Is anybody afraid of spiders?


New Member
Snakes.spiders,bugs,other creepy crawleys dont bother me one bit infact i love repttiles i got 14 snakes 2 lizards I am female to I just get why at all people are soo scared of them


My friend was telling me about the time he was in training and the co decided to bunk in this field that was crawling with spiders. Thick as can be imagined. He was so tired he just passed out on top them. Gives me the creeps. He said they were black widows or brown reculse or something like that. Not a one bothered anyof them all night.:sleepy:


If my wife isn't home, than my 6 year old daughter will kill spiders for me. I hate them, I hate them!!!!!


Spiders are good to have around the house. They kill and eat pesky insects. Whenever I see one in my house I leave him be, cause I know he probably just ate a big fat termite or something. :)


Active Member
Spiders are good to have around the house. They kill and eat pesky insects
Now why doesn't that information make me feel any better?!! :hilarious


Active Member
Well I spent 4 days in the hospital and had an angiogram because I was stung by a black widow spider. The pain was intense. So I guess if you are asking who hates spiders you could put me at the head of the line. I kill everyone of the SOBs that I see in the house. Outside is a different matter, but if I see one in my house it is dead.
The big boys(ummm probably girls) in the picture are called camel spiders. Here is a link with a little info on them. There is little video of one taking out a scorpion.Camel Spider .
I am not afraid of spiders ... Here is a pic of my big girl. This is 2 years old and she has grown some. She eats an adult mouse about every three weeks. And NO I DO NOT HANDLE HER !!!! From her molts her fangs are a good inch long. Don't what to chance that.




Originally posted by lovethesea
BUT, if I saw one of them coming at me, believe you me, I would be heading for the hills.

spiders are nasty:nope: ...i only feel safe around lightning bugs:yes: