Internet Explorer 8 Tip


Active Member
After I upgraded to Internet Explorer 8, I noticed that several parts of the boards didn't look quite right. Things were not aligned properly.
Also, the little popup menus when you click the search link or on someone's username were very slow to appear. Perhaps most annoying was that the quick reply feature didn't work anymore.
As Microsoft has now released IE 8 as part of automatic updates, lots of folks (that are good little Microsoft soldiers and keep their sytems updated) will start to get it, so I thought I'd share the fix that many people probably don't know about. IE 8 has a mode called compatibility mode that will restore the broken functionality of the boards.
To enable it, look next to your address bar. You'll notice a small icon just to the right of the address field.

Simply click that button. The page will reload, and you'll get a popup that tells you that you are in compatibility mode.

That's it. It'll remember the setting the next time you visit, and as far as I can see it restores all of the things that broke with IE 8.
I'm wondering if this should be made sticky?


Active Member
I upgraded to IE 8 awhile ago but I guess my auto updates must have corrected this issue 'cause it works OK for me, even though I still have that "broken" icon.. What I hate about it is that unlike XP that I have at work, when I clck on the address bar. scroll straight down, and then click on the stored URL where I want to go, in IE 8 you ened up deliting that particular link! Stupid and drives me crazy. Sorry for the hijack


Active Member
Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
Instead of me getting used to the browser, I want the browser to get used to me.
+1! Silly me, I thought that I was getting something better than IE 7 and that i would be one of the first with a new greater bestest newest product. All I really want to do is browse the web ( is my home page of course!) but of course Microsoft just has to make it complicated!


Active Member
I figured somebody would jump in with the Microsoft-Sucks-Use-Firefox line.

Everbody does their own thing. I thought that perhaps someone here might find some value in the IE fix.
I'm also curious how one runs Ubuntu linux but can't spell it right?


Originally Posted by SCSInet
I figured somebody would jump in with the Microsoft-Sucks-Use-Firefox line.

Everbody does their own thing. I thought that perhaps someone here might find some value in the IE fix.
I'm also curious how one runs Ubuntu linux but can't spell it right?

I had a computer guy installing an ew computer today for me at work...and mand is he a microsoft HATER
..I am not...I will admit I get tired of the frequent changes though
I had an issue with this IE8 on a co-workers computer, and thank you to SCSInet, I knew what that broken icon symbol was....I will not upgrade to the 8 until all flaws are out
OH YEAH...He is a BIG Linex


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
I had a computer guy installing an ew computer today for me at work...and mand is he a microsoft HATER
..I am not...I will admit I get tired of the frequent changes though
I had an issue with this IE8 on a co-workers computer, and thank you to SCSInet, I knew what that broken icon symbol was....I will not upgrade to the 8 until all flaws are out
OH YEAH...He is a BIG Linex
Linux...not linex. Right? Cute penguin


Originally Posted by SCSInet
Yes, he looks delicious.
Meow... the "mascot" for linux is a happy little penguin.
OH...WELL how would I know that...hmm..what is microsofts mascot...the penguin is cute...maybe I should switch...