Ive never used an actual service, but Ive gone out with people I met online. I met a great guy from Cali who flew all the way to florida to meet me. We stayed together a year, but we met in an AOL chatroom of all places. He was my fave that I met, but others were nice as well.
There was only one time I was dissapointed. This guy I met on hot or not turned out to be psycho/clingy. A few years ago during hurricane Ivan, tallahassee got some residual thunderstorms and one took out power out. I was on the phone with this guy when it happened, and told him I would call him back so my roomie and I could set up a hurricane party with the neighbors. This guy calls back an hour later and says, "I had to call 5 different power companies before I found the one who took care of Tallahassee, but they said your power will be back on in an hour." He also needed to hear from me when I woke up, on my way to class, after class, before dinner, and wanted to stay on the phone until I went to bed. LOL
But back to the point, I think you should give it a try. If anything you'll have a good story or a new friend.