Interesting read of an interview with an Arab

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
No worries, we are often on the other side of the fence but there are issues where we are bound to agree.
In today's Ireland the IRA doesn't really have a place (except for parts of Belfast). The economy is booming, relations with England are good, they are an active member of the EU, Sinn Fein is a solid political power and I think old wounds are healing. That said, if they were still engaging in various activities I highly doubt the US would intercede due to the high population of Irish voters in the US and I feel that the world has some sympathy.

I agree, Ireland has many complaints justified and such....I do feel if the went back to violence though they would much of their current support...but they are doing things politically now instead of with violence and that has actually granted them more backing and support than the terrorist actions....if only other people/groups would learn this.


most definately.. was mentioned that the old testimond had alot worse stuff in it.....
Like i mentioned islams came after the 2 other main religons.. and the book was that was revealed to us was corecting and finalizing the word of god... and as for the book that u mentioned i will read it but i can tell you off the bat, that any thing that was mentioned there was strictly out of text...
unfornuatly i m still at work i really cant get into everything but, i will def read everything more throughly and answer with alot more clerification... i try my best to rid people of all the missconceptions that have to do with islam, but like i said i am no scholor so i will have to read up on alot of it first and consult with my fellows b4 i can give you the best and most accurate answers to everything.


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Here is a few....
Sura (Chapter) 47, paragraph 4 and 5 are:
And when ye meet those who misbelieve - then striking off heads until ye have massacred them, and bind fast the bonds!
Then either a free grant (of liberty) or a ransom until the war shall have laid down its burdens. That! - but if God please He would conquer them - but (it is) that He may try some of you by the others. And those who are slain in God's cause, their works shall not go wrong; He will guide them and set right their mind; and will make them enter into Paradise which He has told them of.
“Fight against those to whom the scriptures are given, who believe not in Allah nor in the Last Day, who forbid not what Allah and his apostle have forbidden, and follow not the true faith, until they pay the tribute out of hand and are humbled.” Sura: 9:29 1
“O you who believe! Take not the Jew and the Christians as friends. They are friends to one another. Whoever of you befriends them is one of them. Allah does not guide the people who do evil.” Sura: 5:56 2
“Surely those who disbelieve in our signs-We shall –We shall certainly roast them at a Fire; as often as their skins are wholly burned. We shall give them in exchange other skins, that they may taste the chastisement…Sura, 55-60
· …It is not for the Prophet (Mohammad) and the believers to ask pardon for the idolaters, even though they are near kinsmen, after that it has become clear to them that they will be the inhabitants of Hell.” Sura IX 110-1
· “…Take not to yourselves friends of them, until they emigrate in the way of God; then, if they turn their backs, take them , and slay them wherever you find them; take not to yourselves any one of them as friend or helper except those that betake themselves to a people who are joined with you by a compact, or come to you with breasts constricted from fighting with you or fighting their people….If they withdraw not from you, and offer you peace, and restrain their hands, take them, and slay them wherever you come on them; against them We have given you a clear authority.” Sura IV 90-95
“… Slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them, and confine them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they repent, & perform the prayer, and pay the alms, then let them go their way; God is all-forgiving, All-compassionate. And if any of the idolaters seek of thee protection, grant him protection till he hears the words of God; then do thou convey him to his place of security- that, because they are people who do not know.” Sura IX 5-10
Thanks. I never actually knew that existed, especially not that explicitly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dapak83
most definately.. was mentioned that the old testimond had alot worse stuff in it.....
Like i mentioned islams came after the 2 other main religons.. and the book was that was revealed to us was corecting and finalizing the word of god... and as for the book that u mentioned i will read it but i can tell you off the bat, that any thing that was mentioned there was strictly out of text...
unfornuatly i m still at work i really cant get into everything but, i will def read everything more throughly and answer with alot more clerification... i try my best to rid people of all the missconceptions that have to do with islam, but like i said i am no scholor so i will have to read up on alot of it first and consult with my fellows b4 i can give you the best and most accurate answers to everything.
god says the bible is the only word of god and anyone who removes or adds to the bible will surly spend an eternity in hell. so how can any other book be claimed as Gods word


Active Member
this is why about 2 months back i made a thread stating iran wants nukes, my suggestion was simple send them a few slightly used ones i do not believe in polite war i believe in leveling every little bit of the enemies country and 3-4 days later when the survivors start poppin there heads out 3 or 4 more to finish the job then palestine or whoever needs a country a lot of land is available but i'm too extreme for the liberals way of thinking, every polite war we have entered we have not won korea, viet nam, iraq, but how did we win world war two atomic warfare baby, and now japan is one of our best allies, and it will send a serious message just my.02...tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
this is why about 2 months back i made a thread stating iran wants nukes, my suggestion was simple send them a few slightly used ones i do not believe in polite war i believe in leveling every little bit of the enemies country and 3-4 days later when the survivors start poppin there heads out 3 or 4 more to finish the job then palestine or whoever needs a country a lot of land is available but i'm too extreme for the liberals way of thinking, every polite war we have entered we have not won korea, viet nam, iraq, but how did we win world war two atomic warfare baby, and now japan is one of our best allies, and it will send a serious message just my.02...tobin
So killing every man, woman and child is part of your "game plan" for anyone you'd consider to be an enemy country? Then after we nuke and kill everyone in Iran we can hit Palestine and then why not Afganistan, Iraq and the Saudi's for supplying $$ to the terrorists...actually, why not the whole middle-east to complete what you'd really like to see which is a genocide of an entire race of people?
Thank god most people don't think like you but I'm sure if you had your way you'd fix the liberals one way or another. Compared to your way of thinking I'd wager to say that 98% of America would be liberal (excluding Highschool boys who think blowing things up is cool).


Active Member
Not with us dropping nukes and killing everyone. We would have been better off doing nothing in Iraq, Sadam was not a direct threat to the United States only to his people (there are men like him all over the world and in areas where we have no interest we do in Africa). We can not erase tens of thousands of years of history and culture. When you put yourself into a situation that has no end and no victory you end up with a situation like this. We would have been better off trying to westernize the young people of the middle-east but instead we have done the opposite and increased the hatred towards America.
The only time I will view mass death and destruction as an option is when we face the same or have the potential to.


Active Member
we nuked japan now they are one of the us best allies, no country respects us anymore because we lie over for them it's like 1 pit bull versus 20 chihuahuas you start eatin the chihuahuas they go away...tobin


Active Member
Why did we Nuke Japan?
First, we wanted a quick end to the war and knew that causulities would have been very high for us and the Japanese if we had invaded...probably higher then then number of people we killed when we nuked the 2 cities.
Second, we wanted to demonstrate our capabilities to the world and to the USSR.
Respect is something that you earn and is not something that is simply you think we have earned it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
this is why about 2 months back i made a thread stating iran wants nukes, my suggestion was simple send them a few slightly used ones i do not believe in polite war i believe in leveling every little bit of the enemies country and 3-4 days later when the survivors start poppin there heads out 3 or 4 more to finish the job then palestine or whoever needs a country a lot of land is available but i'm too extreme for the liberals way of thinking, every polite war we have entered we have not won korea, viet nam, iraq, but how did we win world war two atomic warfare baby, and now japan is one of our best allies, and it will send a serious message just my.02...tobin

Victory by mass killing and violence... you sound just like some of the great leaders of our time: Saddam, Hitler, Stalin, Arafat, Khomeni, Pol Pot. And you want to kill these people why?... because their leadership is unjust and violent... interesting. I hate to tell you buddy but your mentality is identical to those extremists that we are fighting against. You just happen to live in the US.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Not with us dropping nukes and killing everyone. We would have been better off doing nothing in Iraq, Sadam was not a direct threat to the United States only to his people (there are men like him all over the world and in areas where we have no interest we do in Africa). We can not erase tens of thousands of years of history and culture. When you put yourself into a situation that has no end and no victory you end up with a situation like this. We would have been better off trying to westernize the young people of the middle-east but instead we have done the opposite and increased the hatred towards America.
The only time I will view mass death and destruction as an option is when we face the same or have the potential to.
I disagree with Part of this. Hussein was a threat (all be it a much smaller one than stated 4 years ago). He would shoot at our planes. Violate a CEASE-FIRE constantly. He did fund terrorists and support them against Isreal (I believe all terrorists we should deal with, not just those targeting us). He also repeatedly threatened us verbally.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I disagree with Part of this. Hussein was a threat (all be it a much smaller one than stated 4 years ago). He would shoot at our planes. Violate a CEASE-FIRE constantly. He did fund terrorists and support them against Isreal (I believe all terrorists we should deal with, not just those targeting us). He also repeatedly threatened us verbally.
I'd say he was much less of a threat as opposed to Kim Jong and A?????(Iran), why haven't we found Bin Laden yet? Is he dead?...with all our tech and resources....what's up???
People from that region don't want to be westernized...they think we are evil because of the way we live. Why can't we accept the fact that they are of a different culture that has stood for thousands of years and it is much different than western life. How would we feel if the situation was in reverse and someone came here and said that we should change our beliefs and way of life. I think relations would improve if we worked with them instead of against.


Active Member
Why can't they accept the fact that we are a different culture? It is a two way street.
In a similar way I hear Europeans ticked off about Americanization. But we are not forcing them to eat at McDonald's, drink Coke, watch our movies, etc. There is some freedom of choice there, and a market economy, if they take responsibility for their own choices.
But many in the Arab world are certainly not going to sit back and just say why are we forcing anything on them. They in many ways are forcing their culture in areas around the world that also stood for thousands of years.
This is a two way street. People ARE coming here and basically telling us to change our beliefs and way of life. Look at Europe - if you don't see it coming, that is a worry.

darthtang aw

Active Member
If I had Bin Laden's Resources and money, I don't think it would be easy to find me if I didn't want to be found. People forget, Bin Laden isn't the a typical terrorist. He doesn't perform acts. he isn't intermixing with common "soldiers/terrorists". This guy communicates through two or three other guys. He can hide forever and all we will ever catch are those just underneath him in the power chain delivering his orders and messages.
Jimmy Hoffa has been dead/missing for years and still no one knows where he is, alive or buried....
JFK...with all of our Technology you would think someone could tell us for sure if Oswald acted alone or had help or a scapegoat.
James J. Bulger has been onb the FBI top ten list since the 1980's yet no trace of him has been found....and He lived in the U.S.A....and part of a Boston Crime family...

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jovial
Which religion is older? Islam or Judism?

Judism...Islam came about roughly 25-50 years after the first crusade