Internal Reflectors on VHO Bulbs


How important are internal reflectors on VHO bulbs? I've seen some URI bulbs that are about $8 cheaper, but don't have the internal reflectors. What do you guys think?

bang guy

I wish someone would to a PAR test between the internal reflector and an external reflector. My instincts tell me that an external reflector will get more actual light into the water if it's a spider or M shaped reflector. My Lux meter tells me that there's about a 25% increase in intensity with the internal reflector though. For my specific setup intensity is more important to me than actual light quantity. Your requirements may be different.


This may be a dumb question, but is there a certain way you are supposed to turn the bulbs with internal reflectors when you put them in the fixture? that it pushes the light downward toward the aquarium. I guess what I'm asking is does one side face up?


Originally Posted by 27mtaylor
This may be a dumb question, but is there a certain way you are supposed to turn the bulbs with internal reflectors when you put them in the fixture? that it pushes the light downward toward the aquarium. I guess what I'm asking is does one side face up?
Yes I have them an love them the darker part goes to the top of hood