is 29 too small

sign guy

Active Member
I am not crazy about puffers exept ones that look like the pic I posted any body know of one that stays small?


Active Member
i think that might be ok. and i did not reccomend the ugliest fish in the sea!! some puffers are full of color and add a nice splash of blue green or yellow to any predator tank.


Active Member
hence i said some, some puffers, some puffers. not all, some. if u get a puffer or as u call it "the ugliest fish in the sea" leave it by itself becuz it would be a bit much for the bioload anyway becuz puffers are messy eaters. *mutters to self*


Once again that tank is to small for a dwarf puffer. and pufffers are very social fish i had mine in a tank byitself for a week and it would never come out because there wasnt any other fish in the tank.

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by syndrome
Once again that tank is to small for a dwarf puffer. and pufffers are very social fish i had mine in a tank byitself for a week and it would never come out because there wasnt any other fish in the tank.
Then recomend somthing else
I am open


nothing, the fish suggested are your only options or 20g is just not suitable for an aggressive tank. I have a 75g and i dont have that many choices. My suggestion to you would be to turn it into a reef or get a bigger tank.

sign guy

Active Member
yeah I have a 46 reef and am going to get a 125 next spring. I kinda wanted somthing different. Why is a octopus not good dose he get to big?


How est. is the tank he will be going into? i kno very little about octo so if it is something you are really interested in then i would start a new thread stating this topic. you should get a response from those that keep them.
But if you are interested at all start your research now to answer some of your questions and learn as much as you can about your new specimen. I kno that they are not the easiest to keep alive so do ALOT.

sign guy

Active Member
Right now the 20 is fw. On wed. I will buy every thing to switch it back over to sw but am still brain storming about the contents. I have a 46 reef and am saving up for a 125 that i will buy in the spring so I dont wont to drop more than 200 in the 20. Heck I may just throw some domino damsels in there.


200 dollars will buy you a tank, stand, heater and crappy skimmer. Youll still need water, salt, rock, sand, lighting. If you are setting it up just for the heck of it then use that 200 bucks on your 46. Make it look awesome and buy all the little things that make it the tank you really like to work with and look at.

sign guy

Active Member
This is my old tank. I still got the tank, light, filter and heater all I need is 20 lbs lr some sand and fish. I even have the salt water ready pluss I would spend the money on the 46 but the 20 is right beside my computer and I hate fw