is anyone bad like me?


Active Member
This is pretty funny. I usually don't spend a lot on my clothes. My wife goes shopping every now and then for me and she does buy me nice things. She gives me the look in the morning sometime when I pick my clothes I'm wearing to work. We have business casual so it's pretty simple. Now my wife on the other hand wears very nice clothes and shoes.
I spend my money on other things mostly. Now that I think of it, my clothes are probably the only thing I don't spend a lot of money on. This morning I put on my Polo pants and shirt which together probaby cost $120.00 and my Rockports which were about $80.00. Then I put on my $7000.00 watch, $300 sunglasses and go to work. I do have some nice suits, but I have not had to wear a suit in a couple of years and that's fine with me.
It's cool to spend your money on whatever you want as long as you prioritize your responsibilities and take care of your family first. You can't take it with you and I did not work as hard as I have to let my kids enjoy it when I'm gone.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pwnag3!!
image isnt important. I just like looking nice. I dont do it for anyone else but me.
That's cool and all. Looking nice is, well, nice. I'm just saying that you don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on one outfit to look nice. I can wear an outfit to school that cost maybe 40-50 dollars tops that looks just as nice or nicer than another girl's outfit that cost her 300.


thats kind of funny my finacee she will spend as much money on clothes on a trip to New york city with her and my mother than i would spend on a car. It's funny i bought a Supercharger for her 02' Denali, it was like 4k when i was done i'm an auto tech so i dont do things half*** it's done the right way or no way and when she went to NY she spent nearly 5 grand on clothes. I would have been very irate had a lot of the shopping not been done at Victorias Thats got to be weird tho i dont think if i was a woman i could shop for thongs and crap with my mother and soon to be mother in-law..but oh well what are you gonna do. I supposed it would be more of a problem but my fiancee makes over 6figures in sales and i'm high 5figures in the auto industry as well as my side jobs i do in my garage but its frustrating the worst part she keeps the recepts and let me tell you over the years if she just calmed down we could have a very nice house by now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by connor
im a 12 year old boy im probobly the worst i went to the mall i bought a 300$ gucci hat a 245$ pair of von dutch jeans a matching von dutch belt 90$ a von dutch tee 56$ and gucci sneackes for like 400$ and 2 von dutch hats for 42$ each i saved all that money for like a year and spent it all in 1 night lol:D

you do realize that the designer von dutch was a skin head.... or was it of those 2, technically there is a difference.


Originally Posted by connor
no i didnt know that but its a hot brand now every one wears it

Von Dutch is dead around here. About friggen time i hate those god forsaken trucker hats. A guy came in dressed in a pink valor Jump suit and there was a pink Von Dutch hat in the passenger seat of his hacked and lowered Nissan Sentra. I was so happy to tell him that we were not going to ahmend his warranty cause he lowered his car and messed it up. That put such a smile on my face. I really hate those trucker hats i have such an averision. And you know what pwnag3!! how old are you? you do relize that all the money you drop on clothes could easily cover the cost of a down payment on a nice car. Unless you got the money then more power to you but if you dont i would not be spending the money on friggen clothes your going to wear once or twice. It's just such a huge waste of money but then again i guess people like you keep the economy up and running right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1968OldsMa
Von Dutch is dead around here. About friggen time i hate those god forsaken trucker hats. A guy came in dressed in a pink valor Jump suit and there was a pink Von Dutch hat in the passenger seat of his hacked and lowered Nissan Sentra. I was so happy to tell him that we were not going to ahmend his warranty cause he lowered his car and messed it up. That put such a smile on my face. I really hate those trucker hats i have such an averision. And you know what pwnag3!! how old are you? you do relize that all the money you drop on clothes could easily cover the cost of a down payment on a nice car. Unless you got the money then more power to you but if you dont i would not be spending the money on friggen clothes your going to wear once or twice. It's just such a huge waste of money but then again i guess people like you keep the economy up and running right?
Those are some ugly arse hats. :yes:
They may still be big in Florida though I don't seeing one recently. Florida lags way behind the latest trends going on. The baggy pants thing just died off here and I think that's been gone in more trend setter towns for a couple of years.


Originally Posted by 1968OldsMa
Von Dutch is dead around here. About friggen time i hate those god forsaken trucker hats. A guy came in dressed in a pink valor Jump suit and there was a pink Von Dutch hat in the passenger seat of his hacked and lowered Nissan Sentra. I was so happy to tell him that we were not going to ahmend his warranty cause he lowered his car and messed it up. That put such a smile on my face. I really hate those trucker hats i have such an averision. And you know what pwnag3!! how old are you? you do relize that all the money you drop on clothes could easily cover the cost of a down payment on a nice car. Unless you got the money then more power to you but if you dont i would not be spending the money on friggen clothes your going to wear once or twice. It's just such a huge waste of money but then again i guess people like you keep the economy up and running right?

im 20. I drive a 2003 ford ranger. Im fine. on a monthly basis this is what i buy.
Beer, Food, and the occasional toiletries and such. I dont have much to spend my money on. So i just splurge every now and then. Its nice to not want anything. Now that i dont have a tank anymore it got real easy to save money.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pwnag3!!
im 20. I drive a 2003 ford ranger. Im fine. on a monthly basis this is what i buy.
Beer, Food, and the occasional toiletries and such. I dont have much to spend my money on. So i just splurge every now and then. Its nice to not want anything. Now that i dont have a tank anymore it got real easy to save money.
Pwnag3!!, Good for you dude! If you are 20 enjoy your money while you don't have responsibilities. One day you will and you will have to be a little more careful how you spend it.
I'm twice your age and I remember spending my money on all kinds of crazy stuff when I was your age. I had fun with it. I got married later, had a family and had to watch my money more carefully. Luckily, the last 5 years, I've been blessed with being able to buy toys again so once again, I buy whatever I want. My garage is Toys R Us. I'm adding a brand new Honda F4i Sportbike this week to the list of acquired toys. It's my present to myself for my 40th.


ok pawng heres a disclaimer.....UNDER 21
no Drinking.. very bad you dont want a dui on your record those suck (i'm not talking from experiance) and yeah i hear ya Tang man spend the money while you got it cause when you get older and want to say in my case save up for wedding, house, cars it can be overwhelming at times but i know it will pay off in the end....and i think conner (i hope was joking) if not he's lost permission to talk....Von Dutch Blows

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by connor
im a 12 year old boy im probobly the worst i went to the mall i bought a 300$ gucci hat a 245$ pair of von dutch jeans a matching von dutch belt 90$ a von dutch tee 56$ and gucci sneackes for like 400$ and 2 von dutch hats for 42$ each i saved all that money for like a year and spent it all in 1 night lol:D
dude your 12! first where ya gettin that kina cash! and your gonna out grow the stuff in a year??? :hilarious


Active Member
Originally Posted by WHO DEY
dude your 12! first where ya gettin that kina cash! and your gonna out grow the stuff in a year??? :hilarious
He lives in Boca Raton, Florida. It's the Beverly Hills of Florida along with West Palm Beach. I contracted there for a while. If you live there, you either have money or you only feed your children a couple of times a week so you can buy things to make you look like you have money. If you don't keep up with the Jones', you won't fit in at all.

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by TangMan99
He lives in Boca Raton, Florida. It's the Beverly Hills of Florida along with West Palm Beach. I contracted there for a while. If you live there, you either have money or you only feed your children a couple of times a week so you can buy things to make you look like you have money. If you don't keep up with the Jones', you won't fit in at all.
i'll be sure to stay out of that neck of the woods!!!


Active Member
i have rich aunts and uncles they giveme cash i baby sit for 1 of them and make 100$ an hour i baby sit him alo and that equals cash and lots of it


Not to be negative... It's not about wearing expensive clothes and adorments that make you shine... It's what you have on the inside!!! Peace!!


Originally Posted by kimC
Not to be negative... It's not about wearing expensive clothes and adorments that make you shine... It's what you have on the inside!!! Peace!!

oh man that was i love it. Boca raton..... nice i've never been much of a fan of Florida, my parents have a places down there i'm looking to move to Arizona or Vegas i hear right off the strip isn't to bad price wise and such.

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by connor
i have rich aunts and uncles they giveme cash i baby sit for 1 of them and make 100$ an hour i baby sit him alo and that equals cash and lots of it

overpaid!!! I work my a@# off and make half that!!! realize that in the real world that it takes hard work to make what your aunts and uncle's make so don't let the spoiling get to ya!!! :D