is it true???


Active Member
is it harder to get coralline algae to grow on glass tanks then acrylic tanks as far as getting to grow of the surfus of the tank back ground etc..


Active Member
I don't think it matters. I have lots of purple and green coraline growing on my glass tank. I'm even having trouble keeping it under control. I'll see if I can get a pic tomorrow.

nm reef

Active Member
I don't think it really matters much....but I do notice that the plastic or pvc seems to get covered in coraline first. I have a glass aquarium and in less than a year it has nearly completely coverd the back and sides. I have to scrape the front glass every few weeks just so I can see in....the pics don't feature the coraline but you can get the general idea...


Active Member
Tyvm Nw Reef for the pic and the info I have been seeding mine with scrapings of coralline from friends..

bang guy

This is the result of not cleaning that pane of glass and contunually knocking the Urchins off for 4 weeks.


Active Member
I could use some after my new nano cycles. I want to get as much coralline growing as I can. I love the look and the fact that hair algae doesnt like it.
I hate hair algae. Did I mention that?:yes:
Please let me know what I would need to do to get some from you. Ill pay for the box, shipping whatever!


I would love that much coralline algae I can't seem to get mine to grow that much but its only been 5 months so.


Active Member
It does grows on plastic a lot faster than glass for some reason my plastic over flow is covered with all coralline and my glass only have a little on it but gettting there.


Active Member
wow now thats purple very nice bang see my power heads are getting it first so i think it sticks to plastic first more than glass



Originally posted by Bang Guy
I typically scrape it and send it to SWF.COM members to seed their tank.

Hey Bang Guy, I'd buy some of that stuff off of you. I need to seed a couple more tanks I'm in the process of settng up. They're cycled but not much coraline on it...
:D Pretty please :D
E-mail me at



Originally posted by Bang Guy
If anyone want coralline scrapings just e-mail me. There's no need to post here.

I could use some to for my 180. only 5 months old but i cant email you from profile. whats your email