Is It Dead??

bang guy

The target is a salinity around 35ppt.
At 79F a S.G. of about 1.025 will be close to a salinity of 35ppt.
If you're using a hydrometer keep in mind that most of them are inaccurate and should be tested against a TDS meter or a refractometer.


Any change in flow? I've got some that are always open now, but when they were in low flow, would often close quite often for extended periods.. Not necessarily the problem, but star polyps generally enjoy strong flow.
Unless you have had a change in your feeding/skimming/filters/etc recently, I wouldn't really be too concerned with the nitrites if it's the lowest readable on your current kit... If a water change or change in flow/position in tank doesn't help, you could try a new kit, but you could also simply cut back on feeding for a few days and see how it responds.


Active Member
Thanks Gator, this tank has been going stong for a few yrs with no intervention not even water changes for months at a time. No change in flow. Why mess with perfection? Try to give it a little change and BAM!!....she wont open......I will wait:nervous:


Active Member
This is all messed up. Did'nt really change much in the way of water perm. I must say, one of the bro.'s at the LFS told me to take a step back and watch. Sure enough, it was not my salinity, not my PH, not my trites, or trates. Like I said my tank has not had a water change sometimes in months, so all water parm's were normal for me, and my fish and corals. ONE HOUR AFTER I REMOVED AN ADOPTED DAMSLE, MY STARS CAME OUT!!!!!!!! I could not believe that a little sh_t could do this........Thanks anyway for your help!