Originally Posted by acrylic51
SWlover I have to strongly agree again with 1Journeyman....all you've mentioned or quoted is stuff that works on FW......and BangGuy also tried to bring that fact to you as well....You might be very knowledgeable with FW, but your thinking on the PH and such by comparing what does and happens in FW won't work in SW.....If your so intent and believe what your saying just do it and be done....1Journeyman can't say it any nicer than he is......THEY ARE 2 DIFFERENT REALMS YOUR DEALING WITH.......
NO KIDDING...first off they are talking two different conversations...I'm responding to the questions about FW, I'm not confusing the two ... (which he asked a question about) 1journeyman keeps stating what I say about ph, airstones etc. wont work in SW...I totally agree, never disagreed with any of that, find where I said use a airstone in SW.. do you ppl read or just assume......the topic was FW and ph and what a typical FW tanks ph is. I answered that specific question and then I get yea but Sw this and that..i never said in that post anything about SW, I was answering his question, thats all nothing else. For the last time...I know SW and FW are different, they have different plants, animals, equiptment and chemistry. I know plants work in a FW tank, the proof is in my tank..if you would like to see a picture just ask...you act like I'm making it up. I do not know that they will work in SW..but it's something I'd like to try. I do have mangroves in one tank..for one yr, no scum in cup so i took out the PS, they don't take over, nothing eats them, everything in there is alive and well... and isn't that the point? Then they get into macro algae in SW tanks and then he makes statements about stagnant ponds and lakes...Last time I looked ponds and lakes are fw...HE IS COMPARING THE TWO, not me, so get off me.
...to sit there and say that plants choke out ponds and lakes is rediculous, there are all kinds of life going on in there, maybe not the best fishing hole but there are many creatures that live in or around that lake or pond..some animals can't be found anywhere else. like poniegurl said, most of what you see on top of ponds is duckweed, not algae, and even if there is abundant algae you can bet there are all kinds of creatures, plants in there and that feed off of it. Most natural ponds and lakes have underground streams or rivers that feed them..there for running water..not stagnant..If the pond starts to die off you can be sure that man has altered it in some way..building, pollution (like your google) or rerouting water..runoff is not enough to maintain it's currant echo system, but some things will die off while others will survive..life happens dispite man's abillity to screw it up. Aslong as plant life exsists in a pond there will be life, and in abundance. I have personally seen ponds made (man made ponds)..and fail, why because A they have no plant life and B no fresh water sorce...it's just a big puddle..and that is stagnant, just because it's filthy looking or not pretty dosen't mean it's stagnant and make sure when you post you say these ponds are being polluted...that absolutely has bearing on life in a pond.
Proof #1 1journyman keeps refurring the two together: 11-02-2006, 04:24 AM
Fan of DSBs Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Denton, Tx
Posts: 2,658
Poniegirl and SWlover, I don't think anyone is against using macros. They just haven't been proven to be able to accomplish EVERYTHING a tank needs.
I've seen a lot of filthy ponds and lakes covered in algae.
Proof #2: #44 11-06-2006, 12:20 AM
Fan of DSBs Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Denton, Tx
Posts: 2,658
Hmm.. I was thinking about this some more.
I haven't kept FW tanks in forever. What is the pH of a typical FW tank?
Plants can absorb a decent amount of oxygen. They can starve out the life of a stagnant pond, for instance.
Thats statement makes no sence..the more plants grow the more deverse the population of animals get..most of your herbivores live here, then the carnivours... hello life cycle. You are talking like these are contained...like an aquarium, they are not and totally different. Ok I'm done, I hope I have cleared up any misconceptions you may have had about me or what I'm doing..and in the future please read all of the statements and the answeres to specific questions and not just assume i'm throwing sw and fw together. This all because I agreed with some of the things the author was saying.. really.