Originally Posted by Jmick
Well everyone can have their opinions...I was raised as a Catholic and you can blame that upbringing for slanting my view on the religion (perhaps if I had been raised in a baptist household I might have a more positive view).
But for the life of me I just can't wrap my mind around it when someone claims to be a devote christain yet they want to us to bomb and use acts of genocide against another group of people...some who need to be dealt with harshly and many who are innocents. The world is not heading in a dire direction, there has always been conflict and there will always be conflict when we have a direct threat we need to act but when the countries who are our "enemies" can't even launch a missle more the 1000 we have little to fear. We need to focus on the true threat and that is the terrorists and the groups funding them.
i agree with you on a lot of points but iran has swore to annihilate israel, and we have always stood by the israelis, and in 3-5 years they will have the means (probably) to attack us directly iran is funding and arming al-quada,plus iran's president is playing the same cat and mouse game with nuclear inspectors as saddam hussein played with u.n inspectors, he also claimed(the iranian president that no one could stop them in their nuclear goals, and as i stated earlier i have studied war since early grade school, so i think i tend to have a little insight to preparations of war, and i see i tyrant on the horizon and seeing that their clerics do not teach peace but hatred to their youth it will be messy in our near future you cannot see that?...tobin