Interesting read of an interview with an Arab


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Originally Posted by seasalt101
i totally believe in crushing your enemies if you don't in 15 years or so you have to kill them again this is why polite war does not work and in the bible it states to kill every man woman child and beast and i know god knows how to win a war, so it's my christian duty to uphold this belief...tobin

I love that, makes me happy to not be a christian when your own bible advocates genocide. I can only assume when you saw the news and pics from Rwanda of butcherd babies and kids that you smiled and thought to yourself, "now that is how you kill your enemies". However, I did grow up as a Catholic and from what I remember they tended to promote love and compassion to your fellow man not this a Southern Baptist thing?


Active Member
no it is a biblical thing, in several books of the old testament and in revelations, you should read it, because the more you read the more prophesy you see, this war is just a modern day crusade to the islamist extremist it's the start of armagheddon to them and to me also if you are going to be at war, you war to win, other wise it's back and forth population control, kill them all,and the war is over like poof done...tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I love that, makes me happy to not be a christian when your own bible advocates genocide. I can only assume when you saw the news and pics from Rwanda of butcherd babies and kids that you smiled and thought to yourself, "now that is how you kill your enemies". However, I did grow up as a Catholic and from what I remember they tended to promote love and compassion to your fellow man not this a Southern Baptist thing?
no this does not make me smile i have said this multiple times to you specifically war is not pretty war is not for the weak or mild war is brutal, but war is needed the planet would have died out a long time ago from rescources being used up (food, water, etc.) and you always go to the southern thing like i stated did you like the daniel pearl videos please answer and don't duck direct questions...tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
no this does not make me smile i have said this multiple times to you specifically war is not pretty war is not for the weak or mild war is brutal, but war is needed the planet would have died out a long time ago from rescources being used up (food, water, etc.) and you always go to the southern thing like i stated did you like the daniel pearl videos please answer and don't duck direct questions...tobin
HUH? I think that diesease, stravation, various health problems take care of global population control...the number of deaths related to war is very small compared to this. I don't lump everyone in the middle-east in the same boat as those extremests who cut his head off in Pakistan.
If you wanna talk about the delepetion of resources take a look at China and the toll they are going to take as they continue to industrialize and their people have the means to buy buy buy. Should we nuke them as well, since it'll mean less for us?


Active Member
we are not at war with china and as you said there is already starvation going on meaning that the world is overpopulated now and everyone knows that the strong survive that's always been, and as the u.s. is strong we need to win the war in iraq, and the eliminate there support countries iran and syria, so nuke them complete and efficient elimination and for the 3rd time did you enjoy watching our american reporter getting his head chopped off, not a soldier just a reporter or are your smpathies with some 3rd world country thats population shoos flies out of their eyes and noses, and are dieing anyway...tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
we are not at war with china and as you said there is already starvation going on meaning that the world is overpopulated now and everyone knows that the strong survive that's always been, and as the u.s. is strong we need to win the war in iraq, and the eliminate there support countries iran and syria, so nuke them complete and efficient elimination and for the 3rd time did you enjoy watching our american reporter getting his head chopped off, not a soldier just a reporter or are your smpathies with some 3rd world country thats population shoos flies out of their eyes and noses, and are dieing anyway...tobin
As a caring compassionate person I felt for the guy, it'd be a terrible way to go. We have had journalists killed in all parts of the world and as I stated before, i do not blame all people in a given area for the actions of a few extremists. Journalist die all the time when they go into hot areas and the realize it's part of the job.
Ok, lets say we nuke all three. What do you think the long term ramifications would be? Do you think the rest of the world would standby and allow it or turn a blind eye? This action could create a world war and would most likely end poorly for everyone. We are not the only nation with Nukes and ICBM's to carry them.


Active Member
yes i do think the other nations would turn a blind eye they no if they fire they are getting fire in return, that said we would not be a popular nation boo hoo the only reason we are popular anyway is our money aid to other governments so what, there people still hate us anyway we have been the world leader in generosity for ever see what that got us...tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
..., so it's my christian duty to uphold this belief...tobin
Sorry Tobin, you're taking Scripture waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of context.
Christians were NEVER commanded to kill or make war. The early tribes of Judah were. Can't equate the two. Mt 26:"Then the men stepped forward, seized Jesus and arrested him. 51 With that, one of Jesus' companions reached for his sword, drew it out and struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his ear. 52"Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword".
War, unfortunately, has a place in modern society, but let's not warp the Bible to justify the slaughter of innocents.


Active Member
out of context or not they were ordered to kill every living thing but the only point i am really trying to make here is if we do not do anything very very soon they will have nukes and do swear to kill all infidels that means us...tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
out of context or not they were ordered to kill every living thing but the only point i am really trying to make here is if we do not do anything very very soon they will have nukes and do swear to kill all infidels that means us...tobin
I understand that. I just don't want ya to take things out of context. Too many people bash the "church" as it is. We don't want to give them more ammo.
We must act. I agree. Militant Islamists declared war on the West long ago and the West hasn't acted. Look at the terrorist acts in the 80s, 90s. Sept 11, London Bombing, Spanish Bombings, riots in France, Etc.
I don't believe Nukes are the answer. We need to completely wane ourselves from dependence on Middle East oil. To me that is the first step.


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Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I don't believe Nukes are the answer. We need to completely wane ourselves from dependence on Middle East oil. To me that is the first step.

I agree on both points.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I understand that. I just don't want ya to take things out of context. Too many people bash the "church" as it is. We don't want to give them more ammo.
We must act. I agree. Militant Islamists declared war on the West long ago and the West hasn't acted. Look at the terrorist acts in the 80s, 90s. Sept 11, London Bombing, Spanish Bombings, riots in France, Etc.
I don't believe Nukes are the answer. We need to completely wane ourselves from dependence on Middle East oil. To me that is the first step.
but how does this stop there hatred for us? i personally believe armagheddon is at our doorstep...tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
but how does this stop there hatred for us? i personally believe armagheddon is at our doorstep...tobin
if they lack the funds then the lack they means to push their plans forward...I'd imagine it'd take a good deal of money to sponsor acts of terrorism, especially abroad.
Do you believe it's gonna happen or do you want it to happen?


Active Member
Who cares if they hate us?
Money is the fuel of armies. Take that away and the terrorist cells will break down and turn on each other (Hamas vs Fatah for instance).
That's why N. Korea doesn't really scare me. We need to keep watching them, but the fact that they can't even feed their own people severely limits their ability to wage war.


I agree that money is the feul of many armies but heck if we start buying oil from more other countries. thier other costumers will still purches there oil. Wow the US stoped buying our oil oh well all the other countries still are. It if the magority of the world boycoted their oil. I also truly beleive that adgfjdfdf is about to start happening. BUT HOPEFULLY IM WRONG.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
if they lack the funds then the lack they means to push their plans forward...I'd imagine it'd take a good deal of money to sponsor acts of terrorism, especially abroad.
Do you believe it's gonna happen or do you want it to happen?
you don't think an oil rich nation is lacking cash, china buy themselves would buy it all in a heartbeat or trade with russia for a few hundred nukes...tobin


Active Member
and if i want it to happen or not it is going to happen i believe the bible look around it's about to start or it already has...tobin


Originally Posted by seasalt101
and if i want it to happen or not it is going to happen i believe the bible look around it's about to start or it already has...tobin
i totally agree with ya


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
and if i want it to happen or not it is going to happen i believe the bible look around it's about to start or it already has...tobin

LOL, how long have people been saying this? Come on man, the bible was written by men and is no way the word of god. Granted it has some great stuff in it (the 10 commandments come to mind). If the old testament is also the word of god then why does the old and new have vastly different messages?