Internet Dating...


Anyone ever tried it? Ive thought about it... my best friend from high school found his fiance on Has anyone have any good experiences? bad ones? any married couples out there who can thank eharmony for getting them together?
Im gonna let this one marinate for a while and check back in a bit


Active Member
i take it the dessert from the super bowl didnt work???
i have tried it... a few dates were great... most of the dates i met someone totally different than they projected... not just personality but their pix too...


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My cousin who is a real dork found a wifey on Eharmony. I rather be single all my life than have to resort to a company finding a match for me, but I guess that it is common for people to do. I was wondering if both my husband and I signed up as if we were single would they match us up? Would be interesting to find out but I do not have money to waste.


Originally Posted by ruaround
i take it the dessert from the super bowl didnt work???
Nope, she thinks Im the sweetest guy that shes ever met, and she says she has the utmost trust in me, then she said that she thought of me like her older brother.
the older brother line? man, nothing is worse. Id rather be told "sorry dude, I know you tried real hard, but your breath smells like kitty litter"


Active Member
Originally Posted by gypsana
I was wondering if both my husband and I signed up as if we were single would they match us up?
My wife mentioned that once, but I figured it was a can of worms I didn't want to open...


Active Member
Originally Posted by JTT
Nope, she thinks Im the sweetest guy that shes ever met, and she says she has the utmost trust in me, then she said that she thought of me like her older brother.
the older brother line? man, nothing is worse. Id rather be told "sorry dude, I know you tried real hard, but your breath smells like kitty litter"
damn sorry bro... that is kinda the kiss of death...


Active Member
my brother met his wife through personal adds (not on-line, but through the paper). They have been together for over 15 years now.
I guess you never know. It might be worth a shot. Just be carefull, lot of freaks out there.


Active Member
I have close friends as well as family members that met their spouses through the Interwebz. Go for it.


Active Member
I met my hubby online 9 yrs ago and we couldn't be happier. Don't mock it until you try it. For busy people who don't like hanging out at the meat market, it's a great option. Just use common sense and don't believe everything you hear/see.
We've been married over 7 yrs and have 3yr old twin girls.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
I met my hubby online 9 yrs ago and we couldn't be happier. Don't mock it until you try it. For busy people who don't like hanging out at the meat market, it's a great option. Just use common sense and don't believe everything you hear/see.
We've been married over 7 yrs and have 3yr old twin girls.
I think it was the race car fumes that attracted you Spidey, don't get confused


Active Member
My wife and I met thru also. Kinda funny we both had like 2 days left on our paid service when I saw her profile sent her a message with my real email address in it and the rest is history as they say. We were at each others divorce finalizations hers the ex had been trying to get her to come back and had been dragging it out seeing if he could wear her down to make her give it up. Mine I was dancing in the isles when my ex asked me for it. Our divorces ended up final one month to the DAY apart mine in May hers in June. Then we had to wait for WI stupid six month waiting period before we could get remarried and then in December we got remarried.


Active Member
I think you should try it... there's no harm in trying. SpiderWoman has a good point too... online dating is good for busy people, and I know you're a busy guy. I know a couple of people who were married as a product of online dating and they're happy.
I think signing up is free anyway, right? Only when you want to contact others does it cost money, right?


Active Member
I thought this WAS an online dating service... just kind of figured that I wasn't having very good luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JTT
Nope, she thinks Im the sweetest guy that shes ever met, and she says she has the utmost trust in me, then she said that she thought of me like her older brother.
the older brother line? man, nothing is worse. Id rather be told "sorry dude, I know you tried real hard, but your breath smells like kitty litter"
That is your problem, girls like things they have to "fix." I played nice guy for a long time. Finally I said heck with em, I'm just going to be me. I met my wife soon there after...
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
I met my hubby online 9 yrs ago and we couldn't be happier. Don't mock it until you try it. For busy people who don't like hanging out at the meat market, it's a great option. Just use common sense and don't believe everything you hear/see.
We've been married over 7 yrs and have 3yr old twin girls.

Originally Posted by T316

I think it was the race car fumes that attracted you Spidey, don't get confused

That, an attaction to SW fish tanks, being a parrot head. What more could you want?
I know several people who've done that. And been very happy. If I was still single I'd try it. Why do all the work when you can pay someone for it. And they do a better job than you can?


Active Member
T316 / stdreb27 you guys are funny!
I'm not sure if I'd go with the matching sites... I'm not that big of a believer on someone matching me up. We both used just one of hundred other sites where you post your profile and then you look around.
What's nice about it is that the longer you write back and forth and are on the phone with them, the more you find out about them, more than you would after a few dates. We finally met face to face about 3 months after *meeting* online.


Ive never used an actual service, but Ive gone out with people I met online. I met a great guy from Cali who flew all the way to florida to meet me. We stayed together a year, but we met in an AOL chatroom of all places. He was my fave that I met, but others were nice as well.
There was only one time I was dissapointed. This guy I met on hot or not turned out to be psycho/clingy. A few years ago during hurricane Ivan, tallahassee got some residual thunderstorms and one took out power out. I was on the phone with this guy when it happened, and told him I would call him back so my roomie and I could set up a hurricane party with the neighbors. This guy calls back an hour later and says, "I had to call 5 different power companies before I found the one who took care of Tallahassee, but they said your power will be back on in an hour." He also needed to hear from me when I woke up, on my way to class, after class, before dinner, and wanted to stay on the phone until I went to bed. LOL
But back to the point, I think you should give it a try. If anything you'll have a good story or a new friend.


My brother met his most likely future wife via the internet. Not sure what site he used. He seems relatively happy. I say, why not give it a shot? If it is lame, cancel your account, but you will never know until you try. No sense in regret due to lack of effort.