is 75 degrees to cold for a reef


Active Member
ive heard its ok and ive heard its to cold.. my tank runs at 75 even with my halides on. i guess the fans in the hood and the coolness of the house keep it that way.. should i start running the heater to get it up to 79 or 80, or should i just leave it. things seemed to be happier when i didnt have the halides and the tank actually ran hotter about 79-80. i really dont trust heaters, im always scared it will stick. whats your opinion.


Active Member
I'm not sure...but I think I've heard that's around a good temp. for corals.
Anybody else ever hear this?:notsure: :D


Active Member
I run mine at 78-80.
I was a newbie and had no heater at 68 when I started.:rolleyes:

Softies and a clown in that tank.
Corals come from all over. Some say the average temp around the world is blah blah blah.
Research, find out where your corals are from. Find out the temp in that area. Fish don't care as long as your in the zone. They go from hot surface to cold deep depths all day long. Well not hot and cold but I bet their is a big temp change.


Active Member
well ever since the temp drop the GSP havnet been to happy. but other than that everything seems just fine. yeah the temp stays steady.. i have it heated to 78 now, and the fans no longer run 24/7 they now come on with the halides. ill give it a few days to see if anything changes
I agree with saltcreep that as long as the temp is steady; there shouldn't be too many problems. I don't even check my temp; as long as there aren't any major fluctuations, i think it should be fine.

bang guy

In depends on the animals you have in your reef. Typically corals stop growing when the temp drops below 78F and many start to die below 75F. For the typical tropical mixed reef temperatures should be in the 80F - 85F range.


I believe that in Borneman's book on corals, he has found that a slightly warmer tank (80*) tends to increase groth rates and overall health of the tank. I can double check for you if you don't have access to the book. I have slowly increased the temp of my tank from 76 to 80 and have noticed a big improvement in my LPS and SPS.