"You get what you pay for" applies to a lot of things, but I'm not sure with RO/DI units. I looked around for awhile, read a lot of opinions and reviews, and finally figured it wasn't worth spending hundreds of dollars when I could get a unit cheaper that does what I want it to do...bring my TDS down around 0. Sure you might lose some add-ons like a pressure gauge, clear housings, higher quality construction material, etc., but the water quality that comes out is the only thing that mattered to me. I think these units are another piece of equipment that goes way up in price because it says "aquarium" or "fish" on them.
I bought a 6 stage ---- model, not the one Kahnsell bought, for $80. I've had it for about 2 months and couldn't be happier with it. My original tap water is 447 TDS, after the RO stage is 10 TDS, and then after the DI stage it is 0 TDS.
FWIW, I've read in a couple different places that there are really only a couple of companies that make RO membranes and then companies buy them and sell them under their own name.