make war at Armageddon. (Rev. chpt 16) Some people have speculated that the current Pres. of Iran considers himself the future "King of the East".
1JourneyMan I back you up. God did tell the jews to kill during the old testament. And in the old testament after the Jews destroyed a city one of them stole from the sinning city and the armies for some reason lost all their confidence right before the next battle so their army was beaten. So they burned (I think) the thief, his possessions, and his family (I think). Then the army got its confidence back and they marched on... until the promise land.


Originally Posted by Masta Man
1JourneyMan I back you up. God did tell the jews to kill during the old testament. And in the old testament after the Jews destroyed a city one of them stole from the sinning city and the armies for some reason lost all their confidence right before the next battle so their army was beaten. So they burned (I think) the thief, his possessions, and his family (I think). Then the army got its confidence back and they marched on... until the promise land.
Yea thats in there , in bible times when they were going to the promise land they destroyed the WHOLE nation, city (women and kids everybody) that was their enemy. similar situation with iran even if u take out their nuke sities that would help but that would also piss them of and they would want to kill us even more take them all out, i dont see a other way ( even if we did take their nuke sities out they could buy some from russia, im ukrainian and i can tell u the Kremlin doesnt give a *** what happens to or in the us and i also think that Washington doesnt give a *** what happens to or in russia.


Active Member
Originally Posted by eugenez_21
Yea thats in there , in bible times when they were going to the promise land they destroyed the WHOLE nation, city (women and kids everybody) that was their enemy. similar situation with iran even if u take out their nuke sities that would help but that would also piss them of and they would want to kill us even more take them all out, i dont see a other way ( even if we did take their nuke sities out they could buy some from russia, im ukrainian and i can tell u the Kremlin doesnt give a *** what happens to or in the us and i also think that Washington doesnt give a *** what happens to or in russia.
i think it is just you and me thinkin kill em all better to be the nuker than the nukee...tobin


True theres not a way to stop iran from getting nukes if u bomb their sities theyll buy em from some other country if u leave Iran alone theyll make their own and start WW3 by attacking isreali or by isreali attacking them because they developed nukes. If u take them all out then the other a** h**** that hate the US will think. " Damn they just got burned to a crisp i beter go hide in a cave before Bush spotes me and sendes one over here to burn me and send me to Allah".
Im not a murderer but i just dont see another quick and effective way


Originally Posted by seasalt101
i think it is just you and me thinkin kill em all better to be the nuker than the nukee...tobin
looks like it


well this is an interesting thread!
i view the Middle East like the country in V for Vendetta.
take out the extremist and the people well come around!
we all know that the war certaintly have alteria motives like oil, but id tell you to go rent Syrina by george clooney a great look on how the politic situation is on that side! I have numerous family in the military i'm thinking myself bout getting in a lil better shape and joining the marines! my uncle is on his way back from his 3rd tour in afghastan, he did 4 tours in iraq! and he tells me that what is on the news is major B.S. ( ever watch the movie wag the dog) always research any and all info from the news! my uncle states that if we were to eliminate the leaders of the major extremist parties that we could avoid this major world war that is bond to be on are hands here shortly! one other thing who do you think poses a bigger threat??
all ive read is mainly about the middleast! yes iran is enriching uranium but what about N. Korea? they actually have a few nukes and are testing missles or other deliverly methods! who has the largest army in the world??
us? no china? not close india? wrong russia? please! its north korea! with over 4 million people!
i personally believe that we just need to pull are troops out of all the lil fighting and wars and let the other countries deal with it! but no that cant happen cuz of american intrest in those regions! do you think if not for the oil that we would be there? not for a moment. what about the horn of africa? all the oil,cocoa, precious stones for the american companies!
pretty much face it people its all coming to a head sooner then we want it to but were going to have WW3 on our hands very soon, but remember throughout history there are always wars and then the peace after the wars! it is human nature to be voilent about things that we are pationate about and believe in, some people can see both sides of the problem and try to fix it but others just cant change their minds at all! if you want a ex. think about racism today in the US! some people change their thought process other dont!
i know i'm a lil all other then place but just trying to get all the bases covered as best as i can in this short post! and yes i did explain how things are related to in some movies just as an example to help people with their thought process not as fact!
on a final note......terrorism is nothing more than a game of shadow hunt but yet it must be fought back by it own way of fighting in the first place! i dont like thinking about the innocent people that have perished since the dawn of time that were caused by these wars! remember its up to all of us to try to help change it for the good not the bad dont just go shooting off at the gums without thinking about the WHOLE thing in the process! nothing is ever really solved or defeated by causing more violence!


if WW3 starts that would be the end to mother earth cause US RUSSIA NORTH KORIA and other nuke nation will not be on the same sides and then nukes will be going of everywhere. And i think it takes a couple decedes for the land to recover and start growing plants and stuff so there could be a starvation in more parts of earth. Do u remember chernubul the nuke reacter in Ukrain the blue up and that waz quite some time back and ppl still cant get there garden to produce 100%. And just thinck all electic lines are connected if a bomb lands by a energy place and catches it one fire and the fire catch the electirc lines on fire and it will spread like crazy even more with a nuke bomb there will be whole wild fires all over earth if this thin starts.


one thing electric lines are disigned to not catch on fire or even stay on fire! is an electric line was cut/severed and touched a tree or home maybe but not likely possible!


i always learn something thats interestin I always thought they would go ablazing ooops but still there would be good sized wild fires forming


Actually violence has solved every conflict know to man, if you completely crush your opposition how can they resist... Bracing for flames.


Active Member
i already know this it's the liberals let's try sanctions approach that has NEVER worked, in the military we had a slogan kill em all let god sort them out...tobin


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Originally Posted by Jovial
Actually violence has solved every conflict know to man, if you completely crush your opposition how can they resist... Bracing for flames.

Just look at what the Hutu's did to the Tutsis back in 94 in should not only crush your opposition but kill them all including women and childern....still remember the pics of the butchered kids and women and the bodies in the rivers...guess something like that would work for you huh?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Just look at what the Hutu's did to the Tutsis back in 94 in should not only crush your opposition but kill them all including women and childern....still remember the pics of the butchered kids and women and the bodies in the rivers...guess something like that would work for you huh?
but it's over now isn't it?...tobin


Active Member
i totally believe in crushing your enemies if you don't in 15 years or so you have to kill them again this is why polite war does not work and in the bible it states to kill every man woman child and beast and i know god knows how to win a war, so it's my christian duty to uphold this belief...tobin