wow some very interesting points were made here and i wish i could touch on them all.
for a long time , i was under the impression that the Koran / Quran never mentioned anything about killing the infidel, etc, and that it was all made up by extremist figureheads for propaganda and mind control. Those quotes are a sad awakening and i would like to see what that islamic guy was going to find out about those quotes, as he seemed surprised by them as well. some of them seem to be very clear but it is also an excerpt from a passage written in another language. This can easily lead to texts being out of context or just grossly mis-interpreted and mistranslated.
Why do they hate the US?
1)We are the embodiment of western culture. we are the figurehead, the icon, and Crux of western culture that they are bred to hate. Icons in the Arab culture are huge political movers, and always have been. Sometimes they even go so far as to attack companies and people because of INDIRECT icons. For example in the mid 80's Pan Am flight 103 that was bombed solely because Pan Am, like TWA were ICONS of America. If they succeeded in there plight, then they would shift there aim to England, Canada, etc, and anyone else who embraces "western culture". Which can be broken down into those living freely, and not strictly by the laws of Quran. If they succeeded in destroying the West, there eyes would turn East, and look to destroy the Asian countries, as they do not believe in Muhammed and hence are Infidels. They will not stop until the entire planet is Islam.
2)Israel. there is no Palestine Jmick, hasnt been one for 50 years now. and that is the other reason they hate us. it has been said and explained before, but it is just another reason to make us the big bad brother of the kid they just beat up at recess. As stated in 1, they wont stop till the world is theirs and theirs alone. They view compromise as weakness, and use it to take a little more of a foothold, and get that much more leverage. Everytime Israel gives them a little, they take it and demand more.
3)Brainwashing. a practice in place by people in power all over the world for thousands of years. The sole reason why an entire generation will never view us in a new light, and a new generation is being taught at birth to hate what is not their own. It used to be easy, very easy. Now, however, Technology threatens the ease of propaganda and brainwashing with access to truth. This is fully recognized by these extremists communities, and that is why you dont see any other country's television broadcasts in the middle east, so people can not make there own decisions. It is why you see younger and younger children being taught these hateful things, and watching Mickey Mouse rip-offs praising suicide in the name of Allah in a theme song condoning the burning of the American Infidels. you also see it in N. Korea, a regime run on fear and control of communication.
The solution.
maybe not in full, but i believe the solution starts with countering the brainwash efforts. If the enemy has no backing, it is rendered impotent. Using Technology that we have now that we never did before in this conflict, measures can be taken to provide people with truths and let them make decisions for themselves. It is just a beginning, everything starts somewhere.
thats all i have for now. gotta get back to work. take care.